William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
I could look at Jackpot pics all day. :p I giggle everytime he says "barn" :lol:
:eek: I like when he says barn too!!.. and car, and tar, and far.. I just love it when he says those words!
grissoms_gurl said:
:eek: I like when he says barn too!!.. and car, and tar, and far.. I just love it when he says those words!

Yep. He says certain words with an accent and it just makes me giggle. :lol:

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:I giggle everytime he says "barn" :lol:
:lol: :lol: Grissom makes every little word sound soooo darn sexy :D Like flashlight ... or chicken cordon bleu :D

My god, what if Jackpot was a two-hour episode? :eek:
:eek: :eek: Awww. We'd be dead by now

LA. December 7, 2006. 7.23pm
A dozen of Billy Petersen fans have passed away last night watching a two hour episode of CSI. The episode in question, "Jackpot", had previously been recognized to have a certain number of alarming effects on women: sweating, drooling, gasping for air, fainting spells, but never death.
Authorities reported that the women were found the next morning in front of their TV set, a huuuuuuge smile on their face. According to the coroner, COD was "excessive exposure to hottness".
Warnings have been issued by the Department of Health: the WPHS is contagious. Ladies ... don't let the hottness get to you! Wear a mask, goggles, ANYTHING ... don't inhale either ... your head will feel light, you will feel so gooooood and then *THUD* you know the rest.

The last thing these women saw before going to Billy Heaven.
That is too funny!!! :lol: :lol:
Yet so true!! :D :D
I'm still waiting for the day when one of the guy CSIs has to take off their shirt and go into a pool for evidence. Nick and Warrick have done it. Couldn't you just imagine Grissom having to do that?!?!?! :eek: :eek:
LA. December 7, 2006. 7.23pm
A dozen of Billy Petersen fans have passed away last night watching a two hour episode of CSI. The episode in question, "Jackpot", had previously been recognized to have a certain number of alarming effects on women: sweating, drooling, gasping for air, fainting spells, but never death.
Authorities reported that the women were found the next morning in front of their TV set, a huuuuuuge smile on their face. According to the coroner, COD was "excessive exposure to hottness".
Warnings have been issued by the Department of Health: the WPHS is contagious. Ladies ... don't let the hottness get to you! Wear a mask, goggles, ANYTHING ... don't inhale either ... your head will feel light, you will feel so gooooood and then *THUD* you know the rest.

Oh I just loved that!

Very funny.... yet totally true! :D :D :D
GrissomFREAK great review :lol: and so true.. he's so incredible in it!!! can't beat that one.. some good ones on tonight as well.. "Suckers" great one.. Brass, upon going into the wherehouse.. where all the Oriental artifacts were stored.. "Somehow Gil, I always thought your house would look like this" and Nick laughing :lol:


Duh, THAT'S probably why I read these like "what do you mean, I don't hear anything?"...I've lived here my whole life so I just hear it as normal lol. <sigh>would love to have him whispering sweet things in my ear, wouldn't you? <g>
Heh... we always referred to it as the "midwestern non-accent". I live in TX now and everybody here talks funny.
ebuzz55 said:
grissoms_gurl said: I like when he says barn too!!.. and car, and tar, and far.. I just love it when he says those words!
I love it when he slips into Chicago-ese... all my relatives sound like that. ;)

loco1, loco2

Aww, so sweet! Smiling! That's MY Grissom! I know Grissom is in a bad place but hopefully, in the New Year, he'll come back with a lovely smile every episode!

You're so right with the accent too. He makes my knees go weak when he says things like, car -'cawrrr' and tar -'tawrrrr!' Is that his Chicago accent? If it is, I like it! Hot, HOT, HAWT!! :lol:
britfan said:
ebuzz55 said:
grissoms_gurl said: I like when he says barn too!!.. and car, and tar, and far.. I just love it when he says those words!
I love it when he slips into Chicago-ese... all my relatives sound like that. ;)

loco1, loco2

Aww, so sweet! Smiling! That's MY Grissom! I know Grissom is in a bad place but hopefully, in the New Year, he'll come back with a lovely smile every episode!

You're so right with the accent too. He makes my knees go weak when he says things like, car -'cawrrr' and tar -'tawrrrr!' Is that his Chicago accent? If it is, I like it! Hot, HOT, HAWT!! :lol:

I love his cute Chicago "accent" too it always comes out in everything he does no matter what ;) like you said the "cawwrr.. and "bawwrn" very appealing..

Some "Loco Motive" pictures.. he looked soooo handsome in this ep. and was so good.. those expressions.. to die for :p



lol non-accent is right...I'm reading this like "I really talk that way? Yep, guess so" It's easy to not really think about it being from here and perceiving everyone else as having the accents. Even southern Indiana people sound different to me LOL
desertwind, where did you get caps for Loco Motive already?

Grissom's facial expressions were fantastic :)
especially towards the end of the episode

(that's all I'm going to say, the rest will be in the episode thread :) )
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