Why are we debating her abilities as a stage performer? This isn't the stage. She could be the bestest stage performer EVAR, and I really just don't care--I'm watching her on TV, and that's all I'm going to concern myself with. A fireplace mantle lined with stage acting trophies couldn't make up for what I see on CSI:NY. If she's so fantastic on the stage, she could always make her living there.
Some actors do equally well on stage and screen. Some struggle with one or the other (much as I love John Barrowman--and I do love him--he can be a bit over-the-top sometimes). Such is life, but skill in one does not excuse lack of skill in the other. If I was in the theater, I wouldn't go, 'Oh, well so-and-so is great on that TV show, so it's really alright if they suck balls on stage.'
As for Quinn--I don't care if she's similar in age to Melina. I would rather see an older woman who adds something to the show (as
Top said, I believe), than to see more young 'uns who can't make you believe the crap they're saying. I'll more readily accept that Quinn has some random bit of knowledge than I would accept that a twenty-something CSI has that same knowledge--merely because she's got more experience.
Besides, Lindsay doesn't have the force of presence that Quinn has. When Quinn walks in and says she's going to get a warrant to make Reed give up the identity of his source (or something similar, I don't remember the exact details), you believe without a doubt that she can and will do that. When Lindsay stands there and tries to be forceful, it just comes across like a kid trying to hang out with the older kids by acting tough. You might have the gun and badge, sweetheart, but you don't have the presence to go along with them.
Stella could intimidate me, Flack could intimidate me, Mac could definitely intimidate me, Danny could if he was in the mood for it (although his empathy sets him apart), Hawkes can be pretty tough despite being a big ole softie (although his strength lies in being smart, sensitive and sympathetic with a little bit of badass on the side

)--what about Lindsay? She talks the talk, but she doesn't quite walk the walk. She doesn't have the empathy Danny has to round her out, so I really just don't know where she stands (or what her strength as a character is supposed to be). She's awkward, but we're not supposed to see it that way. We're supposed to see Adam as the socially awkward one (they even put the words into
Lindsay's mouth, of all people--how ironic), and while he is outwardly awkward, he's got a softness and he really tries to make the connection despite that (several scenes with Stella immediately come to mind).
Lindsay as a character isn't fully fleshed out even after 3 seasons, and Anna's acting doesn't bring anything to the table to make up for what the character is lacking.
(Oops, uh, rambling post is rambling.
