Lindsay must stay to provide long, hard-to-follow expositions that are so drawn out they sometimes even frustrate Mac!
Lindsay must stay to remind us that people who are Not From New York do in fact work in New York! At least one Montana reference per episode should do it, bonus points for more.
Lindsay must stay to remind us that not all CSIs are empathetic. She can give bad news to fathers all day!
Lindsay must stay to show us the importance of brownnosing. Leave the work to a colleague until it becomes apparent that the case personally relates to the boss, and then by all means, jump in!
Lindsay must stay to remind us that complaining can get you out of tasks, especially if the person you complain to is a sweet guy who likes you.
Lindsay must stay to show us it's okay to yell at a superior, if you're having a bad day.
Lindsay must stay to leave crime scenes if they don't suit her.
Lindsay must stay to show us that it's possible to be thoroughly unlikable and still land the hot guy at work (never mind if the hot guy has self-esteem issues that cause him to trust those he shouldn't and seek out people who hurt him).
Lindsay must stay to remind us again and again that it's All About Her, whether it be because her boyfriend is in pain (mentally or physically, it makes no difference! It's still All About Lindsay), she wants to be at a crime scene, she doesn't want to be at a crime scene, she thinks she's right about something (regardless of what that silly evidence says!)...just remember, in Lindsay's mind, the world revolves around her, period. All other people and things are incidental.
And for my final one...Lindsay must stay because NY has a huge insect problem and, well, someone's got to eat them! :lol: