William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

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I live in LONDON.. in my mind..does that count? and it's not the Brits vs the others, we all stand together RIGHT? anyone who loves this fantastic man is a winner
, now does anyone live in IRAQ? how's it going for you guys? :D
I just got my new TV Guide, and there's a two page spread with them in 'Chicago' they all look so good, and Jorja is very 'coy' on her returning, she said she which makes me think, if she's there, she's coming back! she says "if I did know. I'd smile and say I didn't, and I hope Sara is alive and well and back for a sexy S/8 romance" and there's picture of them all! George and Eric and Warrick look great and Marg too! all big smiles, and the man it's a side profile, nice grey silk suit and :p


egg don't forget me im back with a vengence lol and im on team brit too!!
*facepalm* Sorry. :rolleyes: Hugs? *puppy dog face* :rolleyes:

and in honor of him singing tonight at the CUBS game!
Is it wierd that I'm egg-cited? :lol: 'Cause I am! :D Tomorrow I'll leap onto gsr.com and the wpap at the same time, and search for the la la ness. :lol:

I live in LONDON.. in my mind..does that count?
Me too. :rolleyes: :lol: America's such a cooler country, everything is bigger, and bigger is better. :rolleyes:

Someone please tell me why am i watching big brothers big mouth!!!!!!
Because BB is back and it's so awesome it doesn't know what to do with itself. :lol: Strange there being no guys though, but of course I don't mind. :lol:

^^ I've got that quote in my sig! *points down* New museum pics, oh yippy, it's Gina again *sigh* she's so pwitty, bet she was good at the whole CSI thing, being a biology teacher and all. :p
You got a scanner windy? You know for like scanning in the new pic of them all. :)
eggy your a pistol.. so up beat and funny.. and NO I don't have a friggin' scanner, when I win the 'big one' it's on my list oh, and BTW, FYI, a woman last week hit a $10,000,000 jackpot..yes, 10 million..she lined up 3 mega-bucks on the reel! she thought she'd hit $10,000, it was all over our news! :eek: made me depressed, I can't even hit a lousy $100 bucks... crap, I wished she was my friend damn, all I meet is poor people! and a couple of years ago, Billy was playing slots at the airport waiting for his plane! I'm so bad, if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all :mad:

so who's the cutest? :lol:

Some screencaps of Billy throwing out the first pitch at the Cubs game tonight and also singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

He was so dayum sexy.
Awww, thank you Hottie Cath! Lovely pics. I got up speshly early to see the GSR site. Is it me or does the cheeky scamp have a little beer or two before singing? :lol: Can't blame him. I nearly poo-ed myself at our local uni a couple of weeks ago havin to do a speech there - so in front of that many fans?? :eek: Mine's a beer, Billy!

And he was in better tune this time... and I could make out the words! Another beer for the boy, please! :D

And he has a Cubs shirt wi his name on the back! Aww! My Liverpool one has Gerrard on, but my name does appear in the clips... hee hee! I'm on tv wi Billy!!
so sweet that he loves his Cubbies :D He picked a good one, eh, a big beating for the Cubbies :(

Hey - Britfan, I'm a Liverpool fan too, have been all me life! I was going to say 'I'm a bit old for names on the back of a shirt', but seeing as Billy P isn't too old, and he's older than me, who am I to argue! The only Liverpool shirt I have with a name on it - is a Luis Garcia one, mmmm, from a couple years back.

Anyone know if Billy Petersen likes hockey? I've a soft spot for Chicago Blackhawks (NY Rangers are my team though), and the Hawks are another really bad Chicago team, I just get the feeling he's stuck with these bad teams always, bless him!
Hello GameFace! Nice to hear from you! I'd put you a pic in but Wpap is broken and photobuckey won't let me log on, so imagine your fave Billy pic right


I think he likes sports in general - he is welcome at Sheffield Steelers anytime!

I want a Cubs shirt with PETERSEN on the back now. It's my birthday tomorrow, so any chance of one, fellow Billy Lovers? Please?? Pretty please???
next time I go over the Pond britfan, I'll get yer a Cubbies shirt :D I go over every year if I can (already done this yeas trip though!).

I've been to see the Steelers many many times, but not for a few years now.

Oh, here's a pick of a pouting Billy P (in honour of the Cubs losing :mad: )
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