Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

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It definitely makes Lindsay look like a twit, but just about everything she does makes her look like a twit, so... :lol:

But I see your point, especially with regards to Stella. I hate how the franchise undercuts strong women--definitely one of my pet peeves.
I'm rather confused. Why is Lindsay's behaviour supposedly setting women back? That statement gives Lindsay rather more credit than I personally would usually attribute to her. Lindsay may be behaving rather oddly, and whilst I believe that her continual refusal to have a talk with Danny or to give him any indication of when she will stop behaving so immaturely definitely paints her in a negative and somewhat ridiculous light, I'm not sure what part of that sets women back in general? Unless I'm missing something, or we are all in fact poorly conceived and badly written characters acted in an unconvincing manner.

Men have enough preconceptions of women without having more fuel for certain ones - that women are manipulative and not to be trusted - thrown at them on the TV. That is the way in which I see it anyways.

PerfectAnomaly said:
It's kinda like how Stella can be portrayed as so strong and awesome, yet her taste in men has to absolutely suck.

I get that every character has to have a flaw, but the fact that they undercut women in TV with really obvious stereotypical flaws really annoys me.
So, if Lindsay goes running to Danny's then she's setting women back 30 years, yet if she doesn't then she's a manipulative bitch? I'm not sure I understand. :confused:

As for her running to the subway, she could be going to Danny's or she could have just been called into work.
So, if Lindsay goes running to Danny's then she's setting women back 30 years, yet if she doesn't then she's a manipulative bitch? I'm not sure I understand. :confused:

As for her running to the subway, she could be going to Danny's or she could have just been called into work.

I said being portrayed as a manipulative bitch set women back - mainly as it alludes to a stereotype of independent women only being able to get what they want in life that way. Women do not have to be bitches to be successful in anything. And I'd think this would be counter-productive in a relationship.

I wouldn't want her to go running to Danny, because that would also be a stereotype to counter the intelligent, strong character she's supposed to be. And not least because I just wish they'd stop with the romance, because it's obvious that this writing staff - much like that of another show I watch - cannot write long-term romance for shit.
So, if Lindsay goes running to Danny's then she's setting women back 30 years, yet if she doesn't then she's a manipulative bitch? I'm not sure I understand. :confused:

As for her running to the subway, she could be going to Danny's or she could have just been called into work.

I said being portrayed as a manipulative bitch set women back - mainly as it alludes to a stereotype of independent women only being able to get what they want in life that way. Women do not have to be bitches to be successful in anything. And I'd think this would be counter-productive in a relationship.

Agreed origin...Lindsay is the kind of woman most women do not want to be around, she is completely reliant on a man for validation. When Danny stops paying attention to deal with his own life she goes all out eighth grade on him confesses her "wuv" just to get back his attention. I do not know aboutanyone else but I played these kinds of games in high school of keeping guys interested by making them feel guilty one way or another. Lindsey's character is immature and I really think the character is taking away from otherwise good show.

Oh and thank you for the warm welcome...Kimmy that is exactly what I was getting at talking about GG...it's scary to think their are people out their who think Lindsay's behavior is normal.
Hey everyone,

After watching some of the sneak peaks of 4x19 I couldnt resist adding to this thread...
It seems to me that Lindsay has NO IDEA who Danny is, or what makes him tick so to speak... IMO Danny trying to talk to Lindsay in the lab and again when he called her was Danny taking a big gamble... I know Danny seems to like situations where he gets hurt, but it seems Danny also likes to be the 'strong' person in a relationship. When he tried to talk to Lindsay he seemed to be really putting himself out there, making himself vunerable, and Lindsay just didnt get it!!! :scream: AND whats more, not only did she not get it, she then started talking about herself again...Talk about self involved!!!:wtf:
So, if Lindsay goes running to Danny's then she's setting women back 30 years, yet if she doesn't then she's a manipulative bitch? I'm not sure I understand. :confused:

As for her running to the subway, she could be going to Danny's or she could have just been called into work.

I said being portrayed as a manipulative bitch set women back - mainly as it alludes to a stereotype of independent women only being able to get what they want in life that way. Women do not have to be bitches to be successful in anything. And I'd think this would be counter-productive in a relationship.

I wouldn't want her to go running to Danny, because that would also be a stereotype to counter the intelligent, strong character she's supposed to be. And not least because I just wish they'd stop with the romance, because it's obvious that this writing staff - much like that of another show I watch - cannot write long-term romance for shit.

Ahh, right. Agreed on both counts. :)
Top41 said:
Danny smiled because Danny's a damaged character who doesn't expect anything better than to be treated like shit. I think that's Lindsay's number one draw for him--he seemed totally uninterested in her when she was being nice to him. But the moment she starts treating him like crap, he goes back for more. Her saying, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to love you?" affirms everything that Danny has ever thought about himself, most specifically that he doesn't really deserve to be loved or treated well.
Agreed 110%. Hence, emotional manipulation, and Danny falling straight into the trap.

PerfectAnomaly said:
What I meant when I said she was setting women back 30 years was that she seems to me to not be able to survive without a boyfriend even if he treats her badly.
The incredibly stereotypical BS that a woman is only 'complete' when she has a man in her life? Oh yeah, that'll set women back, alright. :mad: Even worse that it's a supposedly professional working woman who's flaunting this stereotype on the show. And ya wanna talk stupid stereotypes, don't even get me started on the whole, "I'm from Montana! I walk in the rain! You wouldn't understand," tripe. It was bloody condenscending.

origin-nknwn said:
I wouldn't want her to go running to Danny, because that would also be a stereotype to counter the intelligent, strong character she's supposed to be. And not least because I just wish they'd stop with the romance, because it's obvious that this writing staff - much like that of another show I watch - cannot write long-term romance for shit.
I agree with intelligent, when it comes to her work anyway. :lol: But strong? I'm afraid I must disagree a lot with that, if her behavior since her joining the show is anything to go by.

Love the emphasis on supposed. ;) :lol:

PalmettoHunna said:
Oh and thank you for the warm welcome...Kimmy that is exactly what I was getting at talking about GG...it's scary to think their are people out their who think Lindsay's behavior is normal.
I know. What's even more scary to me how people so easily mistake their thoughts for the character's, as if they believe they are the character. No, viewer =/= character, TV show story plot =/= your life, TPTB =/= here only to cater to your shallow fantasies, and if anyone even thinks that, boy, you've got more way more problems to deal with than a terrible fauxmance on a TV show.
origin-nknwn said:
I wouldn't want her to go running to Danny, because that would also be a stereotype to counter the intelligent, strong character she's supposed to be. And not least because I just wish they'd stop with the romance, because it's obvious that this writing staff - much like that of another show I watch - cannot write long-term romance for shit.
I agree with intelligent, when it comes to her work anyway. :lol: But strong? I'm afraid I must disagree a lot with that, if her behavior since her joining the show is anything to go by.

Note in bold and underlined... ;)
I was thinking about it the other day and the character seems to be ill conceived...maybe the writers decided that one gun wielding bad ass woman was enough for the show and decided to create a Lindsay to say yes sometimes the CSI women can be vulnerable. Unfortunately unlike Catherine Willows Lindsay is not only poorly written at times they did not find a Marg Helgenberger/Melina Kanakaredes amount of talent in Anna Belknap, because tough and vulnerable is really hard to play without the actress coming out wishy-washy.
I was thinking about it the other day and the character seems to be ill conceived...maybe the writers decided that one gun wielding bad ass woman was enough for the show and decided to create a Lindsay to say yes sometimes the CSI women can be vulnerable. Unfortunately unlike Catherine Willows Lindsay is not only poorly written at times they did not find a Marg Helgenberger/Melina Kanakaredes amount of talent in Anna Belknap, because tough and vulnerable is really hard to play without the actress coming out wishy-washy.

Many people have mentioned liking Lindsay because she is "different" than the other CSIs, and I do agree with them there, she is different. However, like you said, if the writers felt they had to create a woman character who wasn't the run of the mill tough as nails woman on the police force, they definately didn't do it in a way that made her admirable. The writing, coupled with an actress that can't seem to get a hold on her character, does make Lindsay "wishy washy".

I also find it hard to believe that if they simply wanted a character who was the opposite in toughness to Stella, that they didn't have that point in mind throughout the show. At first, Lindsay is the tough girl from Montana, tackling suspects into cars, and alot of fans seemed to like her or at least be more open to her there-I know I was. My question is, why mess with what was working with her character? I could have lived with the rough and tumble tomboy Lindsay...but the one we've come to know now isn't even a shadow of what the writers could have done.
And to whoever (is too lazy to go find it) said that it would hurt Anna's feelings if she ever read the reviews she's an actress, if she can't hack it, she's in the wrong business. I've gotten some horrid reviews in the past, never did me any harm. I'm sure she's a big enough girl to handle herself.

Thank you...like I said before she is big girl with big girl underwear making way more money than most people in the US...she will be fine.

In regards to Anna's acting ability I have never seen her on stage, but she has won awards for her theater work. She may just be an actress who does well on stage and not on screen their are many actors/actresses that are like this. Not everyone is a Gary Sinise/ William Petersen, and I suspect this is true because she has good inflection in her voice and usually good body language. Her problem rest in the fact that her face often looks blank in closeups not a problem on stage because the audience is not 3 feet in front of you. On camera the audience is up close and personal so achieving the balance and making performances look believable can be difficult.

If your face does not match what your saying the no amount of depth and inflection in your voice can save the performance.

I put this on the Kristine's reviews thread didnot want to retype the concept. This personally how I feel abour Anna Belknap/her acting/the character of Lindsay.
cSiNyFrEaK30 said:
My question is, why mess with what was working with her character? I could have lived with the rough and tumble tomboy Lindsay...but the one we've come to know now isn't even a shadow of what the writers could have done.

I am reminded of Anna Belknap's interview where she went to the writers to ask what was up with Lindsay's character in season three. They told her something along the lines of, "Oh, it's just drama. We gotta write it in to make things exciting."

It's very possible TPTB initially wanted Lindsay to be the tough, tomboy country girl and also have this Big Dark Secret ... but it's also possible Anna Belknap's limited acting ability drove them to changing Lindsay's character to suit Belknap. The writers have done the same thing to other characters, in particular Danny, and even Mac on occasion.
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