William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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19ams87 said:
I'd hurt myself on purpose if that what was to show up lol.

Cap backward and beard is pure hotness.

He looks like such a G with that look goin' on. Hot damn. One of his best looks IMO.

Is it just me, or when he has his fluffy beard, backwards cap and a little tuft of curly hair sticking through, does he remind anyone else of a cuddly little teddy bear?

Sorry... *Hangs head in shame* I'm a pervert... I know...
Sorry... *Hangs head in shame* I'm a pervert... I know...

Me too chuck, me too.

OT - I got my interview for uni tmoz. Crapping my lil pants.

My gawd Morgan, those pics, heat overload.

And isn't it fun! ;)
Awww! I'd love to see him at a cubs game!! He looks so casual, and he really enjoys it!

OT - des, you need to empty ur inbox :lol:
It seems the Brits are the pervs. Mwahaha.

I'd like to see him anywhere, even in a mouldy stilton factory that was having ventilation problems. He could be full of mushy eggs (which I hate) and I still wouldn't care!

He loves his sport doesn't he, something I share with him! :) I'd like to take him to a British footie match, wonder if he'd like it. Most Americano's don't boo hiss.
We could take him to Liverpool v Blackburn and then go to the Cubs with him for the return leg! Genius, ams, genius! :lol:

You'll be grand at uni tomorrow. They'll give you a place. They let me in! They let me work with children! :lol: ;)
:eek: i like sports...i love baseball, softball and skateboarding...ohh...and rugby!

id love to take him to a rugger match!
Ahhh Liverpool V Blackburn, i'd probs end up in tears! We kicked ass tnite though whoop whoop. Oh yeah he could take us to watch the Cubs or the Lakers, he lurves those and i'd get a chance to throw something sharp at Kobe lol. Two birds with one stone :p

Don't really dig rugby that much, but Ben Cohen, he's hawt!

I hope they like me at uni, i'll just try and make um laugh, and if all else fails, beg and bribe lol. So very nervous, any road, i'm off to try and "sleep" aint gonna get much of that tnite, worrysome.

Night ladies.
^:lol: That was a great episode!! Cath's quote was excellent!! I especially liked how cool and calm Grissom was about the whole PAFCON thing!

bbwwwwhhhaaaha you know I LOVE <3 <3 Fur and Loathing
and Cath's comment is right... especially about the chest hair ;) ;)

but, can't say enough about the beard....
and grissoms gurl I love your icon/banner
the pout is adorable
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