I liked this episode a lot; probably one of my favorite light-hearted CSI epis. Greg and Sara working together takes me back to season 5, which is one of my favorite seasons. Their case was classic CSI humor, especially the scene with Brass and Sara and Greg. Loved Sara's scenes with Doc ('...right?' LOL) and Hodges, as well. Greg talking to the parrot throughout was funny, as was the ending scene.
I liked Catherine's actions in the epi regarding Vartann; it was very in character for her, and very realistic. By the time we reach middle age we all have a lot of baggage, and it's not likely we will share everything with someone, especially when we have been burned in the past. If the relationship lasts, then it will be doled out gradually over time. I suspect Cath and Vartann will find a middle ground later to reconnect.
so much fun, and I really would never had imagined the animals being the culprits...
Brass had great one liners...love those as well!
As for Cath, she needs to take a hint:
for ONCE she dates a decent guy who'd do a lot for her, and she doesn't even remotely try to see things from his point of view. I'm not saying that he was right (because I can see where she comes from) but at least, she could have made an effort.
I'm so on Vartan's team on this one. She needs to get her priorities straight. He's not a cheater, he shares stuff with her, but she keeps her guard even higher than with the jerks she used to be with.
Give the guy a break.
Hopefully, she'll come through. I love Vartan, and I love Cath (always thought they had good on screen chemistry, even years ago) and I really don't want them to end with bitter feelings.
and finally...the balcony reenaction was just a blast.
Loved the episode, but have a couple of nit picking items. Unless the guy lost his voice or was unconscious, he should have been screaming on the way down. I don't buy it that the ladies were too occupied to hear him scream.
The other is 'who still has their underwear on when they are having mind blowing sex'? I realize they did it for tv, but not too realistic in my opinion.
I LOVED this episode!!! One of my favorites without a doubt! There hasn't been an epi with this much humor since...awhile?!
Sara and Greg paired together reminded me of old times. Greg talking to the parrotwas really cute. I kinda figured the parrot dialed 911 but still it was a great way to end it
I really hope Cath and Vatrann patch things up. I love them as a couple! Cath has had so much happen to her! She finally found a good guy and he needs to stay.
The scene where Cath um...straddled Ray. Ahhh! Hilarious!!!
Well, I guess some people are in too much of a hurry sometimes. :lol:
They mentioned that they found a home for the bird, but what about the cat? Do you think Hodges took the cat home with him? Oh and I agree with whomever said that the cat looked really cute when Hodges was processing it.
Yeah :lol: and I remember that couple wasn't high/wasted enough to try that stupid thing. Why not just put a lower chair/table before the ledge and seat there if they really want to feel the heights.
I asked myself the same. Like...wait a moment, this guy had his pants up and they looked like the zip wasn't open so how...?
But it was a great episode. I was wondering the whole time if Greg keeps the bird after he was eager to make it talk.
And Sara talking and talking and talking until the doc could stop her. She was hilarious.
I think Cath and Vartan should take two weeks off together and talk.
I really liked this one. It was one of my favorites this season, along with Shock Waves and Pool Shark. The VCR angst made me mad at first, but after reading some other opinions and talking to some people, I think I know where they are going with this.
I think that with the upcoming episode where Catherine is "trapped", Vartann will have let her go in alone or they get int a fight before she ends up in danger, and he will realize that she's worth it.
But anyways, that's that. I can understand Catherine's point of view. I don't tell everyone everything about me. I'm a very quiet, reflective person, and it may seem like I am mad, but 9 times out of 10 I am thinking. It took my husband awhile to realize that about me while we were dating, but now he completely understands. Cath shouldn't have to tell Lou that she has a ton of money. A lot of people (myself included) don't like to talk about their money, and don't want to seem like they are bragging/showing off their assets. Cath probably just wants to live her life as a normal person and doesn't want to be driving flashy Maseratis and having a huge house to say "Hey, I'm loaded!" That's just making her a target for golddiggers and people who want a Sugar Mama. I don't fault her at all for not mentioning the money. As for the roofie thing, I also don't fault her. That was a very painful time in her life, and not something that she wants to remember. To me it kinda seemed like she caught herself at the end of her rant when Lou asked "And you do?" and was like "Damn...didn't mean to say all that." I think they have established very well that while Cath is very open to her sexuality and very cool and calm, she's still got a lot of vulnerbility about her. I'm eager to see where they take the VCR from here.
Other things I liked: The cat and bird case was so cute, and I loved Sara and Greg explaining the case to Brass. That was a beautiful bird, exactly the type that I eventually like. I loved the expression that Wally had when the two were in the lab fighting. Hilarious.
Also loved the three way enactment. You could tell that Marg, Laurence, and George had a lot of fun with that scene. I wonder how much of it was adlibbed. I thought the most hilarious part was when Cath and Nick were cracking jokes and Ray all of a sudden was like "Suspended Congress." and Nick and Cath were both like ".........:wtf:" Then when Ray explains what it is, Cath looks at his crotch. :guffaw:Hilarious. I like how Nicky helped Cath to keep her from falling on her butt.
All in all, great episode, can't wait for 418/427 and what's to come in January and February and beyond. I think that this season has been the best so far among the last 5.
Hats off to the owner/trainer of the parrot, good job:bolian: who knew a bird could learn to dial 911. Also the kitty, and Hodges getting the paw-prints off him.. so cute Such a good episode, the whole show was fantastic~
Well, considering it's for an episode that hasn't aired yet, I don't want to spoil anyone who doesn't read the regular spoiler thread. I was under the impression that you were just supposed to talk about the episode in the title, but whatevs.
Well, considering it's for an episode that hasn't aired yet, I don't want to spoil anyone who doesn't read the regular spoiler thread. I was under the impression that you were just supposed to talk about the episode in the title, but whatevs.
Watched this again and they guy did yell when he fell off the balcony.. we only heard if briefly, due to the fact we didn't see his fall all the way down~