William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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This said, I'm hoping with all my heart that he'll grow it back -hopefully
GF the pic i posted is technically a spoiler, which means that he regrew it and new episodes are filmed with the beard. i don't know about all of them, but the upcoming ep will be bearded.
LOL. yeah, really ;) that's why we're all talking about that picture, cuz that's how he looks like now.

even though i don't like it, as long as he's on the show - i'm happy.
Adzix said:
GF, those two pics you posted ARE damn hot, i fully agree. but the thing he's got now? nuh uh. that's just too long, yo.

but i came to conclusion that i don't really care about it that much. the most important thing is that he signed for S8 and it's totally worth celebrating. beard? it's just hair that he can shave off whenever.

I agree with you Adzix, the most important thing is that he's gonna be back!! :D
Adzix - I like the Billster with a beard but woah, that's a little too much!

GrissomFREAK - Oh my lordy lord lord, HAWT pics. God he pull almost anything off. And the more he pulls off the better ;)

He could dye his hair rainbow coloured, paint his skin blue and yellow, wear orange contacts and dress like a tramp, and i'd still loves him, I don't care what he looks like in S8, just that he's there. I got a feeling it may be his last seasonia :(
19ams87 said:
He could dye his hair rainbow coloured, paint his skin blue and yellow, wear orange contacts and dress like a tramp, and i'd still loves him, I don't care what he looks like in S8, just that he's there.
Well said, and ITA! I hate thinking about him leaving, so I just think about how lucky we've been to have him at all. :rolleyes:

19ams87 said:

He could dye his hair rainbow coloured, paint his skin blue and yellow, wear orange contacts and dress like a tramp, and i'd still loves him, I don't care what he looks like in S8, just that he's there. I got a feeling it may be his last seasonia :(

Hmmm rainbow color hair? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Blue skin reminds me of Liquid latex. :D

Well, in real life, I'd take him anyway too!! but he's a big star, and his image, should be one where he's the most attractive, to all!! I'll repost these 3 different pics. and you strong Billy/Grissom fans choose ;)

Des, I wonder if you can help with this? Someone on another thread mentioned an artical in TV Guide, your side of the Pond, this week. I've been there and can't find any articals this week on CSI. Do you have or could you please, post a link? You are the legend of Billydom!

If des can't help, can anyone else? Purleeeese?
desertwind you KNOW which one I'm gonna choose :)
the beard all the way

but I must go look at the new pic of the beard again
I'm choosing number three... I don't much care for the shades (they hide his wonderful eyes), but the rest is, like my good friend would say, FWOAR!!!! :devil:
britfan said:
Des, I wonder if you can help with this? Someone on another thread mentioned an artical in TV Guide, your side of the Pond, this week. I've been there and can't find any articals this week on CSI. Do you have or could you please, post a link? You are the legend of Billydom!

If des can't help, can anyone else? Purleeeese?

Hey britfan I can't post it here, it's in the S/7 spoiler thread, cause it hasn't been aired yet!! so that's where you'll find it, probably have to go back a few pages ;)and hhunter yes indeed, me too, didn't you notice the "tongue" smiley face next to it? he sure can change his look, can't he?

this is my screen saver :p get to see this everyday.. so gorgeous

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