William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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desertwind said:
COMPARSION ;) Johnny Depp vs Billy baby- ya think they look alike?- :eek:they do both have juicy/sexy lips that's for sure- :p the coloring is just different-and way off in age :(

Johnny .. Billy

But I still like WP better, his entire manner, he's both classy & down to earth. Intelligent, yet humble of his achievements in life. Although we know of only the one time, who knows how often WP has gone to bat for his fellow actors that may have been treated badly by TPTB, like G. Eads and J. Fox were. Also, even if it means his leaving CSI for his hometown of Chicago, he's said the main reason is to have a home to set down some roots and be a better husband to Gina then he said he was in his past marriage at age 21. If he weren't so darned delicious, he'd be the one of the best friends a person could have.
told ya!!! they look alike there! and another thing which i find similar, both of them play eccentrics in their roles. okey, enough about JD, it's WP's thread :lol:
WOW-- GrissomFREAK Amazing, I see where your coming from- and your correct- the "look" so similiar- scary :cool:

and gotta post this one- so gorgeous- :p

OK everyone :D
Got a little HOMEWORK for you :p

Post your favorite pic of Grissom/WP
And explain your choice :D

ETA: OK, I'll play nice: you can post up to ... 2 pics :lol: -but you can stick to one, if you want to.
Come on! I know you can do it ;)
GrissomFREAK said:
Ad and I are not saying that WP looks like JD :rolleyes: :eek: :confused: not at all :lol:, just on this particular pic
Look. There IS something :D
Johnny Depp /// William Petersen

Maybe I see things then, but hey I'm not the only one, so :lol:
I see what you and Ad meant by the 'intensity' I guess
you would say is in his expression. But although both
WP and JD are 'baby-faced' in apperance I see JD as
dark eyed almost French or Italian looking and WP
as very much a person of German/Danish heritage.
To top it off, I guess in spite of the work he's
done, I still see JD as the kid cop from "21 Jump
Street" or is there anyone here who remembers that show? :lol:
There was also JD's first film 'Nightmare On Elm
Street' look quick, cause he don't live too long
and his hair is dyed blondish for the part.
I Love

GrissomFreak is there by any chance that you can be my teacher cause I would love to have this as my assignment everyday of the year for school. :lol:

But now for the explanations.
The I Love Picture I picked that one because I he's ozzing Sexyness in the picture his face just tells you that i don't give a damn and his body just screams "Take me."(Well in my head it does.) I swear I just wish I was a little older.

The HOMEWORK! Picture reminds me of the other guy I have a major crush on cause He has that same smirk and he has that same body as billy in that picture also he has his eyes. And It reminds me of the guy I'm crushing on but I'd take the original over the copy anyday but still I LOVE them Both. :D
MMMMMMMMM- this will take some time- so many to choose from- but will try to narrow it down- maybe tomorrow- ;) for now the continuing 'WTG' eppy ;)pic.

jeanmacgreen said:I'm probably gonna get smacked in the head for this observation, but in that picture, WP sort of reminds me of a handsomer Gary Oldman. Please don't hurt me! :lol: Something about the glasses and how his cheekbones seemed to stand out like he had lost a fair amount of weight for the role. I guess only his fellow castmates in the play would know.
*SMACK* :lol: just kiddin' :lol:

Hmmmm yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe he's got something of Gary Oldman in this pic. BUT glad you added 'HANDSOMER' ;) 'Cause personally I don't find Gary Oldman very attractive :p


My all time favorite. From Grave Danger. Close-up -I've always liked close-ups, especially since I've been watching CSI, and especially when the close-ups are of Grissom :lol:
The look, The Beard, red shirt, blue background echoing the beautiful color of his eyes.
It's all there. Pure HOTTNESS :eek: :rolleyes: :D :eek: :devil: :p
Why a CSI pic, you'll ask and not one from one of his movies? Because that's how I 'discovered' this guy. Watching CSI. He gave new meaning to the word hotness, uh sorry Hottness ;) -at least for me.
Gil Grissom King Of Hottness :cool:

As for my second favorite pic of WP, it was too difficult to pick one where he's hot, 'cause he's hot on all of'em, right? so I went 'Eeney Meeney Miney Mo' and ... :D

The proof that he's not only hot on TV playing Gil Grissom -some people will say hey he's hot alright, but try to imagine him without all that make up on, and without a perfectly trimmed beard :rolleyes: They're in denial.
NO your eyes are not playin' tricks on you! WP's HOT, that's a FACT. LOOK AT THAT PIC. Hair graying around the temples, smile, blue eyes that could melt ice.

Just O-M-G !

THIS is natural HOTTNESS :devil:
my no.1 pic of him is this one. and then i have like one hundred of no.2's, and i'm not able to post all of them here :lol:

oh, and here (look only on his face) he looks like (JUST DON'T KILL ME) Enrique Iglesias ... *buries myself 6 feet under*
This man is too gorgeous!! I don't even think the word 'hott' is enough to describe him. He's too classy for the word 'hott'.

It's too difficult to pick only two favorite pictures, because in every picture he looks good. So I will just pick two random pictures.

Numero Uno oh baby. This picture is amazing. I love the sunglasses, the beard, the lips, the hair, the man. I think it's a classic CSI picture of our man. Deep in thought, what an amazing actor.

Two I like the intensity and concern in this picture. He's hugging Lady Heather and he looks truly concerned. Even with his gangster popped collar, he looks drool-worthy.

I picked two pictures from CSI because that is where I first saw him, so of course I see him most from CSI.
the release of the complete CSI Season 6th will be on October 10th and here is the pic of the cover. WP looks so HOT there!! woohoo :D
I can't wait for the S6 DVD..but hey, did you ever notice that Jorja Fox is always in the back on those covers? I keep wondering why that is...
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