William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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I would think that any reality tv show would be very much beneath him. It's demening, and mostly done by desperate Z list stars if it's anything like the ones we have over here.

He's only been in one or two lousy movies to be fair! Not being a box office blockbuster doesn't a lousy movie make. But if he did more romantic comedies, then I'm sure he'd have more lousy movies under his belt ;)
I'd love to see him in a Shakespeare movie, I think he'd make a wonderful "Richard the third". Actually any classic would be perfect for him, perhaps "An Inspector Calls"? That needs to be remade, I can think lots of movies that he could do, but romantic comedies? Ew, I hope not, not a fan of mushy things.
The thing is about his movies, from his own mouth on the "Bob Costas" HBO interview, he even made fun of them stating 'My movies went straight to video jobs" and then reared his head back in laughter, very good natured and blase about it! He's always great but his movies mostly were TV films, and I never remember seeing any of them on the 'big screen' I lent "Gunshy" to a customer, and she said "the movie was a B-film, but he was great" excatly:thumbsup:To me the best ones, were "Gunshy" "Fear" "The Staircase" "Hard Promises" [he's adorable, and such a scoundrel] "Keep The Change" his greatest acting, unbeliveable :eek:was in 'The Young Kennedy's From Mass" outstanding, he played Joe Kennedy Sr. and had a Boston accent, and you really thought he was JK.. incredible:bolian:

BILLY ON BOB COSTAS laughing about his movies:guffaw:

Courtesy of WPAP
I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feeling. My daughter and I Tivo "Dancing with the Stars." She's almost 4 and it's her favorite show. Really, I'd pretty much love to see Billy in anything on TV or a movie. But most of all I'm glad that he is financially set to now have to take the "straight to dvd" roles to play the bills. Of course, I think he'd take the "straight to dvd" role over the blockbuster if he liked the role better (look at him turning down platoon). I guess I'm rambling, but whatever Billy is in he makes it better!

I'd like to see him on "Celebrity Survivor" wearing only a loin cloth! Now that would be good!
I agree, and as far as it being 'beneath him' I thought he'd never walk the picket line holding a hugh picket sign, during the writers strike! not that he wasn't for it.. but he's not a paparazzi kind of guy, and of couse they caught him doing it..:wtf:so who knows what he thinks' is beneath him, he's pretty causual, and maybe he would go for that! None us us know him, or his thought processes:cool:only what he wants to let out!
BP in a reality show?? :eek:

I don't think so. I hope not. :lol: I just can't picture him doing that.

I prefer to see him do movies made for television. Of course cameo appearances on tv and on the big screen would work too! :)

I was totally surprise yesterday and today seeing "Jackpot" on spike. Talk about sweeeeeeeeet! The beard, jeans and all! :drool: My all-time favorite ep! :thumbsup:

Yes, I caught "Jackpot" last night on Spike. Mmmm, mmmm. What can be better than an episode devoted to Grissom, that features the beard...and jeans? Billy certainly makes a pair of jeans look good. :drool:
absolutly :D
and about the tv show... i think it might not be that bad. he is handsome, fuuny, he can make show... it would be very good actualy. it all depends, if he is going to have fun with such a job or not. but i think now, with this famouse name, he can do everything he wants to and even one more sport movie or a blockbuster :p
Cameo appearances on other shows would be excellent. Come on?
I'd like to see him be the bad guy. :lol: To be in a comedy show, etc...

But I know his love for the theatre. If he were in my area, and playing in a different role from what he'll be doing again, I would love to see him.
No offense ladies, but seeing him in an old man's sweater & scruffy beard, just isn't my cup or tea. For give me Mr. Petersen.:(

For those who plan to go, have fun in Chicago! :)

:borg: I love this Borg icon. :lol:

wow! BP as the bad guy!!!! how didn't i ever think of this! wow!
in 80% of the movies i like the bad guy, so he will be just perfect! haha! cool! i wait for the moment :D and i am sure he will like playing it
Yes I'd like him as a scruffy bearded bad guy, actually I'd like that alot! I know he's played a bit of a cad before, but a right out bad guy would be great. I love bad guys too!
i can easly imagine him as the smart handsome bad guy. he would be perfect for somethink like Bad boys (Tcheky Cario) ;)
may be after 8 seasons he can really try something else :|

off topic: 100 posts!!!!!! i have an avatar!!!!! :D
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As much as I know that Billy loves to do theatre, and that's where his heart lays, I would hate the loss of not seeing him on TV every week. :( I would love to see Billy do various guest spots on different TV shows, and I agree that he would make an awesome "bad guy". However, I don't see him doing that at all.

I guess I'll just have to save up for a yearly trip to Chicago to see Billy perform and try to convince my DH to come as well. ;)
As much as I know that Billy loves to do theatre, and that's where his heart lays, I would hate the loss of not seeing him on TV every week. :( I would love to see Billy do various guest spots on different TV shows, and I agree that he would make an awesome "bad guy". However, I don't see him doing that at all.

Why not the bad guy? Enough of the goody-two shoes. :lol:

Playing an evil character is more interesting, don't cha think? Well, at least I think so.

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