William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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desertwind said: Not to worry- FallenforGrissom there's always someone that likes to stir thing's up-people need to pay attention to what they're doing, and not concerned about what others are doing- not their business-- :eek: :mad:
This was settled already, that comment was not necessary on the very edge of flamming, if you wanted to say something in regards to what happened, it should have been or be done via PM.

To Everyone, I want to add one last thing to this whole thing, while it is settled and people have moved back on to topic I want you all to remember that there are times when things said on a message board can be taken not the way you intended them.

Try to remember when posting read it before posting, will it be taken the way you want it to be? Or when you are reading a post are you reading it the way its intended? if you're not sure in either case, then I suggest nicely asking the person to explain further, or explain to them nicely how it came across to you. If in the end you all can't agree, then the other option is to "Agree to disagree" and move on. If you all believe it could get out of hand, take it away from the board and settle it in PM's. Fineally if you are not involved intially then don't jump in, it won't help the matter and I understand the need to defend, but all it does is cause further problems, confusion and alot of people in trouble. ;) Thank you.

*Pushes Thread Back on topic*
Sorry Destiny your totally right- I apologize- not my intention to offend anyone- thank's for the subtle reminder ;)will be more careful-- ;) and now here's one with our man-from "Bloodlines" so serious- so intense :p

OMG! I nearly lost it! The weather may have been warm today and very hot yesterday, but these pictures made me break into a sweat! They're even hotter than 100 degrees!!! :D On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate them at... 1000! Whew! * fanning myself*
OMG! I nearly lost it! The weather may have been warm today and very hot yesterday, but these pictures made me break into a sweat! They're even hotter than 100 degrees!!! On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate them at... 1000! Whew! * fanning myself*
i agree GGgirl1. the first pic is just ... WOW! it's from Bang Bang or WTG, right?? he was so amazing there.

ETA: here are some more:
boyish look
in thought

He's so cool :cool: indeed desertwind (and always neat i need to add, no matter if he's in casual or formal clothes).

He looks hott even in overalls (or should i say especially in overalls?? :p)
Oops! I think i broke something! ;)
(Grissom after smashing the vic's skull in Nesting Dolls)

But he's d*** sexxy when he has the serious i'm-so-concerned-for-you look :)
(again from the highly emotional scene of ND)

BTW, Adzix you're such a brave girl
*gives a hug*! ;) :p Posting pics like that, recklessly... ;) :lol: :lol:
Oooooooh boy, these are hott! I am really inTuxicated by Formalities 1, although OMG left me breathless... Whew! :) Hard to choose...
I need to get my butt in here more often. I loved that last one of Fallen's. Yummmmmmm

He sure was young in TLADILA...And totally hot in Formalities. *wants to get him n Mac from Risk in one scene but that much hotness would make her faint*
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