William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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One of my fave quotes of Billy's is 'I smoke and I drink and i'm damn proud of it.' I love it when he's all 'I don't give a rats ass' love that attitude. So attractive.

Monk - I've never seen The Beast, sniff sniff never on in ol' Blighty!

I can see your whiteys Bman!
i love that about him too. he just doesnt seem to care. thought i've never heard him say that, but thats great lol. i havnt read too many articles/seen interviews of him.
how about a little Grissom/gun action :lol:

19ams87 said:
One of my fave quotes of Billy's is 'I smoke and I drink and i'm damn proud of it.' I love it when he's all 'I don't give a rats ass' love that attitude. So attractive.

Monk - I've never seen The Beast, sniff sniff never on in ol' Blighty!

I can see your whiteys Bman!

That quote however, was from 1984.. a looong time ago, in the new photos, he look's like he's been working out on a treadmill, buff.. and I know, that Jorja suggested he try her veggie diet, (could she be any thinner) so, I think due to his "heart scare" back in the beginning of 2005, he's cooled his evil ways.. he is after all 54 now :cool: some more from 'THE BEAST" (1996) a younger version of Grissom, with the beard!! it's a cheap version of "JAWS' but he's great, (tight jeans) his daughter is Missy Crider, who played in 'BURKED", so that's cool, that he still keeps in touch or plays opposite his former movie co-horts



CALLING ALL CSI FILES FANS..PICK-UP GIRLS I want to invite you all to come on my boat, for the weekend.. oohh, we'll have a great time..
yah! i so totally accidently watched that movie! i think dad has it on a DVDR somewhere. i'll have to ask. she told him to try veggie diet? er....no offense to any vegetarians out there. and i know you are but...*gags*
desertwind said:
MissMonk said:
oh! i love the 2nd one. do you mind if i take it and use it in something? what is the policy on this board about taking/using pictures?
It's fine by me. and I think Destiny as well, might want to ask her about this!!
As long as MissMonk uploads them to her own storage account, I don't have a problem with it. All that has to be remembered is that signature banners can't be over 220 wide by 75 high, and in the signature its either a "Banner" or "Text" not both. All the rules for the signatures can be found in the "Help Guide" Tacked up at the top of this (Lv) forum. ;)
All those pics... What a beautiful sight on this snowy day! :D I had a lot of catch up drooling to do, after having been drowned in real life for a while. Thanks! :D

And eggbe4, I'm wishing with you! :devil:
Those pics just cheered me up. I'm absolutly livid at the moment. My football (soccer) team just got absolutly SCREWED out of a vital winning game. I was shaking with anger, lol how lame am I. I'm just pent up. Those pics have granted a nice release. I need to relax lmao.
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