William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

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AWHHHHHHHHHH at Margy she's so cute! Bless. She looks well scared. I woulda killed to go to that I swear. Living in the UK sucks monkeys. Apparently when a reporter tried talking to him in Eggers first pic, he jokingly said 'oh leave me alone, i'm trying to solve a crime here!' I love that. Seems like he has a crackin sense of humour.

Sorry for the lack of pictorals in the post, i'm in a rush to get to the gym. Fun and joy [sarcasm] lol.
AWHHHHHHHHHH at Margy she's so cute!
:lol: It's like 'arrr! Scary tape!' God I'm so butch, I would've been hacking away at that thing. :rolleyes: :lol:

Living in the UK sucks monkeys.
It certainly does...suck monkeys. o_O Well 3 more years, then I'm out of here, wanna immigrate with me?

he jokingly said 'oh leave me alone, i'm trying to solve a crime here!' I love that. Seems like he has a crackin sense of humour.
Seriously? *melts*

SarahSidle hun, you can't post images I'm afraid, but you can use the 'url' code. ;)
So I copy and pasted the links into my browser, and I love the last pic, JF looks hot I love that jacket on her, wrong thread, well they both look hot, everyone looks hot and everything is wonderful and peace and love is being shared around. :D

That promo pic of G with the torch and the miniature was one of the first "Ahh the beard's gone moments" wasn't it? :lol: Good times. ;)

Forget the horse, eh? :lol: Hands up who gets that joke? :devil:
19ams87 said:
Billy's the same age as my dad, couple months younger. Now that scares me. Oh well, he could be 9000 and if he still looked/acted like he does, I wouldn't care, still lurve him.
Yeah, I know what you're talking about. My dad's 56 :rolleyes:
But I SO don't care :lol: He's hot, and that's all there is to it :p -Billy, I mean :lol: -my dad too but :eek:

At least he doesn't have a hairy back!
OMG! Yeah! Hairy chest is the WORST thing. Thank goodness, our Billy is perfect in that department :D

Smooth chest just asking to be -ahem- :devil:
Teh Billy. Teh Beard. Teh Black Shirt. Teh Love.
I wanna hear Gina speak. :( It's not fair. *throws tantrum* I can imagine what she sounds like, but it's not the same. Anyone heard her? I've seen her sing, with Billy, but you can't hear her. *pout*

...She has really nice hair.

...and she's always smiling too.

Am I allowed to talk about the mystery that is Gina or is that off topic?
Oh, what about starting a new thread? :lol: Perhaps not. :rolleyes:
^Hey ams I did it again with the whole ':lol: :rolleyes:' -ing.
Like this:
I've seen her sing, with Billy, but you can't hear her. *pout*

Omg that is too cute, they sang together?! *sings* Especialy for yoooooou! Squee! Ok thats uber cheesy. I apologise lol. We should make a new ship for um, BGR << looks like 'Bugger' LOL. I so ship Bugger LOL!

Love that piccy Rocky.Is it recent? Looking good Billy.

Posted this so many times but it doesn't get old. Like Billy. :devil:
I've heard her talk many time on the "red carpet" events.. she just sounds regular, not high pitched or low tones, just kinda of normal tones ;) very intelligent, and always looking at him, for his approval, and he's always grinning when she's speaking! here's some great pictures from that Chicago Museum event.. the only one that is absent is Paul/Brass :( and if Jorja, is not coming back, she sure look's happy here! the dress attire is way diverse, from suits.. to jeans, to cocktail dresses [guess who]? click on the picture you want , and it'll come up on the bigger screen! ;)

I've heard her talk many time on the "red carpet" events.. she just sounds regular, not high pitched or low tones, just kinda of normal tones
:eek: I have heard her speak. *runs to WPAP* Awww man. I love that guy. Go and see, E! torch of liberty, wait a bit, then da Billster comes on and he says, it's the best, the reporter person asks him if he's well and he goes "I'm alright, I look alright, right? I've got my jacket." :) Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. :) That guy is soo cute.
*runs to watch more clips*
You have to realise that I have already watched all of these clips, lol, but my memory is so bad that I can never remember them so every one I watch it's like the first time. :lol: Seriously.
Well, I couldn't find a Gina one. :( Nevermind.
Here's a pic:
eggbe4thechicken said:
AWHHHHHHHHHH at Margy she's so cute!
:lol: It's like 'arrr! Scary tape!' God I'm so butch, I would've been hacking away at that thing. :rolleyes: :lol:

Living in the UK sucks monkeys.
It certainly does...suck monkeys. o_O Well 3 more years, then I'm out of here, wanna immigrate with me?

he jokingly said 'oh leave me alone, i'm trying to solve a crime here!' I love that. Seems like he has a crackin sense of humour.
Seriously? *melts*

SarahSidle hun, you can't post images I'm afraid, but you can use the 'url' code. ;)
So I copy and pasted the links into my browser, and I love the last pic, JF looks hot I love that jacket on her, wrong thread, well they both look hot, everyone looks hot and everything is wonderful and peace and love is being shared around. :D

That promo pic of G with the torch and the miniature was one of the first "Ahh the beard's gone moments" wasn't it? :lol: Good times. ;)

Forget the horse, eh? :lol: Hands up who gets that joke? :devil:

I do use the URL for the picture.
"I'm alright, I look alright, right? I've got my jacket." Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. That guy is soo cute.
AWHHHHHH! Snuggle for Billy. That is so cute. Awwhhh seriously I wanna adopt him, awwwh so cute. I can imagine him being a pretty 'huggy' person, awwhh I bet he's well good to hug, big strong physique, I love man hugs. I could stay in one all day I swear. I'm a huggy person. *huggles*

*cries* am I being stoopid?! I canna find the clips. Pwease, someone link lil Amy, she's gonna cry if she doesn't see them. Sniff sniff.

da Billster
When did Billy turn ghetto?! LOL. Woooord up. ;)

Beardy! Hawt <<<
Oooh is he fighting in the last one?! Thud, manly man, love it.

AWWHH that clip! 'I look alright, right?' Oh the many possible ways to answer back to that Billy :devil: He's sucha flirt, damn i'd lurve to meet him for a big flirting sesh! He get's a little more perfect every damn day I swear.

Which is everyones fav Grissom promo? I really like this one. The blue background suits him, and his suit suits him. :cool:
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