William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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grissoms_gurl your pics didn't show up :( says "forbidden" bummer.. try again ;)and I know this pic. has been posted before.. but it's an all time fav. of mine.. I've got it over my computer :p

I like him anyway...young, old, bearded, clean shaven..anyway! My favorite part about the man is his hair...its so dreamy..if hair can be dreamy?...the curls make me swoon everytime! its so HOTTTTTTTTTT!
And again. the woman who captured his heart and all of him ;)

she's gorgeous isn't she
lucky lady ;)
just convince him to grow the beard back it's winter in Chicago he needs it
and so do we! ha ha ha :lol:
I was trying to find a pic to put up here and i can't decide. I love them all...i was actually looking for the episode where Grissom has a fortune cookie in his mouth while getting evidence...anyone give me a shout out for that episode...he looked so cute with it in his mouth.
hey i rmb laughing and enjoying a pic whn someone added smtg in a pic and made billy like a pimp with the hat and the bling...but i cant rmb which thread was that...
Great pics desertwind
and Adzox -love the curls!
Leeholm wasn't that in the GSR thread?..the one that said "Welcome to the gutter, yo!" :lol:
desertwind said:
Our favorite 'JACKPOT" was on again .....

and WPRMW love your icon with his Xmas hat :lol:perfect for this time of year!!!

Thank you. :D
He's my Santa Baby!

I could look at Jackpot pics all day. :p I giggle everytime he says "barn" :lol:
My god, what if Jackpot was a two-hour episode? :eek:

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