"Wild Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

blackflag, for some reason whenever I try to watch the clip you posted I get a warning about pop up blockers or something. And that's never happened before.....is there a different link somewhere?
Thanks NickyFan. Why do they always have to make Nick jump? Well, at least I guess he wasn't the only one in this case. Looks like Vartann and Ray get a scare too
Thanks NickyFan. Why do they always have to make Nick jump? Well, at least I guess he wasn't the only one in this case. Looks like Vartann and Ray get a scare too

The look on Nick's face after he realizes what's going on...looks just like he did in The Strip Strangler. :lol:
I'm looking forward to this one, if not just for the Nick/Cath/Ray scene. "Have a seat, boss." :lol:
Girl 1: What is it?
Nick: Just a little brain.
Girl 2: You always said you wanted a guy with brains. :guffaw: Sorry, I make jokes when I'm nervous.

And then she flirts with Nick and says sorry, she flirts when she's nervous too lol.

Cath hugged that guy like he was her brother, Lou... nothing to really be jealous of.

So, let me guess the guy she hugged is the guy the spoiler was referring to Cath possibly being driven into the arms of?

LOL at Greg talking to the bird. "I'll give you a cracker". heh.

Nick's startled expression lol.

Brass said "dude" LOL.

Phone sex is the guy's alibi?

A box of corn flakes stuck to his head? Oh, Nicky lol.

The guy's hands were "full" when the couple was killed. lol at "full" hehe.

Nick: That three way was a four way.
Cath: Oh.

Pretty kitty.

Cath continuity, yay! But why didn't she tell Vartann that it was Nick she went to the concert with and that Nick met a girl there that he spent the rest of the evening with? Was she afraid Vartann would be jealous or that he'd blame Nick for what happened to her?

Adult slumber party hehe.

"What is with this family? Even the animals hate each other."

Hodges is afraid of birds.

Slyvester and Tweety. :guffaw: ILU, Brass!

Ray: Have a seat, boss.
Cath: Me?
Nick: Well, I'm not getting up there. :lol:

Okay, so the bird dialed 911, but what about the call where a guy says "did you call the cops?" and then you hear a smack?
I'll give this one a A-, I liked this one, nice way to end November sweeps, except Vartllow angst, but the season's not over so I'm hopeful that things will get better ;)

Nice to have another 2 case ep :thumbsup:

Whoever released the spoiler for Catherine's secret must not have watched the 2 Built to Kill episodes, cause we already know about that, though it's nice to hear about stuff from past episodes

Lots of Greg, I liked seeing him talking to the bird, and his hair and those spikes *passes out*

Screentime was pretty even :):thumbsup: Yay!!!

This is the second time this season there's been a reference to Sara's past, are we going to meet her mother or something ?

Poor Hodges, afraid of birds, good reason to be though, what's with this family even the animals hate each other :lol:

For a second at the end I thought Sara was going to adopt the bird, and I thought it might have been the bird that called 911, but I had to wait and see it for myself

I didn't think the soccer mom was telling the truth about being raped, but you never know so again I waited cause you never know

Brass had a few nice scenes, he hasn't dissappeared yet like some past characters, Sylvester and Tweety :lol: and interrogating the guy at the beginning

"Have a seat boss" "Is Ecklie around?" :lol: That would be ackward

The adult slumber party reminded me of the beginning of Lady Heather's Box, except that was foam and this was feathers

I figured Sam had left Catherine something, nice to hear what it is

That's all I can of at the moment :)
Whoever released the spoiler for Catherine's secret must not have watched the 2 Built to Kill episodes, cause we already know about that, though it's nice to hear about stuff from past episodes

I kind of thought the secret from her past that upset Lou was finding out Sam made her part owner of the casino. Seems like he was upset with everything he thought she was keeping from him tho.

I really liked this one. :) Two cases meant everyone was involved and got good air time.

Nick "getting excited" for his first three way. :lol: That whole scene with him and Cath and Ray was great! Loved how into it Cath was.
Okay, so the bird dialed 911, but what about the call where a guy says "did you call the cops?" and then you hear a smack?

It was an earlier call - history of domestic abuse.

Nice, mostly lighthearted episode. Two cases, good screentime for everyone, even detectives. :)

Poor Vartann; Catherine's not good at sharing at all. :( Also - Nick wasn't the last to know! :lol:

Greg and the parrot. :guffaw:

Hodges (staying in the lab, finally :)), and his bird phobia. "They were Canadian, I thought they were friendly." :lol:

"Oh, you mean don't think of it as a cartoon" - Love funny Brass! :guffaw:

Shouldn't Catherine worry about Vartann seeing her sitting on Ray's lap, not Ecklie?

I thought about the bird making the 911 call as soon as they said there was no blood on the phone. Cute how they found out though. Greg and Sara just laughed, instead of telling the 911 operator that it wasn't really an emergency. :)

So.. all that blood in the hotel room was from the bartender's head wound?
I was never big on the pairing, but I wonder if Cath doesn't have a bit to learn...I can understand Vartaan's frustration.

Anyway, I loved it just for the animals lol...plus the lap scene. I haven't been keeping up with the spoilers or much of anything this season, and I keep missing parts of eps, but I enjoyed this one.
Can't remember the last time I've laughed this much. :guffaw:This episode was just what I need after the week I've had. :hugegrin:

Cath continuity, yay! But why didn't she tell Vartann that it was Nick she went to the concert with and that Nick met a girl there that he spent the rest of the evening with? Was she afraid Vartann would be jealous or that he'd blame Nick for what happened to her?
I think Catherine just thought it wasn't worth mentioning who was there with her, since she doesn't blame Nick for it. And Vartann was a little irritated in that scene, so maybe she thought Vartann would go and take his irritation out on Nick, if she told Vartann.
- it’s so great to see Leisha Hailey back on my tv screen – and recognizable this time, not covered from head-to-toe with hair.

- I know some didn’t want the Cath/Louis angst, but I actually enjoyed their dynamic. Lou needs to wake up from his “everything is perfect” daze and realize that Catherine is a very complicated puzzle. He has to know that she’s a “People person” and him getting pissy over her getting a hug from a guy is stupid. She used to be a stripper, for crying out loud. I wonder if Lou knows that.

Truthfully, I don’t think she needed to tell him that she has some part in the Eclipse. You know Catherine is going to be quiet with that information, seeing how there seem to be many people who didn’t like Sam Braun and his (sometimes) evil ways, and where Sam Braun went, dead bodies would pile up. Catherine probably didn’t want Lou influenced by the fact that she’s a somewhat wealthy woman, especially since she seemed to be the one always supporting Eddie through the years and how he tried to get at her money. I don’t blame her for not sharing that info. If she & Lou are engaged or married, then probably yes, that would be something for her to tell him. Until then, none of his business.

- the other part of the Cath/Lou angst – him scoffing at how a woman could be so drunk/drugged that she was clueless and didn’t remember anything from the night before. That reminded me of the Vartann of old, when they had him almost being a jerk at times back in seasons 5 & 6. I’m glad that Catherine told him her story. That was some nice continuity.

- I knew right away that the bird was the one to dial 9-1-1 on the phone, and that the bird & cat worked in cahoots to end up killing the couple. That was too easy to figure out. I loved that they showed the Tweety vs Sylvester-like comedy routine. It kind of reminded me of “Locomotives”, where the guy had all the bad luck and ended up killing his wife & the neighbor lady accidentally.

- the Cath/Nick/Ray experiment was hilarious! I loved that Catherine was worried about Ecklie being around. Too bad he didn’t show up at the end. And the “check out my ass” comment by Ray was unexpectedly funny (coming from him, anyway). The only thing missing in this experiment was Hodges.

- I’m glad that they didn’t have Nick on the bird case. I didn’t want to hear more Grissom-esque speeches about birds from him. They’ve done that too many times. It was cute how Greg would talk to the bird and ask him for answers. It was also cute to have Sara on the case with animals, seeing that Jorja does a lot of charity work & PR for animal rights.

- And how great was it to finally have another case where the CSIs processed the scene, examined the evidence and discovered that there wasn’t a ‘person’ to blame or someone for Brass to take away in handcuffs, just two family pets who used their natural instincts and ended up killing their owners

- one really big question I have for the writers these days: why is it always dead bodies? Whatever happened to the trick-rolls, or the scams/fraud, or the other non-dead-body type crimes. Why is it ALWAYS dead bodies? Just a thought that it would be nice to bring back the variety that we had back in the early seasons. To me, they’re even more exciting than always seeing dead bodies. I get enough of the dead bodies with NCIS and Chase.

my full review can be found here
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