William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Lems - you can get To Live and Die in LA from Amazon for under a fiver. It is well worth it :eek: Seriously, when you watch it, you'll wonder how you did without for so long :D Hawt doesn't even start to describe it. Never mind the fact it's a really good film, with a wonderful 80's soundtrack from Wang Chung!! Me being a teenager in the 80's - I appreciate that, brings back memories, hehe.

If you have a multi regional DVD player or you can play 'em on yer puter, then get the region 1 version. It's cool, loads of extras. Including some interview with Billy from quite recently.
'pparently you have to have a tv thats compatable too which is a ballache.

I nearly wee'd myself with excitment when I heard Wang Chung on the opening credits! I love my 80s moosic. I've just put Wang Chung on, in the mood for TL&DILA now, so watching it when I get back from workies tnite. Was it Wang Chung that was on the addy (where Billy doesn't dance, *grumble*) for the 100th CSI ep? Everybody Have Fun Tonight?! Oooo linkage! ;)

I'm not suspecting anyone to know this but in the 90s there was a Tupac song released called 'To Live & Die In LA' I've always wondered if he got that from the film? I dunno *curious*

The Manhunter extras are pretty recent too, I really like those extras. I don't have any extras on my TL&DILA or Fear :(
TL&DILA R1 works fine on a computer. I don't have a multi regional DVD player - but on my laptop, the DVDRom plays region 1, and it works just fine, so if that is an option Lems, worth knowing!

Ams - ahh 80's music is great! I am right now listening to 'Best of the 80's' a internet radio channel - it's great, like being in a time warp.

I love 'Dance Hall Days' by Wang Chung, that is as classic 80's pop as you can get.

What makes me laugh about TL&DILA is the 'fashion'.It's not as obvious as 70's fashion, but even so! Billy in them tight jeans, oh I dunno, I fancy the arse off the man, but he just looks a bit camp :D I think it's cos he's so damn bow-legged, doesn't help when you have tight jeans and cowboy boots on!
I fancy the arse off the man, but he just looks a bit camp
LMAO! I've *always* said that! As a former Media student I can't help but watching a film without analising it, I found TL&DILA to contain homosexual undertones...speshly the gym scene. *raises eyebrow*

Gameface, boo yeah you like 80s music! You got iTunes radio on?! RadioNigel on the 80s channel is immense. Try it I tell thee. I've got a play list on my iPod called 'Cheese Factory' with all my cheesy stuff on!

When was Fear made? That was kinda 80esq too, think it was early 90s though. 1996 is ringing a bell? One line I love from Fear is 'Yes my little sugarplum' or somethin like that, I melt everytime. And the whole sweary scene with Mark Wahlberg. 'I'll shove your...' etc etc, I can't get away with anymore of that scene. :devil:
you know, you may be onto something with that gym scene :eek:

It's actually the one scene in the movie which makes me cringe, cos he looks so damn un-cool in it! I think it's the gloves, or is it the socks ;) It's quite a wierd scene actually. And Willem Defoe, well, there's another study for yer. He is a man who just has to take his kit off all the time!

Have you seen the alternative ending to TL&DILA? Cos if you thought other bits had homosexual undertones...

The alternative ending is pretty silly, and the interview with Billy on the DVD extras - he pretty much says that! That it's just plain daft. And it is, but quite cute I spose.
^ i've never seen an alternative ending to TLADILA. can you tell what happenes there? cuz i'm curious ;)
TLADILA is on Thurday night/Friday morning at 2.15am, on sky movies modern greats. ;)
Fear is on Thurday night, 11.35 pm, on Sky Movies Drama
Mulholland Falls is on Friday night, 9 pm, on Sky Movies Indie.

GF can you post for us (in spoiler boxes) what the alternative ending is? :rolleyes: Please? :D ETA: :lol: You beat me too it. :p

Nothing else to say...


ETA2: I forgot, I do have something to say! I watched Fear in French last night. :rolleyes:
Basically, the director of the film was asked to do another ending cos 'people like the character' - ie Richard Chance, who of course gets killed. So they do this cheesy ending where Chance and his partner get sent to Alaska on assigment - pressumably as 'punishment' for all the stuff they did. And they are shown in some cabin in the middle of nowhere, basically hanging out! Very cute shot of Billy it has to be said, tucked under a blanket! In the interview on the DVD, Billy's attitude to this ending wasn't exactly favourable! Pointing out - that as he'd been 'shot point blank in the face' he couldn't have survived. But they also show a clip before the Alaska bit, showing Chance getting shot in the stomach and surviving. Anyway, that's basically it! At least it meant Chance didn't diie! This ending of course was scrapped, for the dramatic ending we know.
Oooh! Thanks GF!
Wow I haven't done a box in ages! :eek: I wonder if I remembered it right. :lol: Where was I? ...Right, so yeah I much prefer getting shot in the head version. Is that strange that I find it oddly AWESOME that you know he gets shot in the head? :rolleyes: What did they have his face look like in the alternative ending? God, I can't remember what happens, I only have half of the movie *grumbles*, the beginning half, it's ok, I go the scene. ;) Yeah, where does he get shot exactly in the real version? :confused:

^^ Wow colourful. :eek:

Also, *stares* look at *stares* Adz' icon. *stares* Yep *stares* I've just wasted *stares* valuble revision time *staring* at that icon. *stares* It's just too adorable. :rolleyes: You are going to do a The Scene animated icon aren't you? Cuz you know that would be perfect for certain comments on certain *cough* fanfics. :rolleyes:

Another good flick with him is 'KEEP THE CHANGE' 1992, he's a struggling artist , and goes back to Montana to clam his property, he's got two 'love interest's' and one is Rachel Tiotin, [who's married in real life to Peter Strauss] and he wears tight jeans and rides a horsey, and is pretty awesome, he's so versatile
thanks for that GameFace.

lol, egg, isn't he adorable there? i gotta admit i was staring at it for quite a while too. he was just terribly sweet in that scene.

i love making animated icons ;)
The Scene
okay, seriously, which scene are you talking about? lol. cuz we had a handful this past season.
I love your animated icon too, Adzix , *snagged* where's it from? I can't remember.
Did I miss a batch of animated icons?
^ haha, thanks Hormiga. it's the end scene from Little Murder, where he goes to the lip-reading class.

and nope, you didn't miss the new batch. it's under work and i'll post it soon :D
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