William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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aysha said: eww i think gil is rerli ugly an he old man an he dam well looks lyk it aswell
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hhunter said:
... I just don't like the hat :rolleyes:
I'm with you there, sweetie! I'd blow on it until it fell in the river... Aw, poor Gilly Baby, no more hat... :lol: I much prefer his hair uncovered, so I could run my fingers through it, and a bit on the long side and curly and... You see the picture! :D

ETA: Thank you, Destiny! :)
eggbe4thechicken said:
Those light blue jeans look so good on him. :eek: Usually guys can only pull off wearing dark blue, but not our Billy. ;)

Windy, (I typed Winky, lol) I reckon you should set up camp like they do outside the houses of parliament in London, just wait there until you see him. Wouldn't it be worth the wait? :lol: Oh, and if you do see him, you better take friggin' photos! Gotta share the Billy around. :D

Thank's eggy but the thing is.. and a smashing good idea.. their everywhere.. with no itinerary for me to rely on! it is as follows according to my newspapaer.. they were already at The Venetian .. on Monday.. I read about it on frickin' Monday.. so that's out.. followed by the Bonanza Gift Shop, and then downtown to The Fremont Street Expierence .. then wraping it up at The Riviera Hotel/Casino..:eek: all vague and no timeline.. so where would I camp out at? see it's impossible.. so I've called a few Hotels, and they all acted strange. [or am I the strange one] :D and the desk clerk at the Bellagio, said. "we can't give out any info. on if celebs. are staying here" embarassing!! so it's like chasing your tail.. frustrating.. :(

awww poor desertwind you know we THANK you very much for trying to track down Billy for us.

Your efforts are appreciated

and yes THANK YOU DESTINY for getting rid of the troller. :mad:
I have an idea Windy! Howsabout you set up cardboard cut outs all over the place, holding cameras and a pad of paper and a pen, which are attached to timers, sooo when an unsuspecting CSI actor sees someone holding a pen and paper, they walk over, setting off the timer, and 'click' you got your photo! Granted you won't be there to witness it, and you'll probably get your cameras stolen, but hey it's all for a good cause. :lol:

Failing that you can still think of the nose hairs. ;) :lol:

I'd blow on it until it fell in the river...
:eek: *hides hat from GG* You cruel cruel person, there will be no vandalising of the the hat. :(

Thanks Destiny for the awesomeness. :D

So from that article that Windy posted for us, :) there was a piccy embedded! Rather young Light blue jeans again. :D
How old do you think he was in that picture? I'd guess about mid-20's or so. He's so handsome even then
Those were great, GrissomFreak! I'v never seen those before. Billy is le hot. To me, it kind of seems like he's begging to be kissed in those photos, but maybe that's my just my libido talking.
Yeah 20s about I reckon too. Although I am terrible at working out peoples ages. I thought a year 11 was a year 8 the other day. :lol:
He looks so different in that pic. So is it 9 hours until the new ep? I get confused with the time differences. It's an hour until 9 in England. With an 8 hour difference from here to Nevada, and 5 hours from here to the East Coast. So 6 hours for the East coast folk, and 9 for Nevada.
That right?

Nevermind...Billyness is a-coming though! :D

Those pics are hot Freak! :eek: Never tire of seeing them. Especially the second one, the collar thing. *drools*

ET-friggin'-A: :( I repeat: :( I'm a damn lab tech. The words don't look so pretty. :( Sure I won't to be a lab tech and all, might be actually what I end up doing, who knows, but :(. Doesn't look the same as 'Police Officer' they were such pretty words. :(
desertwind those are fantastic pictures of Grissom. I love seasons 4-6!
I watched Turning of the Screw today
all I have to say is... THE BEARD!!!
Wow windy! That's a hot one! (Where that quote from, it could be ice age maybe? Maybe aristocats?) Which ep is the pic from? It's sooo going on my hot pics of each episode list. (I really have to get a shorter title for that...Howsabout HPOEEL? :lol:)

I can't think straight, I have a total overload of squeeing. Maybe I should go for a run, no wait, I have work. :( At least I will have something to think about whilst I fold letters, shove them into envelopes, put stamps on, and write the names into the book, repeatedly, for an hour. Don't I have the best job? :lol:

Guess what EH means? More pics to flaunt of the the hat! :devil:

I have come to my senses now I think...*watches clip again*...before I had a mini stroke, I watched TLADILA! :D All the way through this time, no one cancelled it, no loss of signal half way through. This time I watched it from start to finish, no interruptions! :)
I have discovered my favourite thing about Sky+...the slow-mo button. ;)

He's so bouncy :lol:

And a zexy one: Mwa :D

Sadly I can't post the one I want to post in here. :rolleyes:
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