William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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HI Hunter and welcome, we've got another hhunter here too ;) as far as the Ship issue, I'm just going with what the writers have shown thus far, and in the finale, that Grissom and Sara are together, in love and happy &, he's concerned about finding her alive and safe, that's the only thing on his mind right now! but not to dwell on that, because this is the WP/Grissom thread go to the SHIPPER thread and you can find the one that suits you. The beard is a constant, we just all love him, no matter.. and on David/Horatio..There is a CSI/Miami thread, and you can talk till your heart's content about all things pertaining to him and the show ;)
Hi Hunter I was going to have that as my name but you beat me to it. :lol:

I love the beard, I have to say. But after just watching Law of Gravity this evening, I'm not a busy beard fan!

Again for the ships, the shipper forum is the place to talk about that...:)

And welcome to the Las Vegas side of CSI :D
hey Lora, welcome to over 'ere :D

I won't be hard on David / Horatio. I actually kinda like the cheeky little scamp :D Billy's the main man, no one comes close, but I do like David Caruso, loved him in NYPD, so am glad to see him doing well again. The one liners make me smile, even if they don't make him smile!

And back to Billy / Griss and the beard. I guess at a push I'd say 'no beard', but I gotta say, having never found men with beards attractive, Billy P really does carry it off very well! The one he had in the Dublin Carol by the end was way to scraggly, but the trimmed beared from CSI is very attractive on him.

As for Griss and his relationships, even tho the lady Heather episodes have been good, there's only one gal for him and that is Sara. Right from the very beginning they have had a thing going on.
19ams87 said:
Oooh we on about his voice, so deep and b,e,autiful! Smooth honey dripping over rough rocks, thats Billy's voice for ya.

How addictive is 24? I had to force myself to turn the dvd off last night, just got into it, on the 4th hour of s1. I just said 'NO AMY!' and turned off the dvd box at half 12. So hard to do. Keifer...hmmm :D

Yes, I think Billy and Kiefer have sexy voices. :p Oh yeah baby!!! :p :p :p
OT: "24" addictive? Yes it is. And Season 5 is truly the best. :D

Hunter said:
Hiya girls. :)

And GRISSOM! Ah this is confusing. S1 for me was the Sara/Grissom. Which i gotta say was pretty good. Second season was completely blank with me. But Lady Heather in Season 3! Whoo! I love that gal. I've decided, and THAT'S the ship i want; Gris and Heather. Again, am i alone? Just a question.

About the beard discussion. Not a big fan of the beard i am. Depends really. The trimmed beard; sure! The big bushy one he has currently; i have no good feelings for. Sorry but i just don't. *shrugs* I like him shaved. :) Or with a nice trimmed beard. Just try imagining kissing that face with the bushy beard all over it. (Not that i've imagined. Only CSI Miami's Horatio for me. ;) )

Thanks girls, for reading. Please comment about the ships, i'll be back soon. :D


Howdy Hunter! :D

Welcome, feel free to stop by anytime. Just keep in mind we are not allowed to talk ships in this thread. But, we do get a little off topic once in a while. :lol:

I love Lady Heather too! So you know who I ship. :devil:

I absolutely miss the beard. :( True, it has to be trimmed, not bushy and I prefer it to be more dark than grey. But if BP wants it to go grey, that's cool.

David C? No comment. Just not a Miami fan at all. Sorry. :(

David C? No comment. Just not a Miami fan at all. Sorry.
Well I am from Yorkshire and we tend to say what we think! So "no comment" doesn't work!

I'll just say: "Horatio/Caruso... you need serious help my dear." Maybe after therapy you will see what *true* sexiness is.... do I have to say it? The GRISS IS THE MAN!

Now there is a man who knows how to wear sunglasses! AND he does *NOT* look a prat EVER!

Just think Griss in a tux.... H in a tux? I rest my case!!
ooohhhh griss in a tux....*drools like homer* ....ooh! sorry about that *wipes drool off cheek* hi hunter! welcome to grissomland. i dont like horatio or any other csi..just vegas! yay me...i like griss in sunnyglases too caues he doesnt take them off every \2 seconds muhahah. ok, tah.

*EDITED: to unstretch screen*
Gentle Reminder:

Be careful about this "Grissom 'ship" discussion because there is an entire forum, "Shipper Central" dedicated to every conceivable CSI 'ship. If the "Grissom 'ship" discussions gets past Destiny's and my No Go Line for this forum, then we'll pop in and re-direct the 'ship discussions over to "Shipper Central".

In addition, let's please re-direct any critique and discussions thereof of David Caruso/Horatio Caine to either the "Miami" or "General CSI" forums.

Thank you.
Hello again. :)

Haha sorry hhunter, but too bad so sad. :lol:

It's ok, i'm not asking you to talk about DC/Horatio. ;)
I watched 'Lady Heather's Box' again, but this time with the audio commentary. I watched the scene near the end with Grissom and Lady H and i heard the voices commentating. I'll skip right to it. Grissom and Lady Heather DO kiss, but they just don't show it. So there's some more evidence of those 2 being a ship. I'm not sure if you girls listened to the audio commentary as well; but i'm just saying what i know. :D

And before i go, a quick question. Can someone please listt all of the episodes that Grissom and Lady H are in together? I know SOLV and Lady H's Box, but what else?

Melinda Clarke at IMDB will show you what eps she has been in.

- Slaves of Las Vegas (2001)
- Lady Heather's Box (2003)
- Pirates of the Third Reich (2006)
- The Good, the Bad and the Dominatrix (2007)
Howdee gurlies, it's been a while I s'pose. Glad I haven't missed too much. :D How are we all? I'm pretty good but sunburnt and crispy...lovely. Tanned though, but seriously, anyone want bacon? I could cook some right about now on my shoulders. Ouch! Soothing it with a cold Magner ;)

I ain't getting involved on the ship debate...y'all know whys lol ;) But I will say, I can definatly see where Grissom/Heather thang comes from.

I like Caruso/Horatio but Gman will always be my fav, he's so different from anything i've seen before. I don't find Caruso attractive but I can see why people do, he has a cool character imo.

Grissom in sunglasses is the shizzles. Say no more :cool:

ETA - spanks to Britfan/Eggmiester for le fic. ;)
Just a reminder to watch 'THE 61st ANNUAL TONY AWARD SHOW' tonight, Billy will be a presenter, so he's in New York ;) wonder if he's 'shopping' till the show comes on. it's
at 8 p.m. here on the West Coast, so check you local listings! ME SEES SUIT
so he's in New York
Know what that means? He's nearer England. :D Also um, Windy, is shopping like an innuendo that I don't know about? :rolleyes: Wait, don't answer that. :eek:

*sigh* Le suit. Is E! at the red carpet? Is there even a red carpet? I have no idea. I'm having a confused moment...

*attaches self to ams' leg so she can't run away again*
eggbe4thechicken said:
so he's in New York
Know what that means? He's nearer England. :D Also um, Windy, is shopping like an innuendo that I don't know about? :rolleyes: Wait, don't answer that. :eek:

*sigh* Le suit. Is E! at the red carpet? Is there even a red carpet? I have no idea. I'm having a confused moment...

*attaches self to ams' leg so she can't run away again*

Come on :confused:.. shopping, like window shopping, store buying.. whatever, and there's NO 'red carpet' listed in the TV paper :(
^^ :lol: I was just messing. :p Because of the quote marks you see?...nevermind. :rolleyes:

No red carpet? That sucks. Well there might be photographers and such. I hope Gina's going. :D
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