Why Lindsay Must Go

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It was a long post, but a bloody good one. That negative factors thing is spot on - something I'd not even thought of - and I'm now going to give you my brain and go to bed, because you're doing this better than me :)

*bows to Kimmy*
Just want to echo what Bitten said and remind people not to get personal. This is a discussion--both sides are welcome (arguing why Lindsay *shouldn't* go is okay too).

If you're tired of arguing your point, either don't visit the thread or don't post, but don't complain about others making their points.

Saying Anna's acting isn't up to par is a valid point. It's criticizing her work--no one is calling her ugly or stupid or anything like that, which would be bashing.

The point that some actors started in the theater and made the transition to TV well is true. There are some who are versatile and can work in any medium. But there are some actors that are more comfortable in and more suited to the theater, and I honestly think Anna is one of them.

When you're acting on stage, your movements have to be exaggerated so as to get them across to the entire audience. Your lines have to be over-emphasized, so that people can hear and know how to react in the theater (which in most ways is a more interactive experience than television). I also think LiquidCrystal makes a good point about playing the part over and over again, night after night--an actor really gets a chance to slip into a role and own it, not just the character but the lines as well. In TV, you pretty much have to nail the lines right away.

Kimmy, you make excellent points, and I agree with you about Lindsay and Danny. I don't have a problem with her having a crush on him--can't blame a girl for that! :lol: But I think if Anna's acting was more natural, their scenes would come across as more natural. I don't mind awkward--some people are awkward around their crushes--but again, I can see her reading the lines, and that's a problem. For romantic interaction, you really, really have to be natural.

She is best in the scenes where she doesn't have a lot of dialogue--shooting the arrow, looking for Danny in the bar and smiling when she sees him, eating bugs with him, examining evidence. And that's something. But dialogue is important in the show, and she really has to get that down.

I mean this with all due respect when I echo what Bitten said about acting lessons. Getting an acting coach to help her with coming across more naturally on television would not be a bad idea.
I usually try to stay pretty low key on this board, well except in the locker room. ;) anyway, I think that everyone has valid points of discussion in regards to the character of Lindsay and the actor, Anna.

Personally, I find her performance onscreen as a bit nauseating and unnatural. I have seen her in medical investigations, but cannot remember her character to save my life. Perhaps that is an indication of her performance? I don't know.

I also echo the thoughts on her relationship/crush with Danny on the show. I too feel that there is no chemistry with Lindsay and Danny. She does come across as reciting her lines, and it doesn't work. It is a stark difference from the acting of everyone else on that show. It's like putting a square peg in a round hole, it doesn't fit!

I also want to reinterate something Kimmy stated in an earlier post, this is a television show and the person that is in the title of this thread is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. She does not exist in real-life. So perhaps all of us need to take a step back and really think about why are people getting bent out of shape over a TELEVISION CHARACTER that doesn't even exist? We are all entitled to our opinions here, pro Lindsay, con Lindsay.

The fighting and upsetness over this, is well childish, IMO. We can all get along and co-exist here like the mature people I know we all are.

that is my public service announcement for the day :)
Thought this was relevant to this thread...

It seems like there's a lot of negative reaction to Anna and Lindsay on the IMDB.com CSI: NY Boards. It seems we are not alone in having concerns about the character and actress. I figured dislike of her was probably pretty wide-spread, but I was surprised to see all the threads over at IMDB criticizing her. Here are a few links:

Shut Up Lindsay (not the most even of titles, but gets the idea across :lol: )


Why Aren't They Using Anna Belknap More? (more of a mixed thread, which is nice--perspectives from both sides).

There are other threads, but they're shorter and some are pretty harsh.

I think it's interesting to see that dislike of Lindsay isn't just confined to CSI find boards--IMDb is about as 'general population' as it gets.
That is rather interesting, IMDB is a board widely read and used by those in the industry. I never doubted that the feelings were widespread but it is noteworthy that the average television viewer has as many issues with Lindsay as the more stalwart viewers that post here.

This is not about wanting to find fault with a character or an actor, but there are problems and some of the blame must be placed at Anna's feet, the fact that a majority of the complaints seem to echo one another, i.e. - an unnaturalness to her acting, a lack of tone to her delivery, an unexplainable overwhelming unpleasantness that seems to have little to do with the character, though the character has her own faults.

I like how articulate and profound the arguments on the Shut up Lindsay board are. :rolleyes:

Sarcasm aside, it is interesting to see the problem is being noticed on a wider scale.
^Good point on both, Jaer. The "Shut Up Lindsay" thread seemed full of some pretty passionate letting off steam type posts. :lol:

JDonne said:
That is rather interesting, IMDB is a board widely read and used by those in the industry. I never doubted that the feelings were widespread but it is noteworthy that the average television viewer has as many issues with Lindsay as the more stalwart viewers that post here.

It is definitely noteworthy that the general population is dissatisfied with the character.

This is not about wanting to find fault with a character or an actor, but there are problems and some of the blame must be placed at Anna's feet, the fact that a majority of the complaints seem to echo one another, i.e. - an unnaturalness to her acting, a lack of tone to her delivery, an unexplainable overwhelming unpleasantness that seems to have little to do with the character, though the character has her own faults.


People seem to be picking up the same things across the board--the things you mention with Anna's acting. The fact that the major complaints are repeated by different people in different places gives them even more weight.
I don't mind venting, but I would like them to back it up a little better.

I agree, Top, people do seem to be noticing the same things. Voice, gesture, overall acting. Some were from people who remembered her from other series as well, so it seems this wasn't a problem that just started during NY.
If I didn't love Danny so much I probably wouldn't hate her or find her so irritating. But I don't think she is that much of a good actress (IMHO) and it shows because the rest of the cast are so good.
I could NOT agree more, the character is annoying and childish and the writers are trying to force this 'attraction' between Danny and Lindsay and its just not there!My sister MET Carmine in LA a few weeks ago and asked about Aiden, and his reply to her question about their chemistry was 'Oh, it was THERE'
she didnt bother asking about Lindsay because we dont care but i can bet the answer would have been a respectful admission that there is NO REASON for her to stay on the show. Im sure the actress is a nice enough woman and all but her character is so vapid and dull. I dont even care about her big secret, it could turn out she was the direct descendanty of the Lindbergh baby and i wouldnt bat an eyelid because she would suck any excitement out of THAT too!
I think it was a mistake to bring that character on, and to write her in the way that they have, and also, i think the actors and writers need to get together to discuss the Danny/Lindsay non relationship because it's obvious the writers want it and the actors dont feel it.The scenes between them are uncomfortable to watch.
Plus they make no sense, to me, the only vibe between Danny and LIndsay is a sort of brother sister vibe which makes the flirtation even wierder, and at the same time, the attempts to make Lindsay seem to look up to Mac as some kind of mentor, come across as her having a crush on him, bordering on stalking when she followed him to the jazz bar(how creepy is it that she did that?!)
When Speed left Miami, i didnt think Wolfe could replace him, and he hasnt, but he's an intersting enough character and a sweet enough actor that he's watchable. But Lindsay is so...meh...she's either being incredibly annoying or she is so unremarkable that i forget she's on the show.
The writers are trying to bring something about with Danny and Lindsay, and I guess that works for some people but not others. I don't really see it from Danny's side either--I guess we'll find out one way or another in the finale which way it's heading (according to Carmine).

I kind of wish they'd waited to do that until they established the character and figured out who among the cast Anna had chemistry with. Because I agree--it's not with Carmine. And it's odd, because he has chemistry with everyone--with Vanessa, with Melina, with Kelly Hu who plays Maka, etc. I think they should have explored the chemistry between the actors before going with the storyline, but I guess we'll see where it goes.

But ultimately I don't think the problems with the character have anything to do with Danny, not on a deeper level.

Jaer said:
I agree, Top, people do seem to be noticing the same things. Voice, gesture, overall acting. Some were from people who remembered her from other series as well, so it seems this wasn't a problem that just started during NY.

It really just seems to be a problem with the actress, IMO. The problems people are coming up with have more to do with acting than the character, at least at this point.
I think you are right Top about needing to see if Anna actually sparked with any of the cast members before heading blind and unawares into a relationship, it could have saved the viewers from so many uncomfortable and unnatural scenes between the two. I also agree that the problems with Lindsay have little to do with the writers attempt to form some bond between the two. In fact, I think that entire course of action was to make the character instantaneously mesh with the rest of the team and the viewers, sort of a well Danny likes her so she can’t be all that bad head game that unfortunately for the writers failed miserably. The writers do not escape unscathed from a little bit of the blame, but the writing has been pretty sub par for everyone this season and yet the rest of the cat has maintained their intensity and excellent delivery, so once again we are back to poor casting coupled with an unsatisfying and often cringe inducing performances on Anna’s part.

I was thinking that perhaps Anna’s poor television delivery and I’m including other places I’ve seen her have to do with the lack of an audience for instant feedback and this harks back to an earlier conversation about her stage training. Maybe Anna needs someone to act towards, in other words an audience off of which to feed, as opposed to simply relying on her cast members for a jolt. Though, I like the idea of her needing multiple performances to get a grip on her character, however, this is television and we don’t have time for her to feel out the character and seek motivation, it has been 19 episodes, in the world of television that is forever and it has felt like it to me.

She has shown a little chemistry with Mac. She sparks off Gary far more than Carmine - but that could be Gary, not Anna. I find the Mac/Lindsey relationship to be far more palatable.

JDonne, I think you're right, and the IMDB posts raise interesting questions. I can't read them, but I can get the jist from what you're writing and it's good to know, in a way, that we're not just being excessively mean.

Maybe now there's two sites which are known to the writers saying the same thing, they'll take some notice and take positive steps over summer, to either re-assess Lindsey as a character or for Anna to take steps in improving her performance for TV.
What kind of improvents can be made though? In another thread there was mention about how Lindsay would have been better off had she been introduced as a Greg-type chracter who eventually worked her way out onto the field. There had also been discussion about how her introduction to the series after Aiden's departure could have been better handled. Since those events are locked in the past we need to think about what can be done now.

So how can Lindsay as a character be improved upon from where she is right now? How can Anna as an actress improve her preformance?
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