William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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Why, thank you, Miss Monk! So many to choose from, so little time! *le sigh* Where abouts are you in this crazy, mad world we call planet Earth?
well, im in Portland, OR USA. how about yourself? and i agree with you. too many pics to choose from. i LOVE the current one from that tvguide cover he just did. it was heaven.
^^^Hey MissMonk I'm outside Seattle ;)
ok Destiny that's enough chatting for me..

and there are WWWAAAAYYYY tooooooo mmmmmaaannnyyy pictures to choose from to pic a favorite

most of my favs involve the beard I have to say
yes yes yes thats the picture!! hehe. once i get off my lazy butt im going to make me a signature with it. and maybe when i get enough posts and icon..unles i have to chose a premade, who knows.

uk? awsome. im sorry its cold and wet there. right now its sunny and its semi warm with a nice breeeeze...feels nice and makes me feel happy! i'll send some sunshine yourway.
You think you got it bad BF? I'm in feckin Blackburn aka home of the chavs and freaks. It's always cold, wet and miserable round my neck of the woods :( boo hiss.

That pic is never gonna get old. Like BP himself, he's not aging. ;) He's immortal, again, more proof that he is god.
MissMonk said:
oh! i love the 2nd one. do you mind if i take it and use it in something? what is the policy on this board about taking/using pictures?

It's fine by me. and I think Destiny as well, might want to ask her about this!! I found these on Google.. there's scads of him, he's all over the net.. I believe I counted 25 fan-sites with his name, (none are endorsed nor authorized by him) and than I downloaded to my PB account, so you certainly have my permission, I'm not one of those people who say, "it's mine, and you can't have it" their out there, trust me, a bit strange as far as I'm concerned, if it's on the net, it's up for public comsumption, unless it's specified.. now some fans have their name on the ones they make, like montages/collages, then of course I would ask their permission.. savvy. and you might want to look at awesome Adzix's icons/avatars.. she rocks in making great ones!!
he's hot when he drinks too
makes me want to have one.. ahhh Diet coke for you under legal drinking age...UH OH!! I feel another PARTY coming on
plus we have a newbie...

so here's to the BILLY PARTY on FRIDAY!!!
lol. wonderful. he has a very nice chest. very very nice. and its not hairy! though im sure he waxes but in my mind he's just not hairy and its nice and *drifts off to dreamland* he drank alot in Cousins..thats all i remember from that movie lol.
He does drink like a fish, in almost all his movies..

THE BEAST Pssst.. over here baby :p

WINE, AND GREY HAIR here's to ya' Billy
hmm somebody likes his alcohol :p. ya know, now that i think about it, i think i accidently saw "the beast" once. did it have like a giant octopus or something in it?
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