William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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And Mr. smiley face.. he's so cute when he smiles..

something about this picture just 'got to me' although he doesn't have the beard... he's still 'THE MAN'

hhunter said:
something about this picture just 'got to me' although he doesn't have the beard... he's still 'THE MAN'


AHHH, I love it.. his foot on his kit :lol: and I believe that's Mandalay Bay in the background.. and where was I? :(
hhunter said:
something about this picture just 'got to me' although he doesn't have the beard... he's still 'THE MAN'


okay...this is going to sound really weird...but it actually looks like he's got a mustash in this pic :lol:

but he's still hot with whatever hair on his body...or none :devil: ;)

you know...i know what you mean about the pic, if you think about it too long it does 'get to you' :lol:
I love that pic hhunter!! I remember seeing it for the first time just before season 7 started, and I was like 'whoa!' :lol: He looked completely different... but all the same :confused:
eggbe4thechicken said:
^ It really does! :lol:
Sorry guys but I don't like it. :( They have photoshopped him again, he doesn't look like Billy, he looks like Billy been smudged....but still hot of course, if I can get past the fact that they messed with him. :rolleyes:

Anyone else find this sexy?


a smudgy billy! :(

i dont really like the picture itself...i love the man in the pic...


nice pic...that is sexy! :eek:
Egg That pic is ZEXY! Ze hands, ze hands! From Gunshy too, one of the best Billy flicks. Smexyness in the pictoral form.

Le beard.

I'm still in mourning for the beard. Hhunter will back me up on that. Sniff sniff.
^^ you bet.. the beard.... the beard the beard...


now this is what I'm talking about... the beard and the backward cap :D
I'd hurt myself on purpose if that what was to show up lol.

Cap backward and beard is pure hotness.

He looks like such a G with that look goin' on. Hot damn. One of his best looks IMO.
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