Why Lindsay Must Stay!

It was "too soon" for Angell to tell Danny she heard about what happened to the kid who lived in his appartment and to say she was sorry for his loss?? I don't really get that. She didn't try make him talk about it, she just expressed her condolences and moved on. I don't think saying you're sorry for what happened and letting Danny know you're there for him despite how you feel is too much to ask of the chick he's supposedly in a relationship with.
Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Like I said, Lindsay should have talked to Danny, for all we know she might have, they just didn't show it. ANd the thing with Angell, yes, there is nothing wrong with saying I'm sorry to someone who has lost someone, but I think she should just waited a little bit to say so. But that's what I think.

Lindsay Must Stay because she's AWESOME!!!
ericisacutie said:
^^Well with Angell I don't think she should have said anything. It was too soon, and he cleary really didn't want to talk about it.

I really don't see how Angell simply saying she heard about what happened and was sorry about his loss would be a bad thing, or too soon. She wasn't making him mad by saying it, he clearly looked like he appriciated her giving him her condolences. It wasn't like she tracked him down for the details.

All I'm saying was that maybe Lindsay just didn't feel right talking to Danny about it. Maybe she felt if she had it would make him more upset.
But I do see where you're coming from, she could have at least tried. :)

The fact is, Lindsay is his supposed girlfriend. If she didn't feel right talking to Danny about something that was bothering him, I dont see how they could be in a real relationship at all. I dated someone once, and within the first week that we were going out his grandfather died. The two were very close, and although it was only the begining of our relationship and i didn't really know him like i knew him a year later, i still had no problems telling him i was sorry about his grandfather. If someone could do that after one week of a middle school relationship, and Lindsay can't do it after supposedly months of a real adult relationship, it really shows a problem with that person's character.

She ignored the incident after it happened, after she told Mac she wasn't good at "this kind of thing". She never mentions it in later episodes, not even in All in the Family when Danny is missing. It wasn't that she simply didn't try to talk to him afterwards, its that she seems to pass over the fact that it happened entirely.
I'm in limbo over the whole Danny/Lindsay relationship, i read both points of views, i can get the shippers and i get the nonshippers, but to me their relationship is (which I think there is) is just being kept out of the lab, something i can see Mac's character wanting, as in fine, date, but keep it out of my lab. Everything the other does does not effect the other, they are individuals.

Angel, i had a problem with her approaching Danny in the bus it wasn't right, it seemed awkward and he seemed trapped, as for Lindsay not approaching Danny, honestly i have to follow my 'there is good in everyone heart' and say she was a decent girlfriend and talked to him. but that is just speculation. would have loved to see it, (a lot of missed scenes this season right? or is it just me? oh and that is in reference to everyone)

As for Anna, she doesn't handle the angstier episodes well, we saw that in season 3. Lindsay is one of those characters who has to stay glass half full for the betterment of the show. I love her when she is the know-it-all, state the obvious, corny lines, all smiles, and all that jazz.

Gosh i hope this strike ends soon, questions need to be answered!
Did I think that the interaction between Angell and Danny on the bus was slightly awkward? Yes. Did I think that maybe she could have chosen a different time to console him? Maybe. Overall I really liked that scene. Yes, it was kinda awkward(which wasn't all that surprising) but she had his best interest at heart and just her making an effort showed a lot on her part. And Lindsay his supposed gf... nadda.

Thinking about it though none of her actions really surprise me now. This is the same person that went from "Woe is me all my friends are dead. How can I function???" to "Well now that that's over I can intensify my dance of seduction with Danny. Who cares if we're still in the court room!!!!". I though that whole thing was just ew. But I was sooooooo happy to find out that Danny WAS NOT leaning in to kiss it.
Danny did not seem upset about Angell saying what she did. Angell said she was sorry and Danny acknowledged it. Danny was still upset over Ruben's death and they were working. It was no surprise he went on with work.

Like I said, Lindsay should have talked to Danny, for all we know she might have, they just didn't show it. ANd the thing with Angell, yes, there is nothing wrong with saying I'm sorry to someone who has lost someone, but I think she should just waited a little bit to say so/
I doubt Lindsay talked to him since they cut that scene from All in the Family. Why should Angell have waited? Most people don't sit around (except Lindsay) and wait for the right moment because when someone close like that dies, there is no right moment. Maybe that was the first time Angell had seen Danny since she heard about Ruben. It makes sense for her to mention it then. Lindsay lost that first moment time by going to Mac instead of Danny.

I'm in limbo over the whole Danny/Lindsay relationship, i read both points of views, i can get the shippers and i get the nonshippers, but to me their relationship is (which I think there is) is just being kept out of the lab, something i can see Mac's character wanting, as in fine, date, but keep it out of my lab. Everything the other does does not effect the other, they are individuals.
Would anybody think they were together if AZ hadn't gone out of his way mentioning shippy things? If you look at just the show, what have we seen that proves they're a couple? I see nothing. They interact like co-workers. Yes, there was the incident in Snow Day but that only proves they've had sex, not that they're a couple. I find it telling that the pool table has disappeared...much like their so called relationship. :rolleyes:

Thinking about it though none of her actions really surprise me now. This is the same person that went from "Woe is me all my friends are dead. How can I function???" to "Well now that that's over I can intensify my dance of seduction with Danny. Who cares if we're still in the court room!!!!". I though that whole thing was just ew.
That was handled poorly from the beginning of the deep dark secret mess. Thank God Danny didn't just give in even though he played Mr Doormat for most of season 3. Anna is just crappy when it come to all emotions except the light fluffy stuff.

But I was sooooooo happy to find out that Danny WAS NOT leaning in to kiss it.
Kiss IT. :lol: :lol: :lol: You just made my day. :lol:
Lindsay not reaching out to Danny just shows that a) there's not much of a relationship there and b) the writers have realized Anna can't handle angst. As much as I think she's a shitty girlfriend for it, I don't think it impacts my opinion as to whether she should stay or go. I'm just grateful the writers didn't foist scrunch-faced angst on us all. :lol:

That being said, the writers shouldn't have to write around weak characters/actors when they have so many other great characters/actors to focus on. Do I find her noxious and horrid in season four like I did in season three? No, not really. But does she add anything to the show this season? No, not at all. So I'd rather have her gone to make way for worthier, more interesting, better portrayed characters. Just because she's tolerable now doesn't mean she deserves to be on the show.
:))) this is the why lindsay must stay thread and there are people who are talking about her leaving.. this says a lot!!
I don't understand how this should be a debate, at all. We all have opinions some of us like her, some of us don't. It shouldn't have been brought up. However I do like the other thread for this because honestly there is more bashing Lindsay than defending her, so it would have been better to stick with one topic, but hey who am I to decide.

Now I'm not saying this because I think any of you are wrong because I noticed it in season two and four, but in season three the writers did that because Anna was pregnant and tried to give her very little screen time.

I agree, stop using Danny to support Lindsay. Perhaps it's because I can't stand the couple but Lindsay's character has nothing to do with Danny.

The Ruben story, oh god. Have you not watched "Right next door"? Danny pushed Lindsay away! What was she going to do? Sit him down and make him talk to her? I'm sorry but it doesn't work like that. The only time Danny even showed sadness about the was the episode it happened and RND. Who's to say they didn't talk about it?

Lindsay lost that first moment time by going to Mac instead of Danny.

That made me mad, Lindsay DID go to Danny first. She called his name and he walked away like she wasn't even there. Like I said before, what's she going to do chase him and make him talk about something he doesn't want to talk about?

I understand where the people that don't like her are coming from and I understand where the people that do like her are coming from - hence that fact I am one -.
We all have opinions some of us like her, some of us don't.
Hence the discussion, which is voluntary. Some of us like discussion and debate, and others do not like it. Discussing why we do or do not want Lindsay around is just as relevant as discussing Flack's relationship with his father or anything else for that matter.

It shouldn't have been brought up.
Then why did you bump this thread 2 1/2 months after it stopped getting posted in?

The Ruben story, oh god. Have you not watched "Right next door"? Danny pushed Lindsay away! What was she going to do? Sit him down and make him talk to her? I'm sorry but it doesn't work like that. The only time Danny even showed sadness about the was the episode it happened and RND. Who's to say they didn't talk about it?
Danny pushed Lindsay away in "Right Next Door"? Refresh my memory, because I remember him walking away in "Child's Play" and her walking away in "Right Next Door". Unless you mean him making excuses to avoid having lunch with her. If that's what you mean--maybe he just didn't want to have lunch. Maybe he wasn't aware that it was his Big Chance to open up and tell Lindsay everything. Maybe he just thought it was lunch.

To refresh your memory, Danny showed sadness in "Happily Never After" when Angell brought it up to him, and also when he said he didn't want to be in a school. He also showed sadness in "All in the Family" when he and Flack had to stop Rikki from shooting Ollie.

As for being sure they didn't talk about it? Um, I'm pretty sure Lindsay basically said he didn't talk to her about it in her little monologue where she pointed out that Danny didn't come to her.
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See, with Lindsay's worthiness it all seems to come back to Danny. I can give a bunch of reasons why she isn't a worthwhile or likable character that have nothing to do with Danny.

She's unprofessional--leaving the scene of a crime in "Silent Night."
She's selfish--her own needs outweigh those of the job, like when she refused to talk to the mother of the dead girl in "Oedipus Hex."
She's arrogant--in "People with Money" she pushed her own theory, enamored of the cleverness of it, despite the fact that Mac told her to go back to the evidence. And sure enough...she was wrong.
She's inconsistent--one minute she's OMG tough girl, the next she can't even be at a crime scene.
She's written inconsistently--in "Manhattan Manhunt," she gets mad when Mac sends her away from a crime scene full of dead teens...and in "Silent Night" she can't handle being around one of them.
Anna Belknap's acting skills are seriously limited: see: "All Access," "Sweet Sixteen," "Silent Night," "The Lying Game" and whatever episode it was where she had to yell out "I rock!"

She's a poorly written, poorly acted character that should have never been added to the show to begin with. She was a rush job, and it's really a shame when you think of what the writers could have done if they'd had more time to craft a truly complex and believable character, and had an actress with real talent for television work been cast in the role.