William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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I just watched Formalities again

I forgot just HOW good he looks in a tux

hhunter said:
what fic?
I want to read it..

britfan did you use your imagination and of course the inspiration from all these pictures and write a fic?

Send it to me :D

It's on FF.net. I'll PM the link if you want. I don't know if I can put the link on the board. Is that allowed? It's T rated, but seems to be going down really, really well. I am totally amazed.
Hey guys!! God I missed you :D I was in NY and got back to uni on Wednesday, so I've been pretty busy these past few days ...

Anyway, now I'm here WOO-HOO!

OK. First things first ... WHO dropped the J - Bomb?? :lol:

Primum Non Nocere was on Spike tonight. Love his hair in this epi.
Welcome back, GF! :D We missed you too! And thanks for bringing us such wonderful pics of our gorgeous man! He's delicious in jeans, isn't he? :devil:
All I'm gonna say is that all these William Petersen HOTTNESS pages are going to be the death of me..

Let's hope it's a long and lovely death. :devil:
grissomsgirl256 said:
All I'm gonna say is that all these William Petersen HOTTNESS pages are going to be the death of me..

Let's hope it's a long and lovely death. :devil:
You're not the only one in this situation, sweetie... When I see pics like this one, I'm ready to die, 'cause I'd die happy! :devil:
GrissomFREAK said:
Hey guys!! God I missed you :D I was in NY and got back to uni on Wednesday, so I've been pretty busy these past few days ...

Anyway, now I'm here WOO-HOO!

OK. First things first ... WHO dropped the J - Bomb?? :lol:

Primum Non Nocere was on Spike tonight. Love his hair in this epi.

YEAH, welcome back GrissomFREAK how was New York? ;)

Des, that pic is illegal in this country... :lol:! I need another drool cloth, grissoms gurl!! Quick! I can't swim!!!

it's illegal here too ( or it should be)

gosh his eyes are so intense I forgot what they are like

I need a drool cloth too
britfan said:
Des, that pic is illegal in this country... :lol:! I need another drool cloth, grissoms gurl!! Quick! I can't swim!!!

LOL :D your too funny.. so come on over here ;) it is breathtaking isn't it? boy he knows it too, the way he plays the camera.. wonder if the lens broke, or the camera guy was in awe as well?

lol I need some too! With Billy, instead of "too sexy for my shirt" it should be "too sexy for my everything" hehe :devil:
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