William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

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GrissomFREAK said:
^^ He sure did.

Hehe. Love your new icon, Des :D

Thank's GF had to do it
him rubbing her arm, while creepy Natalie looks on :eek: a couple more from "LD"

GRIS AND CATH he look's gorgeous in this clip!

Wonderful pictures everyone. I think Gil looked amazing last night. I think I'm finally getting used to him without the beard....maybe...

The Season Finale was great. Loved the way they handled Gil "telling" the team about him and Sara.
The scene in the interogation room with Gil and Natalie was intense, especially when it looked like she had slashed Gil's throat. I kept thinking,"Where's Brass? How come he's not coming in...?" Then I realised it wasn't real. Thank God.
gilsgal said:The scene in the interogation room with Gil and Natalie was intense, especially when it looked like she had slashed Gil's throat. I kept thinking,"Where's Brass? How come he's not coming in...?" Then I realised it wasn't real. Thank God.
Yeah, I had the same reaction. I was like WTF??!! :eek: :eek: Somebody HELP HIM!! :lol:
^^I was spoiled for that scene. *sobs* Ages ago, before YTDAW went down. So I watched and was like emotionless. So unfair. I'm not reading any spoilers for next season, none what so ever, nuh uh, nada, nil, zero. :)
Loved the way they handled Gil "telling" the team about him and Sara.
TPTB always handle these sorts of things brilliantly. They are nice and subtle, if it wasn't for all the WTF faces, you would barely notice. Of course it helps when the actors are so incredibly incredible. ;) (nice use of words, don't you think? :rolleyes:)

Gah, just reading my posts from last night, it was like I was on something. :eek: Apologies. :rolleyes:

I think I'm finally getting used to him without the beard....maybe..
She's getting there. :lol: Before you know it you won't be able to get that perfectly smooth face out of your mind. :D
Now I'll go back in time, lol.

I loved this scene. :lol:

This guy's real Zexy. :devil: He has become more and more zexy as this season has progressed don't you think? Well, minus the blip in the middle with the weasel. :rolleyes:
Eggy ? remember when I said I would join this board ages ago? I finally did it.

Reason: Blame the finale. I love WP. Seriosuly, if he doesn't get an Emmy for this, I will kidnapp the one responisble. and torture him/her with lots of high school chick flicks and dolls. Cause I have a fear of dolls now, starting from say 3 hours ago.

I've always liked WP. Cause, who doesn't? :D I loved manhunter (God could he be any hotter? :eek:) and I loved Grissom. But the finally pushed me over the edge to obsession. I love him. Not really LOVE, that way, cause, I mean, Billy IS a married man. :lol: But I love everything about him. I would have killed to watch his Christmas play.

Enough rambling, or this could turn into a novel.

I love WP. Enough said. *sigh*
Don't diss the weasel lady! I didn't mind it after I got over the initial shock of it in LoG, in the next two eps it was noice IMO. Gutted when it went. Sniffles.

The only thing that Billy could do to make himself look better is GROW THE DAMN BEARD BACK! Lol. I miss it. He looked so rough with it. Rugged Grissom rocks.

The beard is king!

- Welcome Elin! *huggles* enjoy le Billy loverlyness. You might wanna jump over to the Hotness of Billy/Grissom thread, this is actually the pic thread, we don't wanna get modslapped! Lol. :D
Eggy ? remember when I said I would join this board ages ago? I finally did it.
*waves* How long did that take you? :lol: Pull up a pew. :)
Cause I have a fear of dolls now, starting from say 3 hours ago.
I so know what you mean, when 'she' was telling the story...freaky stuff. :eek:

Don't diss the weasel lady! I didn't mind it after I got over the initial shock of it in LoG, in the next two eps it was noice IMO. Gutted when it went. Sniffles.
Hummmm, nah, cleanshaven is the way to go. ;) *hands you a tissue*
Thanks for all the pics gals. :D

I went away for the weekend and I come back to pic HOTNESS!!!
Welcome NEWBIES !!!
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