William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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Adzix said:

ETA: oh, i remember! it was something like "First degree hottness warning - Billy/Grissom Pic Thread 4" :D

I like it too, but "1-800-ADDICTED..." fits me like a glove! :lol: I'm a WP/GGholic! ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's a good one too! Especially the part about "We DON'T want a recovery program"! :lol: So true... ;) Who WOULD want to "recover" from this addiction? :D
That's a good one :p here's another suggestion- how about "Handsome"-Sexy" and "Hott" and for sure he is-- :pany more ideas? :eek:

:lol: May I remind everyone that your not near enough to one thousand yet. But since your starting early to have a name for the thread, make it a short name, anything long would stretch the screen and we would have to edit, blah blah blah, and its no fun for you or us. :D
I so have alot to read about I leave for chicago in two weeks and I get a whole bunch of post about THE HOTTNESS AND PIX along with it YAY.
No poll- :( I always feel like I'm taking a "test" in school- but that's just my feelings- if your fans want a poll I'm in-- I'd prefer just to choose- and like Destiny said -short and sweet-- ;)newflame13 sweet home Chicago-better find him :p
cool....and knowing he's so close to me at times makes me giggle when I think of it. Too bad I don't get downtown anywhere much where he might be sighted :(
I went and Searched for him and no luck. I got nice pictures though but still no Billy. Maybe he's still in LA. I thought they don't start shooting til august.
okey, so i'm doing the poll (i've also tried to shorten some names too). so here it comes, you can choose two:
So hard to decide! But I finally voted for 1-800 and Grissom/Billy-holics... These two suit me the best: addict and holic!!! :lol:
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