Why Lindsay Must Go

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To answer the question, I actually watched the Handler when it was on. It never grabbed me and part of it was I never connected with Lily...Anna Belknap's character. Which was too bad because I really liked Joe Pantiliano (sp). She just never convinced me that the character she was playing was real or as tough as they wanted her to be. There's always this little girl fragile quality to anything she says and does. I think she might do better if she were to try comedy or something lighter than a crime drama.
Jaer said:
To answer the question, I actually watched the Handler when it was on. It never grabbed me and part of it was I never connected with Lily...Anna Belknap's character. Which was too bad because I really liked Joe Pantiliano (sp). She just never convinced me that the character she was playing was real or as tough as they wanted her to be. There's always this little girl fragile quality to anything she says and does. I think she might do better if she were to try comedy or something lighter than a crime drama.

See, that's interesting, because I'd never seen her before this. But I totally agree with you about her being unable to come across as tough. The reviews I've seen for her plays - namely the comedies, have been good, and I know she's won at least one award. So I keep asking myself why she's so awful in CSI, or why I wince so often at a lot of her scenes. I think Top may have been right when she said that the transition from theatre to TV hasn't worked for Anna.
I think it just comes down to this, Cop-Drama is not her thing. Yeah, okay, so perhaps she's better in other shows here and there but the role she took on as Lindsay Monroe does not work.

She needs to learn that this character is not for her and that picking another actress would have been a much better idea.

It just bugs me how much of a waste it is.
I understand that people don't like the character, but to bash on Anna is not only rude but it is uncalled for.

You know, Anna fans don't even like coming into the whole NY thread itself anymore because so many people over here talk about how bad the character/actress is. Even the mods bash the actress. It's never like that in the LV and Miami thread.
See, that's interesting, because I'd never seen her before this. But I totally agree with you about her being unable to come across as tough. The reviews I've seen for her plays - namely the comedies, have been good, and I know she's won at least one award. So I keep asking myself why she's so awful in CSI, or why I wince so often at a lot of her scenes. I think Top may have been right when she said that the transition from theatre to TV hasn't worked for Anna.

I'll buy that. The way I see it is Billy Petersen grew into Grissom (S1 Gil is quite different from S6 Gil), so I'm hoping so will Anna. Maybe she needs to do some field research on actual cops. Spend some time with some during the summer? The other actors have done it so maybe she can too.
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
I understand that people don't like the character, but to bash on Anna is not only rude but it is uncalled for.

You know, Anna fans don't eve like coming into the whole NY thread itself anymore because so many people over here talk about how bad the character/actress. Even the mods bash the actress. It's never like that in the LV and Miami thread.

A number of us are aware of that, and are trying to bridge gaps here. We're never going to agree but we can at least try to keep it non-personal and in the relevant threads. We said early on in this thread that we didn't want to just "bash", it was to offer criticism backed up with reasons. I'm not a mod, but would rather not see it reduced to just saying Anna is crap.

I'll buy that. The way I see it is Billy Petersen grew into Grissom (S1 Gil is quite different from S6 Gil), so I'm hoping so will Anna. Maybe she needs to do some field research on actual cops. Spend some time with some during the summer? The other actors have done it so maybe she can too.

I'd be interested to know if she'd actually done any fieldwork, seeing it's a pretty intense job. It could be that Season three presents us with a different Lindsey either due to Anna's acting or the writers presenting her in a different way, more suited to Anna.
Hmm... by saying :

Enroll Anna in acting lessons. [/b]

If you're a Lindsay fan and can't take the fact that some of us here want Lindsay gone I suggest you leave the thread to avoid any arguments.

Funny how we are encourged to share our opinions, but if we get mad about majority of the time our favorite character is being put down and we defend her, we're called taking it to personally and are told to avoid the threads.

I've been avoiding these threads because I dont want to start trouble, but I am tired of dreading this forum when the other forums are so kind and welcoming. Natalia is extremlly unliked in the Miami thread, but everytime a new thread is started, we dont hear how bad her acting is or how they just want her gone.
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
Hmm... by saying :

Enroll Anna in acting lessons. [/b]

If you're a Lindsay fan and can't take the fact that some of us here want Lindsay gone I suggest you leave the thread to avoid any arguments.

Funny how we are encourged to share our opinions, but if we get mad about majority of the time our favorite character is being put down and we defend her, we're called taking it to personally and are told to avoid the threads.

I've been avoiding these threads because I dont want to start trouble, but I am tired of dreading this forum when the other forums are so kind and welcoming.

I said some of us. People are still going to feel the way they do. I'm not a Lindsey fan, but I went into the Lindsey threads to try and talk. I wasn't exactly welcomed there either - it was implied that I was "invading".

I for one don't mind for a second if Lindsey fans want to put their views forward. But do it in a objective way. Posts about people being mean for picking on Anna or telling us to like her because she's cute don't really convince someone sitting on the fence. Let's be adults about this and critique/praise her as a character and an actress, rather than personal attacks or mindlessly insulting each other.

You're right, this doesn't happen in the Vegas or Miami forums. But say, Jon Togo as Ryan was introduced, treated and developed in a very different way to Lindsey and that's one of the things we discussed here. She's been compared to Eva L Rue though - what are your views on that?
I know everybody has a right to their opinions about Anna/Lindsay and that's fine, but bringing down Anna is very childlike. Let's grow up please.
I know she has been compaired to Eva. I myself compaired her to Eva once myself. But the difference between Natalia and Lindsay is a lot. Natalia came to work on cold cases in the lab. Isn't there a whole different precinct for cold cases? And since she was brought on and all we see her doing lately is talking to Delko about their love life.

Natalia's past was revealed in one 15 minute part of an episode where we found out she was beaten by her husband. I also said once that I would never want Lindsay's past to be revealed like that.
It's well within our rights to critique Anna's acting, as it's part of her performance as Lindsay. It's not "bashing" her, it's not like we're saying she's a bad person, just that her talent isn't up to par.

The only time I've seen that Top or I have had to intervene and tell anyone that they're taking the situation too personally is when comments (whether from pro-Lindsay or anti-Lindsay people) start getting personal. Everyone's opinion is welcome so long as it doesn't cross into personal territory (ie., telling someone they are stupid because of their opinion.)

I think a big problem is that people say "I don't like Lindsay" (or even "I do like Lindsay") and then feel that it's a personal attack when someone disagrees. IT'S NOT. Just because someone likes Lindsay and I don't doesn't mean that I think that person is stupid, or an idiot, or whatever. It just means that we don't have the same opinion, which is a good thing. Variety is the spice of life. It also doesn't mean that I think whatever values you might hold, or even any of your other opinions, are not worth listening to.

I do have to say, though, that if anyone, ANYONE, whether you're pro or anti anything, can't handle their opinions being scrutinized then maybe you should rethink your opinion. Top and I try our damnedest to make the NY forum a mix of fun (with the game threads and the drool threads) and seriousness (these debate threads.) Our point of view with these more serious discussion and debate threads is that people will defend their views because they believe in it. I don't see this going on. All I see is one opinion being put out there, it getting scrutinized, and then the people who put that opinion there getting upset that someone tried to shoot holes in it. My advice? Come back with a counter-argument. With enough evidence you can support any view you want. Find the evidence you need to support your view and apply it. That's how discussions and debates work and that's the type of setting Top and I are trying to encourage.

I'm sorry that some people feel like they can't come in this forum simply because they like a character that it seems the majority dislikes. But I have to say, you're not doing yourself any favors by avoiding this place. SHOW us why you think Lindsay is awesome. Use specific examples. It's entirely possible that we've overlooked something that you all have noticed in her character development. If you keep these things within your own realm of Lindsay-love then of course you'll never persuade anyone to like her. And, as I stated before, if you do bring up specific examples, expect us to counter it with the reasons why we don't like her. The only thing left after that is to come back with your own counter-argument. I can't stress this enough. Picture a debate as a tennis match if you will. It goes back and forth, with each side presenting evidence supporting their argument. That's how it works.
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
I know she has been compaired to Eva. I myself compaired her to Eva once myself. But the difference between Natalia and Lindsay is a lot. Natalia came to work on cold cases in the lab. Isn't there a whole different precinct for cold cases? And since she was brought on and all we see her doing lately is talking to Delko about their love life.

Natalia's past was revealed in one 15 minute part of an episode where we found out she was beaten by her husband. I also said once that I would never want Lindsay's past to be revealed like that.

But by the same token, Lindsey works exclusively with Danny or Mac, and a lot of what we've seen lately is the Danny/Lindsey flirting. I agree though, Lindsey as a main character means Anna is even more in the spotlight than Eva is. Eva can at least get away with certain things, whereas anything Anna does is there in your face.

I think I'm one of the few who liked Natalia a whole lot more after that ep. It was something, anything, for us to work with in regards to Natalia. I think the only time Lindsey really spoke of her past was in "Zoo York" when she's talking about Montana.
It's interesting to note though, that both characters have been accused of being under-developed and causing problems within the show. Of course, both have their supporters. Ryan Wolfe had none of these problems and people pretty much accepted him staight away. I'm a Ryan fan - and was a die-hard Speedle fan before that.
I am so tired of having to come and fight in this forum. To each it's own, I guess.

You guys think Anna isn't devloped and that she needs acting classes, but I felt the same about Aiden. It sounded like she read all her lines in a monotone. Even when she was trying to tell Mac she didn't plant evidence.
Guys, chill. They're opinions. Seriously. I understand if some do not feel the same about Lindsay but it's life. We all do not like certain things and until we're pleased, we're still not going to like.

And for those that keep coming in here, this is a thread as to why Lindsay must go. Not "should lindsay go?" so please, if you do not like then don't come in. :) Just simple, all right?

I'm getting really tired of people having to remind.
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
You guys think Anna isn't devloped and that she needs acting classes, but I felt the same about Aiden. It sounded like she read all her lines in a monotone. Even when she was trying to tell Mac she didn't plant evidence.

I felt the same, but I still found her character interesting and thought that Vanessa brought something, like the authentic NY attitude that Aiden had, or even the loyalty. There was at least a degree, and when I watched her I believed her (how ever monotone and indifferent her voice was). It seemed more low quality instead of calculated, which is what Anna Belknaps is.

In my drama class, I had one kid who couldnt act, because they didnt have the skill, and one who concentrated on the moments leading up and the script so much that they let it get in the way. There is room for improv in acting, even if it is scripted, and Anna Belknap doesnt bring that which makes her character who could be interesting suffer.
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