William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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I died inside when I saw him dressed all in blue like that -and the cap ... ahhh, the cap.
I really missed the cap and the tight jeans this season :(
I mean, THIS my friends, was pure Grissom Hottness :cool:
Those light blue jeans look so good on him. :eek: Usually guys can only pull off wearing dark blue, but not our Billy. ;)

Windy, (I typed Winky, lol) I reckon you should set up camp like they do outside the houses of parliament in London, just wait there until you see him. Wouldn't it be worth the wait? :lol: Oh, and if you do see him, you better take friggin' photos! Gotta share the Billy around. :D
yes, he can pull of the jeans and not in just one episode either, he wore jeans in two episodes. Jackpot and Dead Ringer
ams you have got send me the link to those claymation pictures those are soooo funny

Dammit, I can't remember the link now, and if my memory serves me correctly, there was only that one anyways.
Sniff, I miss Vaartan.

I died inside when I saw him dressed all in blue like that -and the cap ... ahhh, the cap.
I really missed the cap and the tight jeans

That cap, the Nike one, is probs my fave Gman cap. He looks so sporty and ready for action! Gooooo Grissom! HOT blue Tshirt too, come to think of it, that whole outfit is zexyness personified.

Egg Yup theres another hot youngish pic of B, when he was about 20ish I think and I just can't find it. Annoying.

We had the 3rd Keppler episode last night in the UK, the one where Gman writes the letter. When I saw him I litterally jumped up to about an inch away from the screen and AWWWWWWWWWWWWWH'D so much and so loudly. It's like Grissom's real, i've well missed him! I just realised what a gaping hole CSI has been without him. *jigs* I can't wait for next week. WEEE!

^Oh the T-shirt and the jacket. :D Makes me happy. :D
that whole outfit is zexyness personified
That word has become part of our vocab. :lol:

That cap, the Nike one, is probs my fave Gman cap.
No, no, no. The the hat. I love that hat. :D

So yes we had his royal hottness last night. He wore the glasses. *sigh* He has really nice writing too. So romantic as well. I love Grissom, he is perfect in every way. :D

This post is quite a ':D' post isn't it.

Apologies. :rolleyes:
He does have nice penmanship! Lol, most mens writing is awful so I was plesently suprised.

Gawd yeah I love le hat. Honestly, I think its a well ZEXY hat, I dunno how people can't adore him in it. This next one is eyebrow and hatty goodness.
I watched "SUCKERS' again last night.. many times before.. and I rate this up there with "JACKPOT' really, from the beginning till the end.. incredible :eek: the fake Oriental art.. and when in the first scene, he goes, after fishing that dummy over in the the pool, "this is not a crime scene" and then the alarms go off behind him, and he says , "This is a crime scene" the whole ep. is riveting, with Sara, and Nick and Brass, upon entering the wherehouse says "somehow,Gil I always thought your place would look like this" and Nick cracks up.. and his cat and mouse game with the perpertrator, in the last scene from the "Mikado" "Your notions, though many, aren't worth a penny" profound :eek: and he whistles as he leaves!


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