William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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*attaches self to ams' leg so she can't run away again*
Its ok my dear, I shouldn't be going anywhere for a while. How adorable! You're like my dog, woof woof. But please, refrain from licking my hands if I pat you on the head ok? :) << Egg loves that smiley btw.

I can't imagine Billy being a big shopper, I think that Gina buys most of his clothes lol. Yes Billy dear, put that on, it looks nice! Lol, my mam does that. Dad hates shopping.

Hopefully we'll get some nice pics from the awards, but I thought it was on the 10th?! :) :) :) :) Mwahaha Eggmiester.

My dad hates shopping, so I don't really think he'd be a big shopper either, maybe he has a secret obsession for it, not many men do, just makes him even better, mwahaha :devil:
But please, refrain from licking my hands if I pat you on the head ok?
*grumbles* Ok. :rolleyes:

<< Egg loves that smiley btw.
:eek: Now that's just mean.
Hopefully we'll get some nice pics from the awards
Isn't he presenting? I've forgotten. :lol: If he is, then we can expect a nice vid right? :D Bob thinks so too. :D

I just watched 'To Live and Die in LA' again, now that's a movie I can watch over and over
Isn't it just? Pause, rewind, slo-mo, pause, rewind, pause, stare. :lol: Apart from the end, it's just too sad. :rolleyes:

My dad actually seems to like shopping, but he's an oddling, he sews, cooks, irons, doesn't watch football and all his friends are female too. :lol:
ALL THE QUOTES~~~SCREAMS~~~~it's so redundant! :mad: please try and curtail this..thank's ;) and Billy does like to shop, there's numerous pics. of him and Gina shopping, and I don't think she puts a gun to his head.. N.Y. is a great place to stroll about and check things out, a great walking town! so much to see ;)
eggbe4thechicken said:
Isn't it just? Pause, rewind, slo-mo, pause, rewind, pause, stare. :lol: Apart from the end, it's just too sad. :rolleyes:

There is an alternate ending on the US version of the DVD :cool: And it really is worth getting the US version, as for some reason they didn't put the extras on the European version. :rolleyes:
I'm looking forward to the TONY's tonight

8pm on the West Coast right desertwind ? :)

Ah yes, TLADILA, great movie. I saw it 20 years ago
I guess that tells you how old I am :eek:

ETA-...er...ummm.... looked at the list of presenters for the TONY awards, I didn't see Billy's name :eek:

Has he already presented, was he a late addition?? :confused:
WELL, DAMN he was a no-show at the TONYS :(I don't know why, he was never mentioned, just not there :eek: bummer, I hardly knew any of the people who won, although it was great to see Kevin Spacey, my favorite movie actor, and that David Hyde Pierce won, he's so funny! and finally announced that 'his partner , of "24 years" Brian, was with him, wow that's along time it was 'gay heaven' their so creative ;)and Marg was there, geez she's everywhere, busy gal, when does she sleep? so Billy what happened?
Lets just hope it was nothing serious and him and family are ok. Maybe he just forgot and slept in lol. I was looking forward to some new suit pics :(

Egg, you can lick my hand if you want.... :)

TL&DILA! Lemonjelly you need this film, tis illegal for you not to have it, the ol' bill are gonna be banging on your door any minute! 'Im arresting you on suspicion of not having purchased TL&DILA'

I forgot to add this time last time I posted, I had two Billy dreams, one reeeally good, other was horrible. First one I met Billy and we talked about football and then we had a water fight :devil: Second one was Grissom, me, him, Cath, Sara & Nick (no Warrick?!) were on a beach and the sand was just about covering brains and body parts. Was horrible, woke up feeling ill. Urgh.
Hunter said:
I watched 'Lady Heather's Box' again, but this time with the audio commentary. I watched the scene near the end with Grissom and Lady H and i heard the voices commentating. I'll skip right to it. Grissom and Lady Heather DO kiss, but they just don't show it. So there's some more evidence of those 2 being a ship. I'm not sure if you girls listened to the audio commentary as well; but i'm just saying what i know. :D


Hey guys!

Hope your summer is going well. :D It is so nice to get away from the television and to be outdoors even though I have allergies. :lol:

Those commentaries are very interesting I just wish they had more eps.
I'm glad WPAP had dailies of LHB.
I love the black & White photos. :p

my other recommendations are Gunshy and Cousins
even if you just rent them, they are great Billy movies, IMO :)
Trust me the rental stores around where I live are crappy, so I'm prolly gonna have to buy them, but I may well get those as well when I get get the other one. I hate being so poor. I'm in debt to my parents atm cause they loaned me money to get a new set of cymbals for my drum kit. dammit.
I do have strange dreams. Funny thing is that's no where near the strangest. The strangest included, a sewer, contract killing, dancing Catherine, celary, mayonaise and Grissom looking almost as puzzled as me when I woke up.

I recommend Gunshy too but we canna get it here in the UK. Manhunter, tis good tis good. And definatly Fear, family guy and a little thing about a topless alert ;) When Bill was a young buck he was always getting partially (or fully ;)) nekkid in his films wasn't he. Got it flaunt it I say!
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