William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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I love Billy's lil curls at the back of his head. So bloody cute.

Let me illustrate with pictoral efforts! Look at those lil cutie curls at the back of his head. So cute!

Does anyone actually have a pic of the back of his head?! Lol.

Bruce Willis is still hawt. Definatly, been hot since his Moonlighting days :p
Oh, the curls. :)
Where is that first pic from? I've never seen it before! :eek:

Here's a pic of his curls Not quite a full on back of the head shot, but never the less, a curly shot. ;)

[O.T]Fell off my friggin' horse. Landed on my arse. Stupid idiot pruning his hedges out of view. All my horse saw was scary clippers. :([/O.T]
Egg First off, hope you ok after the heavy landing! The first pic is from an awards show, not sure which one, I just lurved his *adopts baby voice* lil curly hair boobooobooo! lmao.

I ordered season 6 part 1 today so in celebration, here's a ZEXY pic from Shooting Stars. I canna wait to get S6, i've only seen Poppin' Tags so i'm excited to see the rest :) weeee
eggbe4thechicken said:
Oh, the curls. :)
Where is that first pic from? I've never seen it before! :eek:
That's from Manhunter :cool:

More curls :devil:

LOL even the back of his head is hot :eek: :lol: HOW on earth does he do that -I mean being so freakin' HAWT??!!
And don't forget his incredible ACTING

POST MORTEM examning the creepy little minature house..can't wait till they divulge who's doing this.. he was so good in this ep. his expressions :eek:
A high school photo! Actually I'm not sure if it is a high school photo or whether it's from somewhere else, any who, I found this while snooping around on the class of '72 of the school he went to. (That sentence didn't make sense.)

Looksie at the top! :eek: It's the one that he wore in TLADILA, there is this big secrecy thing about it on the website, basically....he nicked it. :lol: Sounds like he used to wear it all the time. :lol:

I love Billy. :rolleyes:

And eggI think that photo might be from "Long Gone" 1987!
Seriously! :( My snooping was for nothing. There are no high school photos of him on the alumknights page. Lots of his classmates though. ;) How cool would it be if 30 years from now you discover that someone you sat next to in History all those years ago ended up being famous! :eek:

Windy you know how to kill me don't you? G wearing glasses, side profile with exposed neck and Sara wearing friggin' latex gloves! *thud*
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