William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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GrissomFreak I second and third that. Dark Scenes are Sexy!!!! anD ABOUT THE ahhhh Comment. All I would have said was Open wide. LOL. Man that Guy has nice lips.
GrissomFREAK ;) you made my day ;) I'm making a wallpaper of him and picking special ones- and this one I just printed out ;)and all you other girls- fantastic ;)- you rock- BUT not as much as he does ;)--here's one from the finale- red shirt and the HAT is back :eek:

Ohhh yessss he IS hot :eek:

This pic is awesome. Somehow, it just made its way to my top 10 :D

Looks like he's striking a pose. Told ya he could have been a model -there's still time actually. He's got what it takes :p
GrissomFREAK my daughter asked me "was he a model"? I've got one side of my wall next to my computer with him-plastered young-middle-and now- and when he was younger he was "poised" he knows he's handsome- he looks in the mirror- so yes he could have- ;)like this one its so posed :p

Desertwind Please tell me where you got the Way tto Picture. I must find more proof that the hat is Back.
Did I forget to mention I love him with Hats.Another thing nice Cousins picture I have that one in Color. hehEHEHe
GrissomFreak I'm a die cause of You and that picture of him as a bad boy. Jesus That picture should just have a warning label. *Danger if you open this You might suffer from major Drooling and you might suffer from an on going imagination.*
GrissomFREAK on the "hair one" he looks a bit "gay" no offense intended-to anyone- and newflame13 I PM'd you on the whrere I got the pictures- here's another "posed" one- "beefcake" to the max :p

ohhh... i don't beleive you said it desertwind :lol: gay?? heck no!! :lol: his shirt is a little tight - i agree, but not geish (if he was geish there he would have a huge golden earing and waxed thin eyebrows, hahaha)
Adzix said:
ohhh... i don't beleive you said it desertwind :lol: gay?? heck no!! :lol: his shirt is a little tight - i agree, but not geish (if he was geish there he would have a huge golden earing and waxed thin eyebrows, hahaha)
:lol: :lol:

I like the tight shirt actually, and the short hair :cool: It's just so sexy. And he's all dressed in black :p Classy :D
I like the tight shirt too, it shows off his muscular arms :rolleyes: Thats something we don't get to see enough of on CSI.
ohhh..i love his shirt there too!!!!and the hair :D btw, he looks different in every movie and he changed a lot during CSI too. i made a collage of his different looks to compare how he used to look. when do ya'll think he looked the best?? many faces
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