William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

Crim can't resist alcohol...just doesn't happen ;)

hee hee! good girl! :bolian::bolian::bolian:

cocktails are good. i'm partial to a lynchberg lemonade personally! :p

but yes britters: water was only thing i could get down without seeing it in reverse! :lol::lol: .... that kfc later on though - heaven. on. earth!!

It was all Billys fault!! definately. The power of the Petersen!! Sigh...........

You're partial to anything with alcohol in it! Boozehound!

Thank you for sharing...

I was really impressed KFC over there. They do mashed spud and veg with their chicken! Well cool! :lol:

ROFL No, I wasn't but I think I've gotten to know PLG enough that I could guess as to what she'd say :) LOL I guess that's true for BOTH of you!
What are you saying?? Who, dear? Me, dear? Yes, dear? No, dear!!! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

It truly is the Power of The Petersen!

I'm saying that I think I've gotten to know both of you enough I can predict (at least a little) about what you'd say or do in certain situations...:thumbsup:
That makes two boozehounds...Ash called me that yesterday...LOL I called her & said I'd gone out with a friend for a drink (it's amazing resistance when I can limit myself to only one. That is a RARE occasion, ladies & gentlemen) and she called me a 'boozer' ;) PROUD Of it!
Alcohol is my friend!!!

God KFC after a hangover!? Nooo way...there's no way I could do that. Vomitrocious. WOnder what Billy does to cure a hangover? :devil::p Only a boozehound would wonder about that ;) I'm very much looking forward to teh Power of the Petersen! God only knows what seeing him onstage did to me! I can't imagine the impact of his physical presence next to me and perhaps a hug *SQUEEEEE* or a kiss...*DEATH by PETERSEN* And much alcohol. Much, much alcohol.

love it!!! boozehound! i'm very proud you can limit yourself to one! most of the time i tend to be ok but sometimes i just need a blow out!! (they call it binge drinking here in the UK);) Everytime i go to the U.S. though, i'm blown away by the difference in attitudes to alcohol compared to the UK!

Seeing Billy in real life, on stage, really had a wierd physical efect on me. Was very strange.

i DARE you, no, i DOUBLE DARE you to ask him for hug!! :thumbsup:
A lot of activity here today! :)

Just a friendly reminder...as posted by T'Bonz in the announcements thread:

Posting frequently. We do have a rule about spamming. Please remember that this is a discussion board, not a chat room. Some of the things I have read recently have been more along the lines of chat, not discussion. Again, if you have bonded with your boardmates enough to enjoy chatting, I recommend that you get together on one of the various chat mediums.
Please have fun posting and discussing here, but let's do try to keep to discussion about William/Grissom. Thank you for your cooperation! :)
Ash is probably freaking out while she reads this....She'd be so mad if I got wasted but I told her today I'd LOVE to see her drunk, so hopefully the Post Petersen Hangover Syndrome will get me my wish.
Ok, freaking out is such a strong thing to say lol. I'm just trying to figure out how to keep up with this 'interesting' conversation between you gals.:lol: Looks like I'm gonna have to do more than give you a sedative. Try tranquilize you! Poor Billy. I'm gonna end up having to protect the guy lol J/K. Me, drunk?:lol: Do you really want to subject all those innocent people to me getting up on top of the bar and singing karaoke?! Now, if Billy offered to buy me a drink...that's another story.;)

Oh, here's a thought...wouldn't it be a hoot to see Billy singing karaoke?:guffaw: I'll be his duet partner.:p
Sorry about that Smokey - we did go off on a bit of a tangent! :p

Billy singing karaoke - that would be ace. What do you think he'd sing?
Yeah, sorry for that! I got so carried away in the FUN :)

Anyways, God only knows what he'd sing...drunk or sober? LOL just kidding ;)
Anyways, I'd pay big money to see him sing karaoke....especially WITH Ash!! LOL Anyone know when he's due back in Chicago? Sorry to keep asking I'm incredibly curious & protective of him ;P heehee
Brilliant Billy Day to everyone! I have Deviance & Society at 2:00 but I"ll be home & posting by 3:30 :)
i'm sure he'll be in chicago soon - he'll wanna be back for the start of the Blackhawks season - little sporting freak that he is! :p- he knows what his priorities are! I think he loves his chicago winters too! Then he'll be in rehearsals for Endgame...........:bolian:
I keep forgetting about Blackhawk season....LOL Ignorant me! I guess I'm so caught up in Cubbies season I forget about Blackhawk AND Bears season ;)
I would LOVE to be in Chicago for the winter....it's so gorgeous but I have no clue if I'll make it there this year for the winter or not :(

I have no clue if I've posted this, or if anyone else has, but if you want to re-live a bit of Blackbird look no further :)

Do you know, I can watch that clip for hours. Sigh... Wish they would post the rest of the, what I presume to be, rehearsal evaluation video. Want a DVD to remind me of how good Blackbird was.
I wish that there was a DVD of the play as well. Watching that clip took me right back to Aug when we went and saw it. Blackbird was such an incredibly emotionally charged play and Billy was just perfect in it!!!
I'm taking requests as to what you'd like to hear me and Billy sing.:lol:j/k

Ah, I'm getting the view from the left front row seat 4 again! Takes me right back to what my reaction and thoughts were during that particular scene. I wanna go back.:( Oh, a DVD of 'Blackbird' would be heaven. That way, after watching it several times, pause, rewind, then pause again on the most memorable parts.:devil:
That video is just PHENOMENAL for re-living your play experience, yes? GOD I love the Tribune for posting it....THANK YOU WONDERFUL TRIBUNE PEOPLE! :) You make us HAPPY!
I'm getting rear/profile flashbacks, and I can hear Billy's voice, I remember watching everything he did...I even watched the soles of his shoes to see if he shifted his weight while standing & listening to Mattie's dialouge (he doesn't, by the way), I remember like, the utter shock I had when I realized where Ash's & my seats were (like TWO feet from THE man!?!? illegal as hell! LOL Or at least they should be!)..I could go on & on....

GAH they should have done a DVD. And included like, even ONE post show discussion in the 'extra's and they would have sold faster than Chicago dogs in the summer. Oh. My. GOD. I would have bought THREE. Love you Billy! ;)

PS- a snippet from a review of 'Endgame' on a website sent to me by a bud...the site is here: http://www.stthomasu.ca/~hunt/reviews/endgame.htm and full credit goes to the site/author.

Samuel Beckett's great plays -- Waiting for Godot and Endgame are the ones I think of first -- are deceptively simple, and look on the page as though there wouldn't be much to putting them on. Few characters, rudimentary sets, pretty simple props, no big complicated scenes, no passionate declamation. They seem almost as if they'd play themselves. But of course that's a suicidal error: they're as challenging as anything in the repertoire, and every time I see a production I'm afraid it'll be one where nobody noticed how hard they are, how much attention they take, how crucial timing and intonation and physical acting are.
That's why I was so relieved when, about five minutes into the UNBSJ-based production of Endgame which did a one-night stand at Memorial Hall last week, I realized that this company had taken the play as seriously, and had spent as much imagination and energy on it, as in any Beckett production I'd ever seen. As the lights went down at the end to no curtain call, leaving us abandoned in the hall, applauding to the silent, empty stage, I realized that not only had I had this marvelous script brought to life for me, I'd been enabled to see it in a way I'd never thought about before.
Endgame is, of course, a play about the end of everything, the paring away of the world, leaving its characters, and us, with nothing but our sour souls and the knowledge that this is the whimper the world ends with. Hamm, the focus of the play, is confined to his chair, unable to stand, unable to see, and completely dependent on Clov, over whom he is totally dominant, ordering him back and forth with an empty imperiousness that only someone dealing with a decrepit and dying parent could ever understand. Clov understands: barely able to walk, and completely unable to defy or leave his father, he follows orders, endlessly and without hope. This excoriatingly cruel and excruciatingly funny relationship is punctuated, occasionally, by Nagg and Nell, Hamm's even more aged and decrepit parents, ensconced in rubbish bins, whose tops occasionally rise so that they can show us how things might be even worse.
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Endgame is, of course, a play about the end of everything, the paring away of the world, leaving its characters, and us, with nothing but our sour souls and the knowledge that this is the whimper the world ends with. Hamm, the focus of the play, is confined to his chair, unable to stand, unable to see, and completely dependent on Clov, over whom he is totally dominant, ordering him back and forth with an empty imperiousness that only someone dealing with a decrepit and dying parent could ever understand. Clov understands: barely able to walk, and completely unable to defy or leave his father, he follows orders, endlessly and without hope. This excoriatingly cruel and excruciatingly funny relationship is punctuated, occasionally, by Nagg and Nell, Hamm's even more aged and decrepit parents, ensconced in rubbish bins, whose tops occasionally rise so that they can show us how things might be even worse.
Man, now I'm really anxious to see this play. It's sounds like it could be pretty dark, but at the same time there seems to be a comical element to it too. It's going to be interesting to see how Billy, and the other actors for that matter, play this out. It almost sounds like the characters are 'trapped', both mentally and physically.
Man, now I'm really anxious to see this play. It's sounds like it could be pretty dark, but at the same time there seems to be a comical element to it too. It's going to be interesting to see how Billy, and the other actors for that matter, play this out. It almost sounds like the characters are 'trapped', both mentally and physically.

I'm happy you're excited :)

What I'm incredibly intrigued with is (ok, 2 things) 1. it's 'deceptively simple' so there may not be all of this obvious and heavy content (HUGE contrast to 'Blackbird') but it still has a point and has a meaning, the audience just has to put forth the effort & dig for it, which I LOVE. I love that 'Blackbird' got us thinking (gave me, as a Criminal Justice major & future CSI a totally different take on pedophiles and their victims, and the after math of all of it), and this one will get us searching the actual performance for things...and I'm sure, pondering them after :) 2. That it seems to play out sociological issues....I mean talking about the dominance v. the non-dominance (in Clov & Hamm) and the control still there, even though the world has ended (if that's really the actual premise...like the world has actually gone bye bye, I suppose that COULD be a metaphore too, I have no idea, I've never even heard of this play til Billy took it on). Interesting that some social norms & such still stick around....is there deviance in this play, at all?

Also, the heavy reliance of Hamm on Clov is very interesting....both (still gathering all of this purely from the review & people I have talked to) appear to have physical problems that would severely debilitate them, and apparently some emotional/psychological issues (Clov not being able to defy his father and Hamm being bossed around all the time) as well, and yet there's still this dominance v. non-dominance thing....It's just incredibly intriuging to me. And I'm SURE this will be by far the most phenomenal performance of the play there will ever be, because, as we all know, BILLY'S in it!!!! It's bound to be amazing, even if I don't get it, I'll have that gorgeous face (dangit those stinking glasses over those blue eyes) to stare at the whole time...can'tgo wrong when you're sharing oxygen with that man! :drool:

God, I'm REALLY excited about this now!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: I'm really really even more driven to do my absolute best to meet Billy so maybe he can lay out some more stuff about the play..ask him some questions or something.....Maybe even bring up some CJ major points about 'Blackbird' I regret not having met him to talk about.....heehee Crim major all the way, people ;p PROUD of it!

I'm EXCITED EXCITED EXCITED!!! :lol::thumbsup:
A great site to read about Billy and all his achievements, and how he's so thrilled with his CSI team, and he's still ex. producer, and plans to make a 'guest apperance' in the future on CSI:thumbsup:and thank's Smokey for the issue regarding a CSI board vs a chat room, it's hard to jump in and respond to the same old same old~ :rolleyes:
