William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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good thinking GF :D, yeah, and my name is not in english so it's kinda weird for ya'll, so you can call me Ad, and i'll be good too :lol:
i'm fine now GF, but it was close for me to just die :lol: ohhh, boyyyy
Ad :cool: Works for me ;)

Just thought of something.
Next WP/Grissom picture thread should be named '1st Degree Warning' or something like that :D

ETA I'll be away for the weekend :( Back on Tuesday :eek: 3 whole days away from this thread :eek: Whew. That's a lot. Can't live without my daily fix of WP/Grissom Hottness :p *SIGH* I'll make do :D

I'm leaving in a few hours. See y'all on Tuesday, guys

Keep up the drooling! :D
GF come back quickly and have fun while away :D you'll gonna have a tough situation without discussing The Hottness! well i was away for a week or two a month ago and somehow i had to manage too. i survived, but it was hard ;)

oh, and i agree on a next thread title! we're still on 735 post so there is stil some time left ;)

ETA: he looks like Johnny Depp on this pic :eek: (have i told ya'll already that my second favourite actor is JD?? :D )
another VERY nice theatre pic
billy with bare chest on a huge banner in the middle of chicago i guess!!!! :eek:
from another angle
Hurry back GrissomFREAK and all your pics are awesome- and yours too Adzix and everyone else :p here's a couple from last nights "Spellbound" and him and Greg-hiliarious- :lol: they're so cute together and their comments to one another-priceless ;)



I just came accross this picture of him- young with his natural grey hair-kinda of silver- in shade :p- do you fans like him better- with the grey? wow he turned grey really young- :eek:

Adzix:That's Chicago alright :D I miss being there with my cousin. :(
GrissomFreak:Don't worry I'm gonna be gone for 2 weeks right after my grad. I'm gonna need to survive without the thread. Good News about that is I'm gonna be in chicago for those 2 weeks.
Desertwind:Like always Drool worthy pictures and I love the hat. It's so Sexy. :D
Well, hi there.. Long time no see..

I was actually dead by doing something two weeks ago, do some of you or perhaps someone remember me saying I had a Billy look a like like him in the Skulls or Contender? Well, I did something kinda bad which probably made him scared or something and I had to see someone to talk about it.. so.. *sighs* ( yes, that was on school.. )

Anyway, last night I saw 5x02 on television again and he looks hot in that ep and next week.. 5x03, He looks damn hot too!

He can be my hero everyday

I know now why there is a reason that god came with tank tops.. proof :
Long Gone

Zoom in..
Long gone

Hey, I don't think any of you guys knows how to sing and can come here before it's Tuesday?
Lieke said:
Well, hi there.. Long time no see..

I was actually dead by doing something two weeks ago, do some of you or perhaps someone remember me saying I had a Billy look a like like him in the Skulls or Contender? Well, I did something kinda bad which probably made him scared or something and I had to see someone to talk about it.. so.. *sighs* ( yes, that was on school.. )

Anyway, last night I saw 5x02 on television again and he looks hot in that ep and next week.. 5x03, He looks damn hot too!

He can be my hero everyday

I know now why there is a reason that god came with tank tops.. proof :
Long Gone

Zoom in..
Long gone

Hey, I don't think any of you guys knows how to sing and can come here before it's Tuesday?
:eek: I love that jeans in long gone :lol:
Wow- his teeth look really "white" :D bet he has them bleached- good pic Rocky and Lieke "Long Gone" his favorite movie ;)as he stated on the HBO Bob Costas interview- his passion "baseball" :) of course- 1987-so young so cute-he's amazing in this flick

Bad boy- smoking a cigar
I recently saw TLaDiLA (again ;)- for the 99th time maybe?- i don't know i lost count :p)so i'm sending you some nice shots (nice because WP is in them ;), but otherwise the pic quality is pretty lame! I took them with my digital cam... :rolleyes:)
(...and don't expect any shots from the you-know-which-scene :devil:, or the mod would have me locked up for a week (at least! :lol:)

He is soooo cool & tough when drinking beer
That's how he made a body like that
Don't look back
Cute when smoking...
Running is sexxyyy
You are beautiful...
Model for a portrait
Who's better than WP???
FallenforGrissom, that's just wrong! :lol: those pics are amazing, i esp. like the "model" one and the last one. but what a coincidence, i just made couple of avatars from TLADILA, one of them i made from the same pic as your last one :D
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