Crim can't resist alcohol...just doesn't happen
hee hee! good girl! :bolian::bolian::bolian:
cocktails are good. i'm partial to a lynchberg lemonade personally!
but yes britters: water was only thing i could get down without seeing it in reverse! :lol::lol: .... that kfc later on though - heaven. on. earth!!
It was all Billys fault!! definately. The power of the Petersen!! Sigh...........
You're partial to anything with alcohol in it! Boozehound!
Thank you for sharing...
I was really impressed KFC over there. They do mashed spud and veg with their chicken! Well cool! :lol:
What are you saying?? Who, dear? Me, dear? Yes, dear? No, dear!!! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:ROFL No, I wasn't but I think I've gotten to know PLG enough that I could guess as to what she'd say LOL I guess that's true for BOTH of you!
It truly is the Power of The Petersen!
I'm saying that I think I've gotten to know both of you enough I can predict (at least a little) about what you'd say or do in certain situations...:thumbsup:
That makes two boozehounds...Ash called me that yesterday...LOL I called her & said I'd gone out with a friend for a drink (it's amazing resistance when I can limit myself to only one. That is a RARE occasion, ladies & gentlemen) and she called me a 'boozer' PROUD Of it!
Alcohol is my friend!!!
God KFC after a hangover!? Nooo way...there's no way I could do that. Vomitrocious. WOnder what Billy does to cure a hangover? :devil: Only a boozehound would wonder about that I'm very much looking forward to teh Power of the Petersen! God only knows what seeing him onstage did to me! I can't imagine the impact of his physical presence next to me and perhaps a hug *SQUEEEEE* or a kiss...*DEATH by PETERSEN* And much alcohol. Much, much alcohol.