William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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Thank yoooooouuuuuuu SO MUCH guys!! :D
I heart Billy cookies, (bubble wrapped? :p) Billy JUST for ME, and of course The Beard ;) I'm spoiled :D

Unfortunately, I AM old enough to drink LOL Yup. 25 already :eek: :eek: :eek:
Happy Birthday GrissomFREAK

Just for your birthday Billy has the beard back :D

Hope you had a good one!
It look's like the stars will be returning to work next week, so here's a little poll, on our man and his 'look' ;)
Hope you had a wonderful day. At least we've had some wonderful Billy pics recently. That's a gift in itself! :devil:
Joyeux Anniversaire Grissomfreak !

I choose option 1 because I love him both ways. And I think he should alternate, one half of the season with the beard, and the other half without !
Beard!! And strangely enough in any shape or form, I actually like the Grisly Grissom look, it's growing on me, well it's growing on him, but I'm starting to appreciate it more!
Hi folks,

been busy with life, but hopes of CSI back have made me return to the fold.

WOW so glad there is the prospect of the BEARD BACK!! AND Sara returning lets hope.

Let's face it, it is all a story but this is what we WANT to happen. Also I don't believe people give up like that if you have what they have!

Thanks for putting up the article on WP I really enjoyed that!
Beeeaaaard ALL THE WAY!

I shoulda called myself "BeardFreak" :lol:

RocketScientist said:
WOW so glad there is the prospect of the BEARD BACK!! AND Sara returning lets hope.
I agree, that would be nice.

And thank you all for the kind birthday wishes! :) :)
No beard! he looks younger and i like him the most at the begining of CSI, so.... But it's ok if chaneges it from time to time so that everyone can be happy :D
No beard! he looks younger and i like him the most at the begining of CSI, so.... But it's ok if chaneges it from time to time so that everyone can be happy
How about a goatie? Then everyone would be happy!!! ha ha :devil: :devil: :devil:
WornSouls said:
Beard!! And strangely enough in any shape or form, I actually like the Grisly Grissom look, it's growing on me, well it's growing on him, but I'm starting to appreciate it more!

yes, welcome to the club! We should start a 'Grizzly Grizz Appreciation Society'

He's so cute when he's got the scruffy beard.

I spose if they start filming again soon, he'll have to shave the beard, I love him either way, but it'd be nice to see the beard stay for a while.

Anyway, I got back from New York this morning. As I mentioned somewhere here, I went to see Steppenwolf's 'August Osage County' on Broadway. It's a very dark comedy. Seriously - it's the best play I have ever seen. It was amazing. 3+ hours of it just flew by. And Billy's good friend (and ex!) Amy Morton, was the star of the show. She is some actress, amazing performance.
UMM yeah, I'm with the beard.. all the way man :D

GameFace how very cool that you got to see a Broadway play that starred Billy's friend Amy Morton.
Well, guess 'the beard won out' no big surprise, I knew it would, just wanted to see what the majority of fans thought, so now that he's back to work :D we'll soon all know if he kept it or not! BTW, his B-day is coming up the 21st. so we need to celebrate that
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