William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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My fav is 'bouncy' he's totally in flight! :lol: Awesome.
Anyone seen the recent 'sara and grissom exposed?' promo on youtube? They have a boxer doggie on G and S's bed, and it looks like it could be his friggin' dog! :eek: What do you think? Also Grissom in a T-shirt. *sigh*

Rocky, sorry for being dumb, but are those pics actually from Ending Happy? If so...the the hat? Hint hint. :lol:
EGG! That pic you posted of him in the jeans was the one I was going on about! Loverlyness in the pictoral form me thinks.

Well, i've been couped up in bed all day (only just got dressed and its 5 past 6 pm here) with stomach problems, cramps and all the lovely activies that come with it, i'm missing my mates 20th bday tnite too *cries*...however, on the bright side my S6 part I came today so I entertained myself with that. While watching Bite Me I found something really worrying about myself...that I found Grissom spitting sexy, or should I say zexy lmao. I'm so weird.

Don't I have the best job?
I file medical casenotes for four hours twice a week, at the hospital, in a basement with no windows, its boiling. Delightful. With only my iPod to accompany me. The people are nice though but I rarely get to talk to 'um :( You do find some funny names occasionally, I was rather amused by someones surname, 'Mahboob' ahem lol.

Keeping in with my S6 theme of today -
Star gazing.

And a loverly pic of him in shades. Dunno where thats from though!
EGG! That pic you posted of him in the jeans was the one I was going on about! Loverlyness in the pictoral form me thinks.
Ohh! Stroke of genius me thinks! :lol: He's wearing one of those belts, you know, anyone watch Bones? You know, draws the eyes to a certain area? There was an awesome phrase that Stephen Fry (Dr Gordon Wyatt) used. :rolleyes:
Here's that pic again, notice the belt. ;)

I hope you feel better. :( At least you have Grissom's spit to stare at. :lol: Which is zexy, I agree. ;)

I file medical casenotes for four hours twice a week, at the hospital, in a basement with no windows, its boiling.
:lol: When I'm lucky I get to photocopy medical notes, takes about 10 hours per client, and I get to have a nice read. :lol: It's incredible what they give to people who are in psychiatric hospitals, you know when they are there they have to be watched every 20 mins, and the nurses have to sign 2 rotas every time they do so. When they change Nurses that requires even more paperwork! I'm not at all envious of nurses. :lol:

Here's bubby Billy :lol: I just used the word Bubby! :lol: I'm crazy clearly. :D
I watched my first episode of Bones the other night and I wasn't too impressed really. Too much like XF and didn't really like David Borenaez's character. Maybe I just need to watch more.

I feel reeeally ill again. I need some Billy pics to cheer me up. Do your best gals.

One more thing about work, im like the oldest student, got grief last night because im turning 20 in Sept and I will no longer be a teenager! Gits! I don't actually mind work, I get on with everybody and it's flexable. I don't mind the time to myself, gives me time to think.

Grissom wasn't spitting, he was spitting ketchup! Two of my fave things in one scene?! Yes please!
Nice pics. Rocky thank's great ep. and he wears the hat, because he's in the frickin' desert :eek: and it's already 88 degress here.. so that's why.. it's HOTT here, the weather, that is.. although he is too..the only thing I noticed that I didn't care for in last nights ep. was his hair.. way too short, almost military like :(...........and the latest on my 'search' for them.. William Petersen and Marg Helgenberger, shooting CSI scenes Tuesday in The Riviera's Le Bistro nightclub' Las Vegas Review Journal.. and Tues. I was at the Bonanza Gift Shop looking for them, it said "they'd be wrapping up the visit at The Riviera, which would be today!! another wild goose chase.. they lead one down the trodden path to nowhere :(


So you didn't catch them then?! Sniffles that sucks. Keep your eyes open DW. Give them both a big fat hug from me if you see um lol.

Lets go back to early Grissom. Beardless but still gorgeous.
Early tongue porn.
good for you desertwind for pursuing them

and don't get me on the HAT Rocky you another person who comes and drops in HOT pics then leaves us in the dust :lol:
The silly straw at.. :lol: he sure seems to like it! and thank's for all your support girls..
their probably gone by now.. I even asked this 'foreign' cab driver Hey do you know where the CSI cast is?" and he didn't even know who the frig I was talking about!! :( he goes "you wanta take a ride lady" oh, shut up :mad:.. I go "no thank's"

Windy you're awesome! :lol: I wouldn't have the guts to go up to people like that. :rolleyes:

Surely they will stay in Vegas over the weekend? *hopes*

Rocky you another person who comes and drops in HOT pics then leaves us in the dust
She certainly is. Maybe her and Jazzy (who is MIA btw. :() are working together. :eek:

So yay for the hat being back. What they need is more double shifts, etc, that gets them out and about so he has to wear the hat for protection from the sun's harmful rays. ;)

He cut his hair? He cut his hair. *cries* But the curls were so perfect. Maybe he has become addicted to losing hair? There is a disorder where people pull out their hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, you name it. :eek: Not saying that he has a disorder, I'm just rambling. :lol:
Oh, thank's eggy I was brazen and off the wall, [more than usual] and totally annoying everyone.. I had to work , throughout this whole stay of their's, so was pursuing them after wards.. with NO luck :(........... here's a pic from lst nighte "ENDING HAPPY' and wasn't Happy a nice guy NOT.. what a low-life scum-bag.. EWWWW :mad: and he wouldn't die..when he got up and walked out of that garbage dump, I go "No way"! he was stabbed..shot..poisoned.. and what killed him :lol:

hhunter said:
good for you desertwind for pursuing them

and don't get me on the HAT Rocky you another person who comes and drops in HOT pics then leaves us in the dust :lol:
:lol:I`m just a buzzy lady,have my on Dutch csi lv board and 2 websites :lol: and my English is not so good,the only thing I can is drop some HOT pics and leave :lol: nice or not lady`s :D
He cut his hair? He cut his hair.

At least he hasn't gone all Manhunter on our asses and dyed it blonde. I wanna see that but I think I would cry if I did. I like blonde guys but I couldn't imagine him with blondey locks.

and he wouldn't die..when he got up and walked out of that garbage dump, I go "No way"! he was stabbed..shot..poisoned..

Man that sounds like an X Files episode. I'll have to wait to see that. Grissom and his beard are returning this week. WEEE! *hugs Gman* I missed you babaaay!

*wolf whistles*
Well hullllo there Mr Suited Man!
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