William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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:lol: Bopping is definitely the right word. :lol: You know I can't watch that advert any more, I watched it a couple of times when I first saw it, and now....omg stop it quick! :eek:
Here's an article about him from the Edmonton-Sun [calling all Canadians] ;) what's strange is they call him GUS Grissom say WHAT??? if your going to write an article about this man, at least get the name right :eek:

"William Petersen [who plays GUS :lol: Grissom] is the 'sexiest thing on network TV. I'd watch him read a phone book"

William Petersen [who plays GUS Grissom
:lol: Nothing. Gets. Funnier. Than. That. :lol:
I shall explain, lol. I nearly named my hamster Grissom, but my parents wouldn't let me, instead we called him Gus! :lol:

*goes to read article*

I love the bit at the end
"Names withheld by the columnist to avoid any, uh, messiness"
on that note BF, send me it Thanking you. BF <3s Bleach.

Tis done!

Bleach... pah! Don't even get me started! I was ranting with Y11 before their Science exam about it... and they started it! :lol:

One even said how can Grissom look so sweet chasing a rat in an operating gown? Lots of 'oh he did, didn't he... yeah!'

Billydom has started taking hold on our Nation's youth. My job as a teacher of the Hotness is done!

Oh, and slow dancing wi Billy... *drools* running your fingers through the curls at the base of his neck... *thud*

Excuse me whilest I have a moment... ahem...
grissoms_gurl said:
Great article des!! He sure is he sexiest man on tv!! And true.. I would watch him read a phone book! :lol:

INDEED ;) here's another article about him.. and his 'weight issues' I thought he looked a bit hefty at the CUBS game.. not complaining. It works for me, I like him with some meat on his bones.. he's 5'11, and carries it well :p

"CSI's William Petersen tightening his belt"

^I loved the way he looked at the beginning of Season 7! He looked excellent! I'm glad he's deciding to do the gym and trainer thing - I have to say though, that Season 6 was my favorite Billy Petersen look :lol:
^ Absolutely. He looked a hot little monkey this series. The greyer hair is better, and as much as I love the curls, the cut suited him.

poppylvsgriss and I were saying how much weight he has lost since series 4. The beard suited him then, but the cleaner cut suits his svelt face. Brings out that cheeky little dimple! ;)
Guys you read the comments? :lol: Funny stuff. *cough*the second one*cough* :lol:

Yeah I loved Season 6 too, I think it was one of my favourite seasons, although I don't really have a favourite season. :rolleyes: ...But I loved that season. :p
Everything about series 7 has been fantastic. I have totally enjoyed this one. Not just Billyness - as lovely as that has been. I just don't want bleach to connect all the MCS. That is so lame! :(
Well you know me, I'm a beard fan. I agree, the beard did hide the extra weight on his face well. But that made him all the more attractive, to ME anyway. :D

Season 7 he is adorable. His face is thinner and he does have that adorable dimple. :)
I'm still a beard fan, but he is very cute without it. Just like in the seasons without the beard.
I'm a beard fan too, so it's taken me all season to get used to Gil clean shaven again. I think it's slowly growing on me (no pun intended..lol) But I will NEVER forget how hot Gil looked during Season 5 in Mea Culpa and Formalities. Yum, Yum!!!!
Hiya girls. :) I feel like i'm stepping over a territory line but i'll brave it. :lol:

I've been watching CSI LV a lot lately, and it's pretty sweet. The main thing that intrests me in this CSI show is the romance. What's Grissom's ships? What are Warrick's? Because i felt something between Warrick and Cath in Season 2, but that went into thin air in S3. Am i alone?

And GRISSOM! Ah this is confusing. S1 for me was the Sara/Grissom. Which i gotta say was pretty good. Second season was completely blank with me. But Lady Heather in Season 3! Whoo! I love that gal. I've decided, and THAT'S the ship i want; Gris and Heather. Again, am i alone? Just a question.

About the beard discussion. Not a big fan of the beard i am. Depends really. The trimmed beard; sure! The big bushy one he has currently; i have no good feelings for. Sorry but i just don't. *shrugs* I like him shaved. :) Or with a nice trimmed beard. Just try imagining kissing that face with the bushy beard all over it. (Not that i've imagined. Only CSI Miami's Horatio for me. ;) )

Thanks girls, for reading. Please comment about the ships, i'll be back soon. :D

(Read that article too. They are WAY to hard on Horatio. David Caruso doesn't like his one-liners either, and he's pissed off at the writers. And why does he wear the shades all the time? DC has an eye problem. He can't look straight at something or someone at the same eye level without his (left i think) eye losing focus and trailing off. Just go easy on him for pete's sake.)

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