William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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Grissoms gurl, and des, you are legends! The pictures and how to mop up afterwards. Tee hee!

Macsgirlmel, couldn't agree with you more... to sexy for everything. FWOAR!

And des, the pic you posted is now printed and on my classroom wall, with a beardless pick. Even my classes are being educated bi facially! :lol:
Oh chuck, if only my classroom days were like that.. *sigh* :lol:
and more 'I heart Billy' clothes for des & Mel!!
haha, des, how does it feel to be a legend?! :lol:
You rock chuck!
Not forgeting the huge 5ft sq copy on my active board! His gorgeous blue eyes are the size of my fist!! FWOAR!!
you mean like this britfan

the blue eyes

Des - Oh mmmmmmama, that pic, stunning, he's so like, 'you know you want me, and can't have me! Mwahaha' Damn tease!

Macsgurl - He IS too sexy for everything, hence why he should take everything off!! Lmao, couldnt resist.

Britfan - How'd you teach with Billy looking at you?! I couldn't concentrate.

Billy aka Neo from The Matrix
Eyes & Stubblefest!!

Reminder to the Brits here, Deadly Currents on tnite ;)
Absolutely, hhunter, but 5ft sq!! FWOAR!!

ams- dead easy, thank you very much! It's on my desktop, so I use other programs over it, like activboard. It really annoys the kids who say it would be like snogging a grandad!! :lol: Billy is one, isn't he? So bring him on!

I will take my camera in to school and do a pick for you, but my classroom is rather like me, a bit dirty and untidy and more than a touch shambolic, so I will have to tidy up first! :D
grissoms_gurl said:
Oh chuck, if only my classroom days were like that.. *sigh* :lol:
and more 'I heart Billy' clothes for des & Mel!!
haha, des, how does it feel to be a legend?! :lol:
You rock chuck!

LOL.. well, I keep telling my children, that I am a "legend" :lol: maybe just in my warped brain!!! but I like the moniker,, suits me fine..thank's britfan how do you feel about it?

Here's another fantasy run rampant!!!


Britfan - ayuh, Bill's a grandaddy! I don't care, he's like 34 years older than me and I still would!! And don't worry about the state of your classroom, I bet my bedrooms messier. It's hell on eatch, Gil just messes it up all the time...mwahahaha!

Desertwind - I lllllove that picture. Um, can you imagine him actually sat there...oh lordy, mind in gutter. I'll stop before I get started. Its safer that way!
WHoo hoo for grandads!

Woo hoo for the marvellous pic of Las Vegas - I loved my time there, hoping to get another week there in October half term - depending on flights home!

Woo hoo for Grissom being in MY bedroom! And believe me, it's far more untidy than that when he's there! :devil:

Of course you are a legend, des! Who else has pics of Billy in their handbag and can find a pic at the drop of a hat? You know more about him than he does! Three cheers for des!! Hip hip! Hip hip! Hip hip!! :lol:
britfan said:
WHoo hoo for grandads!

Woo hoo for the marvellous pic of Las Vegas - I loved my time there, hoping to get another week there in October half term - depending on flights home!

Woo hoo for Grissom being in MY bedroom! And believe me, it's far more untidy than that when he's there! :devil:

Of course you are a legend, des! Who else has pics of Billy in their handbag and can find a pic at the drop of a hat? You know more about him than he does! Three cheers for des!! Hip hip! Hip hip! Hip hip!! :lol:

i'll join in with you there 3 cheers for des!!!
*dreams billy in my bedroom :devil: lol* what we would give for that
*sigh* being a legend is great des :lol:
I have a small CSI pic taped in my wallet, and I make sure that everyone sees it when I pull out my cash :lol: :D
Oh Chuck! I can't wait to see a pic of your classroom!! :D
I have a pic of billy on my fridge, he's on the background of my cell phone and "Who are You" is my ringtone....oh and the background on my comp at work has his pic. I think he's hot...just a little :devil: :D
:eek:Oh dear! It sure doesn't look like he's been away teaching at a university.... more like somewhere in the mountains where there was no running water and sinks.
OMG!! I'm surrounded by Billy madness!! And I LOVE it!!

Now, after receiving PMs about the Dirty Dancing fic with Griss I wrote, I've posted it on the fanfic thread. So read and leave a little comment! You wanted it there! I put it there! :lol:
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