William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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^ I would love to see Billy in a dress, that would make my...life. :rolleyes: :lol:

Wait a second! A friggin' kilt! That is something that I'd like to see. He could really pull it off too (<insert joke>), especially with his season 6 look. I feel like I've already seen him in a kilt though, how strange is that? Maybe it was another one of my wierd dreams. 0.o
I'd love to hear him with a hint of an Irish accent, I love the Irish accent! :D Thanks for the heads up Desert, i'll take a look and see if it is available anywhere :D
William also plays JFK in The Rat Pack
He's actually pretty good

You just answered my next question, I would love to watch that. *grumbles* The UK sucks lol.

I wouldn't mind hearing him attempt Irish but after Richard Gere's attempt in The Jackel (quality film btw lol) i'd be causious lol.
You mean Billy right?! It'd be rather odd if Grissom just went Irish all of a sudden lmao.

Billy himself = uber uber uber uber haaawt. :D
19ams87 said:
William also plays JFK in The Rat Pack
He's actually pretty good

You just answered my next question, I would love to watch that. *grumbles* The UK sucks lol.

ams, it was on ITV4 in March! His teeth were a character of their own!! :lol: Some very lovely shots of him eating ice cream in a dressing gown... Grrrrrrr!

It's on Amazon.co.uk with this region coding.

ETA - I have a day off school! We have had torrential rain and all the roads to school were flooded! I have never been more pleased to swim!

Oh, and The Skulls in on ITV2 on Sunday at 11.30pm in the UK! Silver fox action I believe!
ams, it was on ITV4 in March! His teeth were a character of their own!! Some very lovely shots of him eating ice cream in a dressing gown... Grrrrrrr!
NOOOOO WAY! Oh that angers me! Grrrr. Jump over to the pics thread and i'll post that ice cream pic. I do believe he's eating my fav flavour too, mint choc chip. Good shout Billy lad! As if I missed it. We can get in our region?! Didn't think we could. I shall check it out. ;)

BF, any chance of a textual reminder on Sunday about The Skulls? I've got it on my comp but I can't figure out why it won't burn to dvd, I hate watching things at the comp desk, nicer to be wrapped up in bed with a cold beer!

We've had bad rain aswel, but I don't mind aslong as I don't have to go out in it. Windy as heckers too, and my parentials are going camping in it this weekend *snigger* Lucky them. *raises eyebrow*
Of course I'll textualise you, ams - or poppylvsgriss will. She's far more organised than me!

I know its about a secret cult thing, and Billypoos is all silvery, but what does he do? Windy? Over to you, girl! Our resident Billy expert! :lol:
And how big is his part? I didn't think he was in Fear much till I watched it, rather shocked. Bloody love that film :D The jogging scene *nudges BF & PLG and giggles* mwahaha :devil: Is he a baddy?! Ooooh I hope so :D
I was just watching Manhunter, and if you go to 1 hour, 1 minute and 28 seconds (lol) listen to what's being said on the radio. :lol:
For those without the movie, he says something which I can't make out, then "the cubs lost" then you can't really hear what else the person says. :rolleyes: I thought that was funny, maybe a little added tease to Billy or something. :lol:
Oh the jogging scene. *sigh* I have it in french, and so I don't understand what's going on, but I watch it for the action. LMAO. :lol:

ETA: OH **** I have the worst luck. Now I have The Skulls in italian. :rolleyes: Oh well, I can watch it for the action again I suppose. :lol: I have an idea, I'm gonna try and find a transcript, then I'll know what's going on! :lol:
The Skulls is on on Sunday anyroad :D Yey! The jogging scene is a classic :devil:

I was looking on amazon.co.uk a bita ago and theres LOADSA films that us UKers can get that I didn't know, Cousins, The Contender, Young Guns II (Which Keifer's in too SQUEE! What a combination!), Passed Away, Haven & Rat Pack! How exciting, oh some serious dough is gonna be spent when I get paid this month *dribbles at the thought*

ETA - Oh I am so gonna have re-watch Manhunter jus for that. How cruel! lol. How in the blue chamone did you spot/hear that?!
Cousins is good so is The Contender and ooohhh he was heaven as a silver fox in The Skulls I thought that was some dumb teen-aged movie, but Mr. Petersen made it worthwhile. His accent was SOOOO CUTE :)
Ooo what accent does he have?! I'm rather excited for Sunday! :D Is it Texan? Cuz I will actually roll onto the floor and die happy if it is?! Texan accents are delightful ;)

I wonder what his British accent is like? If he can do that. Hmmm. Can't imagine him with a Northern accent, 'eh up lass, how is thas?' *snigger*
ETA - Oh I am so gonna have re-watch Manhunter jus for that. How cruel! lol. How in the blue chamone did you spot/hear that?!
:lol: Us musicians have good hearing. :p I was doing maths revision at the same time as well, it just leapt out at me. :rolleyes:
Cousins looks really, I'm gonna definitely invest in that one. :) Oh, and Hard Promises, and Keep the Change, and Gunshy, and Beast, and Staircase, and the rat pack, and long gone, and deadly currents, and amazing grace and chuck...I think that's all of them. :rolleyes: No wait, Fallen Angels, Passed away and Return to Lonesome Dove. (Thanks imdb I'd forgotten about them. :lol:) Yeah. :rolleyes:
I've hardly watched any of them have I? :eek: *feels ashamed*

Can't imagine him with a Northern accent, 'eh up lass, how is thas?' *snigger*
:lol: That is too funny! I love his chicago accent so much, he should just keep talking non stop, and I'd be really happy. :p
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