William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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desertwind...i love your avitar...it makes me smile everytime i watch it! The brownish pic on your signature thingy is to die for as well...I keep staring at Billy *le sigh* Happy Birthday grissoms girl!!!!
Thanks loveforgrissom!! It's pretty sad that my best friend forgot my birthday, but all of you are right on the ball with wishing me a happy birthday lol funny.. but sad :lol:
evel_queen27 Love that teeange Billy.. I've never seen that before.. awesome.. was he every ugly? :(thank's for sharing..and Happy Birthday to you as well..

Since im new, I dont know if You Tube has been covered here but i would like to point everyone in the direction of You Tube and especially in the Billy/Grissom department. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=william+petersen
Go there and the first one listed is a music video type of thing with "hard promises" I have to watch it at least once a day because there is this one part...shirtless, wet hair, jeans undone...need i say more! Take a look you'll be glad you did :devil:
loveforgrissom said:
Since im new, I dont know if You Tube has been covered here but i would like to point everyone in the direction of You Tube and especially in the Billy/Grissom department. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=william+petersen
Go there and the first one listed is a music video type of thing with "hard promises" I have to watch it at least once a day because there is this one part...shirtless, wet hair, jeans undone...need i say more! Take a look you'll be glad you did :devil:

Just a heads up-- there's a TV Media thread, and it has You Tube.. ;)but thank's, it's a cool site ;)
^definitely a cool site! Thanks for sharing loveforgrissom!
evel_queen27 great pics! especially that younger one! :D
desertwind you never cease to amaze me.. excellent pic!! :eek:
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