William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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HEY GIRLS- sorry- I didn't mean he looked gay- I meant- the stance-pose-the hair- it's just so not him-- he's the most masculine-sexy-pure man-man I've every seen- :p in no way did ever think that- :(

and with his better half-- :pshe's so tiny

i noticed that he really lost weight!! a lot!! he is as thin as he was in the first season i think (well maybe not AS THIN as in the Pilot, but like in later eps)! he looks good :D
Adzix thanks for the Hottness collage.

Gay, huh? :eek: Would it bother you IF Grissom was gay? :rolleyes:


Adzix said:
i noticed that he really lost weight!! a lot!! he is as thin as he was in the first season i think (well maybe not AS THIN as in the Pilot, but like in later eps)!
Yeah, I believe he has. He looks great. Going veggie must have helped ;)

ebuzz55 said:
I could never choose. Good part is he just keeps getting better. :)
Better ... and hotter :D

I have proof ;)

Season 1 hottness :eek:

Season 2 hottness :D

Season 3 hottness :cool:

Season 4 hottness :devil:

Season 5 hottness :rolleyes:

Season 6 hottness :p :p
GrissomFreak great selection of pics from all seasons! However, for S5 i would definitely vote for this dressed to kill one!! :D :D

Adzix, amazing WP faces collage! The thing is the older he gets the hotter he looks!! ...and his eyes still have this magnificent sparkling fire burning since he was twenty something years old!!
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