William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Here's a list of all his films, for those of you who don't know them all ;) I've got most of them, and he's a great actor

ams, i learned how to make animated ones thanks to a great animation tutorial by Elsie. there is a link to her LJ on my LJ (with a set of new icons, yo) ;) it's absolutely fantastic and easy.
Har har, amz is oooolllddd
Oh shudup Lems, you, you, cheese grater you! Oh yeah, I said it! :rolleyes: :p

Thankin you muchos Adz, I added you on LJ btws. Gonna try and make me some nice annimated icons. Woo woo.

I missed Ending Happy the other day which is gutting :( just wondering if anyone has it somehow and could put it up somewhere for me?! I'd be eternally gratefull, I can't stand that I missed Grissom's hat adventure! ;) PM if anyone can put it up anywhere, thanking thanking.
*cries* You wanna play hardball? I'm game, least i've seen TL&DILA/Fear/Manhunter/Gunshy/Deadly Currents. MWAHAHA! I play dirty you turdpile. Joking my dear, well, only slightly ;)

Ok, question, if you were stranded on desert island and you were only allowed one piece of Billy memorabila, what would it be? For me I think it would have to be TL&DILA (Which Lemsip hasn't seen LOL!) just because it's what made me really fall for Mr P. Amy loves Richard Chance. :D
Well I hadta pull out the big guns! :devil: Bet you've posted pics from Ending Happy haven't you?! Well, erm, I dream about Billy/Grissom on a regular basis?! Yeah I know thats weak but I kinda used my biggest weapon up there ^^ If we we're allowed, i'd post pics of *the scene* in TL&DILA. :p
LemonJelly06 said:
danke desertwind :D i'll be looking to start my collection soooon.

Your so welcome, and I don't think you can get this on DVD/VIDEO, but his greatest acting job ever, in my opinion, in "THE YOUNG KENNEDY'S OF MASS" OMG, he's incredible, he plays Joe Kennedy the patriarch of the Kennedy dynasty, and he takes on the Irish/Boston accent perfect, and acts and dresses like him, he is Joe Kennedy. His wife Rose, is played by actress Annette O'Tool, he's breathtaking in this role! Luckily, I taped it off the TV ;)
you ladies post so fast, I can't keep up :eek:

And in addtion to playing Joe Kennedy
William also plays JFK in The Rat Pack
He's actually pretty good
hhunter said:
you ladies post so fast, I can't keep up :eek:

And in addtion to playing Joe Kennedy
William also plays JFK in The Rat Pack
He's actually pretty good

He is good, funny you should mention this, that's the first time I remember ever seeing, him and commenting WOW, who's the guy who played JFK, he's cute, and good, then I forgot about him :( he actually talks about this on that Bob Costas interview], he goes "I played Joe Kennedy & John Kennedy, next I'll wear a dress, and play Rose" and threw his head back in laughter , [Bob laughed too]
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