William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Yes, indeed, and aren't we lucky to love and appreciate this marvelous person ;), and so thankful he decided to stay another year at least
and here's an article about the celebrities, and what they make again this time from the NY mag. HMMM, and who's #1


Hhunter, I LOVE your avatar. *kissing billy*
Oh, you know Billy's earning his keep. He's too nice to slack off. *kissing billy* I'm hoping he'll go to bat for Jorja again, because they're both great actors and probably good friends, if their willingness to make out with each other onscreen is any indication. I mean, um, because they've been working together so long. :rolleyes:
We love you, Billy... *kissing billy*
Crysthala! Whoa! You're gonna kiss him away with all that kissing! :lol: Save a little hotness for the rest of us!

But then again, resistence is futile... so get snogging, chuck! :devil:

ETA - where is everybody?? :eek:
Im here Britters, fear no more. Maniac has returned. Had some, erm, "drama" in the home department so not really felt like coming on tbh. Anyroad, dunno where Eggs gone, thought she'd be back by now *confoosed* Btw Britters, that icon of yours, is so, YOU! SSS! Mwahaha.

*sigh* I don't wanna talk about salaries again, i'll get shouted at if I say what I really think LOL. *cowers* Not about Bill, just in general. I loves my Billman.
A James Woods icon :confused: don't get that one, on a WP fan thread.. but whatever.. and who do you all think if the older of the 3 guys Billy..Anthony or Gary? that will be appearing with WP in S/8! and do you all know what country LaPaglia if from, and where Billy and Gary are from? tiny little quiz ;)
desetwind Anthony is from Austrailia if I remember correctly. I'm not sure who is older between all three of them, Anthony, Gary or Billy. We know how old Billy is...maybe a Mac/Gary S. fan can fill us in on Gary's age

ams Sorry about your family drama, glad you are here back with us Billy NUTS :eek:
I know , but I want to see if all of you know.. ;)just a bit of fun, waiting for this season to hurry up.. ~~~still two months off~~~ :( and do you girls want to see Billy with the all white beard? [like in his play] cause that's the way it would be, and maybe he's sick of them tinting it, so that's why he's shaved it off! so grey beard or beardless?
I can't wait any longer :( and the oldest one is our fab. man Billy who's 53, followed by Mr Sinise, who's 52, and was born In Blue Island, ILL. and the baby is Anthony who's 48, and was born in Adeaide, Australia ;) This season, is going to be so fantastic, with the crossovers, and all the new things happening
Howdy ams. Sorry to hear about your dramas. Hope all is well now.

Definitely SSS with my icon thingy. But have you seen PLG's new one? I giggled! :devil:

There is no way Billy is the oldest of the three leading men. He has definitely worn the bestest! He is bar far the best actor and better looking... how strange!

I like the white beard, windy, just not that length. It kind of makes him look like a tramp in a shop doorway! :lol: If it was closer trimmed, with grey hair and side burns (down PLG! Down girl! :lol:) then I could go with it.
:lol: Funny description "a tramp in a shop doorway' when he did his play he got called Grizzly Adams, a homeless professor and Santa Claus, but I hadn't heard that one.. his hair is OK grey, just not the grey beard, and maybe that's why he shaved it off! think about it :cool:
Hee hee! Homeless professor is nearly a tramp in a doorway... But he does, doesn't he? :lol: Maybe it's just Yorkshire humour! I wish our tramps did look like him... that would be proper cool! :D
Yorkshire humor :D, well, that cracked me up.. :lol: and yes if their were a tramp that looked like him, I'd take him in, and and sooth his kindred soul and make him feel all better ;)he just has better look's, and I'm sure this was great for his play.. but back to CSI :cool:
desertwind to answer you question, beard, but it has to be trimmed. NOT like the way he had it after his play.

He is cute clean shaven. I've been watching season 3 (have it on DVD)
Very cute I must say :D
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