"Wild Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I really think the two case episodes are some of the best ones, overall. I liked this one a lot. Both cases were interesting.

A three way going to a four way... :lol: The Cath and Vartann stuff was interesting.

Loved Greg talking to the parrot all the time. And poor Hodges, scared of birds. :lol: Funny case.

Will probably say more tomorrow. Just got home from Harry Potter and need sleep now.
I loved Brass's reactions as Sara and Greg explained their case to him. Also, Cath had a great line when advising the one woman to talk with her husband about what happened. "I'd leave out the part about the wonderful, unbelievable sex.":lol:
Oh, I'm loving this season so far! A few minor bumps in the road, but episodes like this one are really making it good.

I was totally invested in both cases - a rarity of late. I loved how it was the pets that did in their owners. I don't know why, but I was actually cheering on the little killer critters. :lol:

Lots of good lines and comedy in this. Greg and his attempts to get the parrot to talk, Sara baffled by Robbins' explanation of the wife's death, Nick and his excitement over his first threesome, Ray and the Kama Sutra, Hodges and his Canadian geese, and Brass with everything. Great stuff!

I feel bad for both Cath and Vartann. I don't view either as being in the wrong at the end. They're just looking for different things and expectations. If this relationship does end, I at least hope it's amicable.

And awesome continuity with Catherine. Now we know there was more to it when she told Nick way back that what Sam had left her was tied up in real estate.

Great episode. Really, REALLY enjoyed it. :)
Something that had me a bit puzzled after I thought about it last night. If the guy basically fell off of the balcony...wouldn't he have been screaming on the way down?? :wtf:
Something that had me a bit puzzled after I thought about it last night. If the guy basically fell off of the balcony...wouldn't he have been screaming on the way down?? :wtf:

You would think.

Again I did enjoy this episode. It had a few different things that we have not necessarily seen before, like pets responsible for killing their owners. :lol:

There were a lot of good lines in this one, funny moments.

I do agree with Kaylyne, though. They only have murders to deal with all the time. Please, let's have an arson or Grand theft or something different. I mean geez, Vegas has at least 2+ dead bodies a week? Wow!
Finally an episode which held my interest throughout, having two separate cases certainly helps.

Nice to see Leisha Hailey sans werewolf hair. Good mix of angst and humour to the first case, laughed out loud when the stacy women said "ok" to Nick whilst her head was in the evidence bucket.

Is there a clause in George Eads contract that says he must be partnered with Ray? They do work well together but it'd be nice to see them partnered with someone else for a change.

So Catherine's 'big secret' wasn't actually that big or a secret, nice continuity with the reference to Built to Kill (BTK) however i was a bit surprised that Catherine said it happened a couple of years ago as in my mind it's more like 3/4 years.

Whilst i wasn't overly keen on how Vartann was portrayed in the episode it was great to see them finally giving Alex Carter more to work with, and some of the old Vartann personality showing through.

If Catherine's share in Sam's casino is a point of contention between the two of them i can't see catherine leaving csi to enter the casino world AND live happily ever after with Vartann, it will have to be one or the other.

The balcony reenactment was largely unnecessary but it was still a funny scene, liked Ray's 'look at my ass' comment. One thing that struck me as odd is that they make Nick out to be slightly awkward when it comes to sex, the women flirting etc. yet he always tells stories of his wild college days.

The second case, despite the culprits being obvious from the start, was great fun to watch - very much like locomotion.
Brass was back at his best and Sara's scenes with both doc Robbins and Hodges was perfectly played.

Did anyone else think that the cat looked really cute when it's claws were being swabbed? :)

The scene in which Greg and Sara were summarising the case to Brass has been one of my favourites of the season, especially the exchange between Greg and Brass:

Greg: "Think of it as a series of unfortunate events"
Brass: "Oh, you mean don't think of it as a cartoon"

I couldn't really enjoy the final scene with the parrot as the whole time i was thinking 'hang up the phone, you're wasting police time!' :lol:

4/5 stars for the ep as the weird vartann/cath angst bummed me out a little.
If Catherine's share in Sam's casino is a point of contention between the two of them i can't see catherine leaving csi to enter the casino world AND live happily ever after with Vartann, it will have to be one or the other.
I think the bone of contention for V was that Catherine didn't tell him about it. I don't really think he would have a big problem with her being part of the casino world...but he was miffed she didn't tell him about it.

Something that had me a bit puzzled after I thought about it last night. If the guy basically fell off of the balcony...wouldn't he have been screaming on the way down?? :wtf:
He might have been screaming on his way down, but those two ladies seemed to be in their own little world at the time. If you notice when they were watching that couple, they went slo-mo, indicating they were so focused on that other couple that the rest of the world was irrelevant.
Or - maybe since the guy was in the middle of "mind-blowing sex" at the time he fell off, he was probably in his own little daze & maybe a bit unaware of what was happening in those couple seconds of falling.
If Catherine's share in Sam's casino is a point of contention between the two of them i can't see catherine leaving csi to enter the casino world AND live happily ever after with Vartann, it will have to be one or the other.
I think the bone of contention for V was that Catherine didn't tell him about it. I don't really think he would have a big problem with her being part of the casino world...but he was miffed she didn't tell him about it.

That makes more sense :). I wonder how much Sam actually left Catherine in charge of. All the talk of casino's made me wish for an appearance by Lily, perhaps she could set Vartann straight!
Loved this one. Even with the C/V angst.

From CSI of old again. Kudos to you writers. Some CSI continuity. I got a Viva Las Vegas feel from the hotel with the blood spatter and the man and woman having sex.

Crows Feet from the bird case.
Sara and Greg working together are awesome. I love them. The case was a bit silly but they are a great team.

Brass, what can you say about Brass. Just his facial expressions alone had me laughing out loud. :lol:

The Cirque du Soliel comment had me laughing again.

I have to say Kudos again to Melissa and Treena for writing a MAN! Not just a Man, Vartann.
(Please take in mind that I am sleep deprived) but I really didn't see the C/V angst as that bad. I can see both sides of what they were saying.
The writers are possibly making more out of their 'angst'. Everything can't be too perfect in these CSI relationships.

YES, he was a butthead in the beginning. Give the lady some slack, I thought.
But as the case continued I think I could see where he was coming from with her not telling him about the possible rape. What a way to find out.
AND, if Vartann withheld something from Catherine, I think she would be just as pissy. Especially if it was something sort of personal that could affect them.

My observation about them is that they are both stubborn. He's a man, a cop and he's stubborn. He wants her on his terms.
She is Catherine Willows, equally as stubborn, driven and independent. (Which Lou is finding out pretty darn quick) She wants him on her terms.
They both need to figure out if they want to be together. Melissa and Treena the answer is YES! :lol:

Again, great episode.

Terrible sorry, Melissa and Treena. Sorry ladies. Please keep up the good work.
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Fantastic enjoyable episode! Both cases are interesting and fun. The three-way scene of Nick, Catherine and Ray is hilarious. :lol: I like Brass reactions when Greg and Sara is telling him what really happened. He reflects the audience reaction to the scenario. :thumbsup: I have two cats, and honestly, they sometimes go wild especially when playing. Sometimes I wake-up from sleep with bloody scratches on my arms and legs! :scream:

I enjoy the C/V scenes. The angst adds some depth to their relationship. It makes me like them more. Nice continuity on Catherine's past. I understand Vartann for complaining why she didn't tell him about it before.
Really enjoyable episode!

I tend to cringe more than laugh when procedurals try to be funny, but this ep was genuinely funny. Brass' cartoon line was golden and the balcony scene was hilarious!! :D

Both good, interesting cases that split screentime between the characters well.

I like Cath/Vartann, but I also like how they handled this ep for them, their disagreement didn't seemed forced for the sake of a disagreement. And in terms of their relationship on the show I think it makes the pair stronger as it's not just fluff.
I have to say Kudos again to Melissa and Teresa for writing a MAN! Not just a Man, Vartann.
(Please take in mind that I am sleep deprived) but I really didn't see the C/V angst as that bad. I can see both sides of what they were saying.
The writers are possibly making more out of their 'angst'. Everything can't be too perfect in these CSI relationships.

YES, he was a butthead in the beginning. Give the lady some slack, I thought.
But as the case continued I think I could see where he was coming from with her not telling him about the possible rape. What a way to find out.
AND, if Vartann withheld something from Catherine, I think she would be just as pissy. Especially if it was something sort of personal that could affect them.

My observation about them is that they are both stubborn. He's a man, a cop and he's stubborn. He wants her on his terms.
She is Catherine Willows, equally as stubborn, driven and independent. (Which Lou is finding out pretty darn quick) She wants him on her terms.
They both need to figure out if they want to be together. Melissa and Teresa the answer is YES! :lol:

Again, great episode.

Couldn't of put it better, they can spend the rest of their lives being stubborn together (as well as throwing Lindsay into the mix) :lol:.

It was amusing to see Vartann back to his 'i don't believe a word anyones saying' attitude again. Would be great to see a joint Brass/Vartann interrogation against a suspect.

Also, had the actress who played Stacy been in CSI before? i'm sure i recognised her.
Awesome episode.So many things I liked: the three way between Nick,Catherine and Ray,Brass being sarcastic and even the Catherine and Vartan angst.Both cases kept my attention and so many moments had me laughing.Solid A from me!!
I do agree with Kaylyne, though. They only have murders to deal with all the time. Please, let's have an arson or Grand theft or something different. I mean geez, Vegas has at least 2+ dead bodies a week? Wow!

From what I know, yes they do.. but I there's also a whole lot more other crimes too - I'd love to see more of those on CSI, not just the murders (or not-murders). Of course, less murders would mean less screentime for Robbins and Phillips.
WOW..once again the writers out did their selves and give the fans another riveting twist and turn episode. Only they could come up with a cat and a parrot responsible for their owners deaths:eek:and the other case who, what and why~


The 2 girls walking and talking when the guy just falls out of the sky right in front of them, Ray and Dave Ray: "His injuries could have happened if he fell 5 stories or 20":confused:

Nick staring at girls is it seems her boobs, and he acts a bit embarassed, plucks a piece of the guys brain out of her dress..EWWW:alienblush:

Cath and Vartann, with her hugging a guy right in front of him, he doesn't look happy they go tit-to-tat on the Casino "I didn't want everyone to know" He goes "Now I'm everyone" seems a little teenage-ish:rolleyes: "Cath 'We'll talk about it some other time, he looks displeased~

Nick: "Vegas is the suicide capital of America", Cath:"gamble, see a show" Ray:"kiss your life goodbye"~

The guy is Brad Malone the go to his room, find out he had financial troubles. Ray: "not alot to live for"

Brass, Greg and Sara. "Brass: "we've go a double homicide" blood everywhere, splatter everywhere Lance & Denise.. Greg: to Parrot "If you tell me, I'll give you a cracker" LOL..If he did see something , he's not talkiing". Woman dead on the floor, man in shower. Super Dave arrives. '"What is the deal with glass tables" Great to see Greg and Sara working together again:)

Nick and Ray & Vartann go in the room next door and find [they think] two dead girls, but Ray touches one and she springs up. So they were just "sleeping it off" and the blood spatter, they don't know anything, or so they say~

Doc and Sara trying to find out how the guy died, "he drowned" Doc says~

Brass interogates DeWayne "dude it's your voice on the phone and you lived next door" He said they fought constantly and the parrot drove hims nuts squawking all the time"~

Nic & Ray processing the crime scene Cath taking pics. of the girls at the hospital. Ray and Nick find many things [Ray has gotten so good at this], things don't add up and they conclude it was a threesome.. And there were drugs in the drinks~

Nick shares with Ray "One night in college I drank so much, I woke up in the morning with a box of corn flakes":lol: Ray with his doctors expertise says the "frontal where memory is was subdued by the drugs~Find iron Ray:"Somebody got steamed"

Sara and Greg trying to figure out crime, they find constant 911 calls~

Ray and Doc, going over Brad's body find drag marks Doc: "in my fantasies 3-ways never end in death" Cath and Nick find now it was a 4-way:eek:

Sara and Greg and the parrot "might be traumatized" says Sara, and she find the missing kitty under the bed~

Cath and Vartann, and her telling him about the night she got mugged and drugged. He's again disturbed that she never told him about this . Cath:"it's not something I don't like to talk about" Him:"Yeah, I'm getting used to that":(

Nick with results one girl was really drunk and one not, they had GHB in their systems and she lied again to Cath says she was raped. The tells her about Kyle how Stacy invited him back to the room. Ray with Hodges and the feathers and they came from a place called "The Pillow Club" so Ray and Nick go there. The are so connected while working on cases, so I guess the writers and producers like them in so many scenes together Ray is so calm, cool and collected, and they find Kyle, drag him downtown and his story is different from the girls~

Doc and Sara "none of this makes sense" Doc shows her the talon marks on the guys head. "Parrots are extremely smart" Sara: "there is now way that bird picked up a knife and stabbed Mrs. Irwin..right"?

Hodges and Sara, and he puts the parrot and the cat in cages right next to each other the are squawking and hissing, at one another, they hate each other and Hodges reveals he's afraid of birds since a flock of Canadian geese attacked him:lol: Sara an her always classic expressions "Really":confused:

Brass "The parrot killed them" we see scene, it's hilarious, yet scary and sad:(

Cath, Nick & Ray re-inacted scene Ray bends over and Cath says "Ray your ass is a work of art" [yeah it is:p], but there's no blood on the thighs" Ray:"He was sitting on the railing, so have a seat 'boss' she goes "Me"? Nick "well I'm not getting up there" :lol: so she sits on his lap, go Cath..very sensual and all in the name of "an experiment" and Ray goes "suspended congress" from the kama sutra, "I'm a doctor" he says, Nick:"I'm very excited":rommie: That was it the blood was in the exact place it was on Brad~

Cath and Vartann "Her "I know your upset, and you think I'm not being honest with you, I just don't think couples need to teel each other everything" [WOW I so disagree, that's who you do tell everything too, lovers and friends. If you can't do that then mistrust sets in] He says "who gets to draw that line, a big casino and you keep that from me" She goes "It's business, and it has nothing to do with us" [yeah it does] he goes "that says alot" Her "I've had all the complicated relationships I can handle, and this is who I am, don't try and change me and I promise I won't try to change you, [I don't think he's trying to change her, just wants her to share things with him] She needs to compromise, and grow up as well, and try and do things to please him. I bet he doesn't keep stuff from her. He goes "take it or leave it"? She goes "Call me when you decide" he looks disapointed and confused.. poor guy.:(

Sara and Greg with the parrot, he is slicing a apple when he cuts himself, and bleeds and there goes the intelligent parrot lifts up the phone and calls 911 and says "Help me Help me":eek: Greg "You've been holding out on use"

Loved this eopside intriguing the whole team in sync the parrot and the cat caper, amusing.. Great I grade this an A+:bolian:
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