William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

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Aww! Thanks, Rocky! And what a delish piccy! I could go all beardy on you all if these pics keep popping up!

Wonder if Billy fancies a night out in Sheffield tonight? :lol:
Thank you, LemonJelly! I have just had to lick the computer monitor, to lick that beautiful little smirky wink off his gorgeous little face! ;) :p

ETA- grssom - *hyperventilating* Number 2!! *wheezes* Quick!! Pass me a brown bag!! *faints*

Thank you! Love all the pics, everyone!
Britters (oh I am so calling you that from now on!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU LOON! Apologies for getting the day wrong yday lol.

Now did I hear you say that cheeky, quirky Grissom is a weakness? Apoligies ladies, I may have just inadvertantly killed Britters.
I love Big Middle, sucha hot ep. It was on last night after a particularly cry worthy episode of Shark so it was nice to be cheered up by his flirtatiousness in that ep. I just squee when he says 'I, am going dancing' :D I'd be to see him jig LOL. And I don't know why, but he suits it when him, Vartaan and Greggo are walking along to 'I'm Every Woman' (I think) LOL, it's a pretty camp song but he pulls it off :8
Shark was so sad last night! But yeah that ep makes me laugh, especially when she smacks him and says "Gay guy, fat girl, it's not unheard of." :lol:
Woo woo, Shark rawks doesn't it. I blubbed my heart out last night, sniff sniff. I love Stark though, James Woods is a dood. 'I'm much better looking in person' LOL. Another line made me laugh last night too, sumthin like 'I don't ever get sick of being right all the time' love how confident he is. Ahem, sorry, i'll stop. Back to Billybob.

The best scene from Big Middle is without a doubt le wink. That whole scene of flirtation is the zex. Love how he just adds at the end 'Oh, and i'd like to see your customer reciepts too' LOL, she looks at him like whaaa? You were flirting with me a secondo ago you crazy man. And the scene wi Greg at the start when he misses the fibre. Classic Grissom look.

This is from Big Middle but I don't member that scene?!
Tis when they're putting the dummy on Greg isn't it, either just after Sara told him to lie down or after saying "how does that feel dreamer?" i thiiink. I may be wrong though :p
19ams87 said:
I love Big Middle, Vartaan and Greggo are walking along to 'I'm Every Woman' (I think) LOL, it's a pretty camp song but he pulls it off :8

ams you said the 'magic' words... VARTANN and Greggo too..

Cute pic hhunter I remember that scene, too bad Vartann is gone :( and I'm still awe-struck by seeing Billy the other night in all his glory, he 'lifts your spirits' and is so inspirational
and I know this was posted but he's so cute and so happy :D

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