William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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So... I'm watching FEAR and OH MY GOD!!!! Billy is so hot. I made my sister watch it with me just because he is in it. She thinks I'm crazy but I love him...
lol, yeah my friends don't get it either.

okaaay, i made some new Billy icons and i thought i'll share :D


Follow the Hottness

and i SOOO feel the urge to change my avie into one of them. i probably will, lol.
hhunter said:
desertwind, where did you get caps for Loco Motive already?

Grissom's facial expressions were fantastic :)
especially towards the end of the episode

(that's all I'm going to say, the rest will be in the episode thread :) )

hhunter yes his facial expression were mesmorizing. no one has those facial look's like him, and I got the pics from a local fan-site.. their all over the place!!!

Here's one with the "beard" gotta do it :p and the famous "eyebrow"

loveforgrissom said:
I just posted my thoughts on the hottest part of "Hard Promises" in the Hotness thread but i stumbled upon some pics that i must share! I will call these "Ode to Shirtlessness" (pics from Hard Promises):
Defined muscles!
Anyone else need a drink?
Those hands! That hair!

Those are my favorites...there are more...oh yes...MORE! :devil:

FANTASTIC.. GOOD PICS. YUMMY :p... thank's for sharing..glad your enjoyed it!! I've watched it so many times.. now you've got to get "Long Gone" you'll die.. well, not literally.. but swoon and drool :p

Now if we could just get a pic with Grissom shirtless..it would be all good. Heck, I'd even settle for just an open shirt...I'd like to see what's under there, but then again thinking about his character...and how private he is...it won't happen any time soon....that is why the imagination is a wonderful thing! :)

I guess there are pics of a slightly open shirt (like so...) and too my knowledge this is as close as we get. Anyone know of anything closer?

In the mean time...any pic of Billy will do :D
lol i almost fell off the chair when i saw those pics of him, without the shirt on. My mother asked why i'm staring at that man all the time :lol:
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