Why Lindsay Must Go

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Then I wonder why you visit it?
Which I respect, but if you find the thread interesting, why hate it?

that's exactly what i was thinking right now....Y ou know Radical i think it could be interesting if you tell us why you like Lindsay, cause it seems like you are a Lindsay fan
A bunch of reasons, the main reason being is that I relate to her well. Once I start something, I'm very focused on it until it's completed. I also likes how she interacts with the rest of the team, IMO she brings a new element to the show. She has funny, witty lines, (which also remeinds me of me), but th eway she sometimes gets angry is a little like me also. I the end I like her because (i'm being redundant, I know) I think I'm a lot like her.

I know you guys probaby disagree with somethings, but everyone's entitled to their opinion. And like I said, that's why I like coming here, to see a different side of the spectrum.
Then, forgive me for bothering you about this, but why visit a thread you find interesting just to say you hate it, and then leave? We're not going to bash you for having an opinion, although we have the right to disagree with it. It just seemed somewhat pointless to go "I hate this thread" and nothing else.

In regards to your reasons for liking Lindsey, I kinda disagree with her interacting with the rest of the team. The only members we've really seen her interact with are Mac and Danny, as she's barely had any screentime with Stella, Flack and Hawkes.
Radical618 said:
You know, I love to hate this thread...

Not constructive, but I'm glad you stayed to say why you like her. :) I do think the debate is a good one, and I always like hearing the opinions of both sides.

One thing I've seen from almost every fan of Lindsay is that they relate to her. That makes me wonder, is it only possible to like Lindsay if you relate to her? I don't relate to Danny--I'm not a thirty-something male hothead from NYC--but I love him anyway. But do you have to relate to Lindsay to like her?
So I guess one can like Lindsay without relating to her. :)

Anyways, I didn't get to watch season 2 completely. But so far I haven't warmed up to Lindsay yet. I've seen Anna in Medical Investigations and I didn't like her there cause I didn't like her acting. I think her acting in NY is actually better but still not enough... still not at par with Gary, Melina, Eddie, etc.

So to sum up, I don't like Anna the actress, but I haven't decided yet on Lindsay the character. Right now I just wouldn't mind too much if the character isn't there next season. Unlike the other characters, cause I'd be devastated if one of them wouldn't be there.
Radical618 said:
Top41 said: But do you have to relate to Lindsay to like her?

Just because I like her becuase I relate doesnt mean all Lindsay fans like her because they relate.

However, does liking her mean you turn a blind eye to the faults of the character and the actress portraying that character or even the possibility of faults? For instance, I generally feel that Carmine is an excellent actor and that Danny is a compelling character, but I'm not afraid to say that there were times this season he seemed to disengage himself from the scenes, times he seems almost disinterested in the lines he delivered. I also have no problems saying that most of those, actually all of them, were in scenes with Anna. I simply get the feeling that Anna and Lindsay are held on this unreachable and untouchable pedestal and how dare people not like her, how dare people point out were they find fault. That type of fanaticism should be reserved for saints, and even Jesus has his detractors so why not Lindsay and Anna, that's what I don't get.

absolutly not. After reading what you guys have written and expressed, I watched the episode last night and tried to see if I could point out what you guys disliked about Anna/Lindsay. I Tried but I didn't notice.

However, there was not an angry Lindsay scene last night, so I couldn't make any assumptions. But from the performance from last night's eppy and reading your guys' opinions, my opinion stands the same.
I can sort of understand where the Lindsay fans are coming from. One of my other favorite shows is Medium. I love Joe DuBois, the character potrayed by actor Jake Weber. However, there are a LOT of people who can't stand either the character or the actor's potrayal. Even though I understand that everyone's entitled to their own opinion and it's not an attack against me, it still stings a little to have a favorite character critised. It's almost like being told, "How can you like this person? What on earth is wrong with you?"

Over here I'm on the other side of the fence when it comes to the Lindsay debate, so I understand how the Joe non-fans over in the Medium fan sites feel.

It's kinda weird being able to see things from both sides.
JDonne said:
Radical618 said:
Top41 said: But do you have to relate to Lindsay to like her?

Just because I like her becuase I relate doesnt mean all Lindsay fans like her because they relate.

However, does liking her mean you turn a blind eye to the faults of the character and the actress portraying that character or even the possibility of faults? For instance, I generally feel that Carmine is an excellent actor and that Danny is a compelling character, but I'm not afraid to say that there were times this season he seemed to disengage himself from the scenes, times he seems almost disinterested in the lines he delivered. I also have no problems saying that most of those, actually all of them, were in scenes with Anna. I simply get the feeling that Anna and Lindsay are held on this unreachable and untouchable pedestal and how dare people not like her, how dare people point out were they find fault. That type of fanaticism should be reserved for saints, and even Jesus has his detractors so why not Lindsay and Anna, that's what I don't get.


I don't think that anybody has put Anna on any kind of pedestal. I can see where you might feel that way because of the difference between those who like her and the level of hate that you feel for her.

Last season, there were times I couldn't stand Danny. But I wasn't going to make a declaration that he had to go because a lot of other people liked him and I figured if that many like him then there must be a reason. And I knew that they would be very disappointed if he had been taken off the show. This year, he's better and I've kinda taken a liking to him.

Does she have faults? I'm sure she does. I guess it just not my nature to look for faults in people unless they have some thing I don't understand or like or I'm trying to figure what why I reacted to something the way that I did.
clhawk said:
JDonne said:
Radical618 said:
Top41 said: But do you have to relate to Lindsay to like her?

Just because I like her becuase I relate doesnt mean all Lindsay fans like her because they relate.

However, does liking her mean you turn a blind eye to the faults of the character and the actress portraying that character or even the possibility of faults? For instance, I generally feel that Carmine is an excellent actor and that Danny is a compelling character, but I'm not afraid to say that there were times this season he seemed to disengage himself from the scenes, times he seems almost disinterested in the lines he delivered. I also have no problems saying that most of those, actually all of them, were in scenes with Anna. I simply get the feeling that Anna and Lindsay are held on this unreachable and untouchable pedestal and how dare people not like her, how dare people point out were they find fault. That type of fanaticism should be reserved for saints, and even Jesus has his detractors so why not Lindsay and Anna, that's what I don't get.


I don't think that anybody has put Anna on any kind of pedestal. I can see where you might feel that way because of the difference between those who like her and the level of hate that you feel for her.

Last season, there were times I couldn't stand Danny. But I wasn't going to make a declaration that he had to go because a lot of other people liked him and I figured if that many like him then there must be a reason. And I knew that they would be very disappointed if he had been taken off the show. This year, he's better and I've kinda taken a liking to him.

Does she have faults? I'm sure she does. I guess it just not my nature to look for faults in people unless they have some thing I don't understand or like or I'm trying to figure what why I reacted to something the way that I did.

I'm sure I've never said I hate Anna and it is that kind of statement that annoys me to no end, the placing of words in my mouth. Perhaps, that is the root of the problem, I criticize Anna's acting without having any feelings towards her one way or another, which is labeled as indifference. Lindsay, however is a different story and can be openly judged because she is not real, she can be criticized without any chance that her feelings will be hurt, as she is simply a character on television. I do love that there are those that only "like" her while I apparently have a "level of hate" for herm it is weighted discrepancies like those that make me giggle.

Not voicing an opinion because you are afraid of upsetting the masses is what maintains the status quo for good or for bad, because only when we speak do things change and silence is rarely rewarded. There were and are plenty of people who dislike Danny, they don’t have any problems voicing their opinions, and those that do like Danny fortunately did not take it personally.

Carrieattheprom said:
I can sort of understand where the Lindsay fans are coming from. One of my other favorite shows is Medium. I love Joe DuBois, the character potrayed by actor Jake Weber. However, there are a LOT of people who can't stand either the character or the actor's potrayal. Even though I understand that everyone's entitled to their own opinion and it's not an attack against me, it still stings a little to have a favorite character critised. It's almost like being told, "How can you like this person? What on earth is wrong with you?"

I think that's a good point and I get that. But I've liked unpopular characters in the past and even now--I was probably one of about 7 Lost fans who liked Ana Lucia. And Kate, another of my favs, is pretty unpopular too. But, ultimately they're characters on a TV show and someone else disliking them--or a lot of someone elses disliking them--isn't going to take away from my enjoyment of the characters. And I enjoy debating people who don't like those characters, too--I find it both enlightening and fun. There's only so much "I love so and so!" you can say--that's not really discussion.

I feel the same way about people who dislike Danny, and he is one of my favorite characters on television right now. I miss midnight! She always used to make funny negative Danny comments.

As to Anna, hate is a strong word. I don't "hate" Anna--I don't know her personally, and I'm sure she's a nice person. My dislike of her is really limited to her performance, which, granted, I think is pretty poor. Basically all people here are saying is that she isn't doing a good job--in theory I could say that about a co-worker, too, and it wouldn't necessarily be personal. This is about job performance, and all many of is are saying is that we don't think Anna is doing an adequate job on the show.

I've said it elsewhere and I'll repeat it here--I've seen good reviews from Anna's theater days, where people have praised her singing and comedic timing. Not everyone is cut out for crime dramas, and I suspect Anna's gifts lie in comedy.
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