I'm in limbo over the whole Danny/Lindsay relationship, i read both points of views, i can get the shippers and i get the nonshippers, but to me their relationship is (which I think there is) is just being kept out of the lab, something i can see Mac's character wanting, as in fine, date, but keep it out of my lab. Everything the other does does not effect the other, they are individuals.
Angel, i had a problem with her approaching Danny in the bus it wasn't right, it seemed awkward and he seemed trapped, as for Lindsay not approaching Danny, honestly i have to follow my 'there is good in everyone heart' and say she was a decent girlfriend and talked to him. but that is just speculation. would have loved to see it, (a lot of missed scenes this season right? or is it just me? oh and that is in reference to everyone)
As for Anna, she doesn't handle the angstier episodes well, we saw that in season 3. Lindsay is one of those characters who has to stay glass half full for the betterment of the show. I love her when she is the know-it-all, state the obvious, corny lines, all smiles, and all that jazz.
Gosh i hope this strike ends soon, questions need to be answered!