I think the problem with keeping Lindsay is that the writers and show runners worked so hard trying to ingratiate the character to viewers, to the point that some of us were choking, that to undo the damage would mean yet another season of too much Lindsay without anything remotely positive emerging. You can't go back at this point and make her the new girl or the country girl seeking to adjust, allover again and any attempt to fix the broken would be ridiculously obvious and dominate the third season the way the character dominated the last half of the third, especially when they made it their weekly goal to place her in a scene with Danny. I could barely breathe this season as it was. Frankly, Anna just isn’t worth that much screen time, there is nothing amazingly talented about her nor does she draw you into the storyline, she is the weak link in an amazing cast, dead weight if you will. She manages to diminish Carmine and that is no easy feat considering the raw emotion and charisma he brings to the screen. It was an unfortunate pairing and one that I feel was forced to try to make the female viewer identify with her and like her, in other words, she wants Danny and I want Danny so she must be cool. Nice try, but really I have a lot more self-respect that that and I would hope that none of the viewers fell for that manipulative ploy.