CSI Level Three
Reminiscent of Greg and Grissom. Only with Greg, it's actually entertaining. If it were Danny who's going around in circles with his explanations, it would be more entertaining to watch.I like how Mac seems irritated with her every time she goes into some long-winded explanation/experiment--just like the audience gets irritated. The show offy stuff just goes to show what a bad CSI she is--she's more interested in being right or proving her cool theories than she is in, you know, actually following the evidence and getting the real perp. She disgusted me in "People with Money" when she was so eager to pin a crime on someone who turned out to be innocent, and was actually reluctant to go back and reevaluate the evidence, even after Mac told her to!
In "People in Money", Stella almost scolded her and when they walked away, Lindsey huffed and rolled her eyes. Psh.
In Lindsay's defense, no matter how much she annoys you, she'll never be worse than Meredith Grey! Completely unrelated, I know, but consider this: she'll never be uglier than Meredith Grey, she'll never be more selfish than Meredith Grey & she'll never be more a pain in the @$$...
So there's a lot of places worth directing your hate towards & I think it's much better spent hating Meredith Grey!
Well, the show actually called for that kind of attitude from her. Although she's not likable as much as the other characters on GA. LOL.
Hey, these are two completely different characters from two different shows. No comparison. Plus, not all of the posters here watch GA.