William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

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^^ Hehe classic tongue porn :D

eggbe4thechicken said:
Hot in here, ain't it?
Where's that pic from? I don't think I've seen it before.
That's from Curaçao :cool:
Blue eyes + blue shirt = LOVE :p

19ams87 said:
I, for one, love hands -his hands *faints* And my roommate who was asking me the other day "But why hands?" I was like HE-LOOOOO!

OMG YOU LEGEND! That pic, I bloody love LOVE hands. Speshly the Billmans. Ummm. Noice. *huggles for you!*
:D *huggles back* You're welcome!

Question, what does everyone do when they've found a rather zexy pic of Billy? I just tend to say out loud 'oh my god THAT. IS. FIT!' Ahem. It's either that or 'awwwwwwh, what a cutie!' Just curious.
Well, most of the time, I am just like "WHOA!" *gaping* and I am giggling like a silly woman, or I just have that huge crazy smile on my face -usually for a few minutes after having been exposed to The Hottness :lol:
I think he does wear glasses in RL, he's 54. and probably far-sighted.. he wouldn't wear them on the show, for no reason, what would be the point? here's another one from "LD" when nut-job Natalie attacked him in her fried out brain!

characters wear glasses all the time in films and tv shows. its part of the costume....but he looks great in glasses. and just cause you're 54 doesnt mean you need glasses. thanks for showing all these pics!
But, he does wear them. in a clip from the Chicago Cubs game, he's reading a script.. with glasses! ;) I'll try and find it and post it!

This is a great clip from "LD" and thank's to Trudie/Rocky for it! ;)

^^ he he he me too. I jumped out of my seat..

I was like..NO they can't do that to Grissom too!!!

The slideshow is good too, thanks desertwind and Rocky :)
I love his expression in this clip.. so caring and concerned.. and he's so freaked out right now, the only time I've seen him on this show so full of rage and anger and so intense [except for Nick in "GD"] but the dynamics are different! & now that's he rid of all the garbage and malcontents, losers, and the chaos of past epsiodes are behind him, and he always rose to the occasion, took care of problems that others couldn't solve for themselves, smiled..dusted his hands off, turned around, and went home to Sara ;)..one thing I was a bit suprised at in "LD" after Brass's reveal to Cath about "I know something juicier" is that he wasn't in on the mix of Grissoms revelation. he would have said something so snarky and funny "HEY, I already knew' with his dry delivery, not that I'm speaking for him he's one of a kind, just wondered why he wasn't there! but now Grissom can concentrate on the nut-job Natalie and get some anwers about where his sweetie Sara is! and the only thing on his mind is finding her alive :eek:

man. thats a great pic of grissom. i dont know about you guys but i think hes gotten much better looking (i know! i didnt think it was possible either!) this season. he just looks GREATTTT
He's pretty damn handsome
here's some more clips from "LD" enjoy ;)



grissoms_gurl said:
I think the older he gets, the more good looking he is! :lol:

Absolutely, chuck! We were discussing this last night. I love Billy from Hard Promises onwards. Too young for me in TLADILA and a bit broody in Manhunter - but loved the film!

He is the perfect older man! ROWR! :lol:
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