"Why is it happening to me?" - D/L FanFic

yeah, yeah, i know ;).
here's an update

Danny woke up at 5:30 am. He looked at Lindsay and had to smile immediately. If the night before had been great, the last had been wonderful. To Danny it seemed like the best experience he ever made. He had never seen a woman doing the things Lindsay had done the last night and if it could be possible, then Danny was more in love with Lindsay then before.
“Why do you smile, Messer?” Lindsay asked when she saw Danny’s face.
“Because of you” He said and kissed her on the forehead. “You really gave me the best night of my life.”
Now it was Lindsay’s turn to smile. “That was my aim.”
“We should hurry up a bit. I have to tidy up the kitchen and we haven’t packed up yet.” He said and got up. “You want to take a shower first?”
“Yeah, okay. You finish the kitchen then?”
“I do” He agreed and left the room. When Danny had finished the kitchen, he went into the bathroom. In that time Lindsay packed up some things for Danny and herself. At 6:30 they headed off to the airport.

Because of an incident with a tourist, the plane had taken off later than it had been scheduled. So Danny and Lindsay landed at about 5:45 pm. The two of them got off the plane, took their bags and looked for a cab.
“What do you think, should we get changed before we meet your parents?” Danny asked.
“Yeah, we can leave our stuff there, get fresh and go to my parents’ house” She answered and stopped a cab. They sat down and Lindsay told the driver the address of her friends’ house. The ride passed silently and 20 minutes later, Lindsay and Danny stood in front of their home on account.

The door was opened and a small woman walked towards them. She wore jeans and a bright red t-shirt. Her eyes were of an unbelievable blue and her short blond hair was styled in a crazy way. Danny thought that she must be around Lindsay’s age.
“Hey, Linds” She said excited and gave Lindsay a giant hug.
“Rach! You look great. And this hair” Lindsay said and went through her hair.
“Hey, you destroy the work of two hours!” She laughed. “So, you tell me who that handsome cowboy is?”
“Of course. That’s my boyfriend. Danny Messer.” Lindsay said and turned to Danny. “Danny, that’s my friend Rachel”
Danny shook her hand and greeted her with a briefly “Hey”.
“I think you want to get your stuff into the house, don’t you? Here’s the key. Everything works and the fridge is filled.”
“You’re great. Thank you a lot.”
“No problem. So if you need anything, let me know, okay? John and I moved in a house down the road. The last one on the left side.” Rachel explained.
“You have to show me sometime, okay? And I hope I can see John as well.”
“You will. You two have to come over to dinner.”
“Of course. But don’t be angry. I need to take a shower. We want to meet my parents later.”
“It’s okay. We talk later, okay?” She said to Lindsay and hugged her again.
Lindsay walked towards the house and Rachel stopped beside Danny.
She whispered, “Don’t be afraid. Mike and Liz are great.” Then she left the courtyard and walked down the road.
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Lindsay asked when she saw Danny while leaving the bathroom. “What did Rach say to you?”
“Oh, nothing” Danny answered, not really wanting to tell her.
“Come on. Couldn’t be that bad.”
“Are you jealous?” Danny asked and smiled in order to show that this was not too serious.
“No, I’m not. And if you don’t want to tell me, it’s okay.”
“Hey, she just said that I don’t have to be afraid of meeting Tony and Liz, okay?”
“She did what?” Lindsay asked and laughed. “That’s typical Rach. But she’s right. My parents are okay.”
“Just okay? Perhaps I should stay here during you go and visit your parents” Danny said with a huge smile on his face.
“Hey, calm down, sweetie. It’ll be great. Okay, you’re the first man I bring home, but…”
“Wow, I’m a lucky dog.”
“Danny please. It’s gonna be fun. Just behave yourself and everything will be alright” Lindsay said and with a smile she tried to lighten up the situation.
“Please don’t get me wrong. I’m really happy that you asked me to meet your parents but I’m also scared, Lindsay. It’s the first time I meet a girlfriend’s parents.”
“Hey you don’t have to” Lindsay encouraged Danny and hugged him.
“Thank you” Danny said and kissed Lindsay. ”I take a shower and then we can head off, okay?”
“Yeah, I put our clothes in the wardrobe in that time”

Danny grabbed some things and went into the bathroom. Lindsay stepped into their bedroom and unpacked their trunks. She had to admit that she was a little nervous, too. Her parents had not been that lucky about her moving to New York. It would be the first time they see each other after her leaving. And it would be with a man this time. Lindsay loved Danny but that was not a guarantee that her parents would like him as well. Lindsay could only hope that Tony and Liz would not have a bad day, but of course Lindsay would never tell Danny. It would only rattle him.
Lindsay was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t noticed Danny coming into the room. He poked her into the rips and Lindsay shouted “Hey, what the hell…” Then she turned around.
“Damn, you scared me.”
“What … no, who did you think of that you didn’t hear me coming in?”
“I thought of a damn good-looking guy from New York. He’s a detective and really smart.”
“Do I know him?” Danny asked, playing the game with her.
“Well, I would worry if not.” Lindsay answered and hugged him. “You should go to a psychologist if he’s a stranger to you.”
“Everything’s fine with me. But if you want to check on me…”
“You provoke me? Be aware that I will. Not now, but I will.” Lindsay grinned.
“Can’t wait for that” Danny said. “Are you ready?”
“We can go when you’re ready.” Lindsay said to him.
“I am. We take a cab?” Danny asked.
“We can walk. We just need 10 minutes, I think. Or does all the fresh air kill you?”
“Hey, I would have never thought of that, but I like it here. I’d love to walk. I want to see a bit of the area.”
“Fine, let’s go then” Lindsay said and grabbed her coat. Danny waited for her to step out and then he closed the door behind him.
I put in your little wish ;)


Danny held Lindsay's hand when they walked down a road between two wheat fields. The sun shone and the air was pleasantly fresh.
"It's beautiful here, Lindsay"
"It definitely is"
"It's so quiet and peaceful" Danny was impressed.
"Is it really you saying that?" Lindsay couldn't believe it.
"Yeah, it's me. I think living here would be too boring, but staying here for some days..."
"I love you"
"No, I love you." Danny said and put his arm around her.
"Don't say that too early, cowboy. You ever sat on a horse?"
"Are you kidding?"
"No, I'm not. I want to go on a ride with you."
"You want what? I can't"
"Sure you can, Danny. Come on, you can try at least."
"For you I'll do anything, you know that. But riding a horse?!"
"Danny, please. It would be great. Riding through the fields and the forest. Then a small picnic at the lake and go home again."
""I'll think about that, okay?"
"I would be really happy."
"I know honey" Danny said and kissed her. " So, are there any things I have to take care of when I'm with your parents?"
""Like I said. Just behave yourself and don't talk about old loves of yours, okay?"
"That's all?" Danny asked surprised.
"Yeah, almost. Don't try to flirt with my mum. And please don't get me wrong, okay? But can you hold back some of your family stories?"
"You mean the mafia stuff, right?" Danny asked. “I think it’s better to be honest. Okay, I won’t tell voluntarily, but I won’t lie either.”
“Yeah, I understand and you’re right. They have to accept that. It doesn’t make a bad guy out of you.”
“”Great that you agree. Well, when do we arrive?”
“We’re nearly there. It’s the dark red house over there, at the edge of the forest.”
“It’s a wonderful house to live in. Not now, perhaps when you’re older.”
“”Wow our city-boy is in love with the nature. You’d really want to live here?”
“Perhaps… When I am 70. But we’ll have a lot of time ‘till then.”
“Would be fun. Grandma and grandpa in the forest.” Lindsay laughed. “Let’s do it step by step, okay? And my parents are a big step.”
“Okay, let’s get through this.” Danny said with a smile.
Lindsay squeezed his hand in order to take his fears away. She had fears herself but hoped that her parents would be nice to Danny. In case they wouldn’t Lindsay would leave immediately. It was important to her what her parents think of Danny, but it didn’t mean everything. Danny meant everything to her and Lindsay would fight for him if it would be necessary.
The two of them stopped in front of the door. Lindsay used the doorbell and her heart started to beat faster. The same did Danny’s. This was the moment he would meet his possible parents in law.
Some new stuff for you guys! :)

A woman in her late fifties opened the door. Her blond hair lay on her shoulder and in her eyes she had little tears. “Darling” She called and took Lindsay in her arms. Lindsay reciprocated the hug and after some seconds they released each other.
“Mum, this is Danny Messer, my boyfriend” Lindsay introduced him.
Danny took Mrs. Monroe’s hand and smiled softly. “I am very glad to meet you, Mrs. Monroe.”
“The pleasure’s on my side, Mr. Messer”
“Please, say Danny” Danny tried to break the ice.
“Okay, then. Please come in you two.” Lindsay’s mother said.
Danny followed Lindsay and her mother through the small hall into the living-room. It was a cosy room with comfortable furniture and it spread a lovely atmosphere.
“Sit down, please. Can I get you something to drink?”
“I’d like a water” Danny said and Lindsay took the same. Liz left the room and Lindsay took the chance to ask Danny about his first impression.
“So what do you think, sweetie?”
It’s great. I’m really impressed by all this. I wish I could have had a home like this. And your mum. She’s great. Now I know where you got your wonderful character from.”
“I told that everything would be fine. I just wonder where Dad is. I thought he would be the first who interrogates you.”
“Seems like you were wrong”
“Yeah” Lindsay agreed and when her mum came back, she asked, “Mum, you know where Dad is?”
“He’s stuck at the office. He’s very sorry and he comes as soon as he finished all his stuff.”
“Oh, that’s a pity. Good that we stay longer.”
“Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” Liz assured. “So tell me, how are things going in New York?”
“Everything’s good. And this man here is the reason for that” Lindsay said and put her hand on Danny’s knee.
“You’re the man who makes my daughter happy. You’re a native New Yorker, Danny?”
“Yes, I am. I grew up on Staten Island and still live there.” Danny told her.
“So all this here must be strange for you. All the wheat fields and the mountains.”
“Believe it or not, but I really like it. It’s so peaceful an d quiet. I never thought I would ever say that, but it’s true.” Danny explained.
“Oh, yes. It really is. This is a place to become old.”
“Guess what Danny said, mum. He could imagine to live here when he’s about 70” Lindsay said laughing.
“Please, don’t get me wrong, Mrs. Monroe. It’s really nice here, but I need some ‘action’ around me”
“I understand and I don’t blame you for that. Imagine we all would like the same place. Would be terrible.”
“You’re right. Have you ever been to New York?” He asked.
“No, I haven’t, but I’d really like to. I’d want to see what Lindsay likes about this crowded place.”
“It’s more a special cop I like.” Lindsay grinned.
“You’re always welcome. We’d be really glad to show you New York. Right Lindsay?”
“Of course. Mum, you can always come and visit us. And Dad as well.” Lindsay agreed.
“You’re Dad?” Liz asked. “Do you really think he would set a food into New York? Remember what he said when you told him about your plans”
“Yeah, but I hope he’ll come someday. I want to show him how life is in New York” Lindsay said.
“He will, believe me. And if he won’t, I force him to” Liz said and smiled.
The three of them sat silently for a moment when Lindsay suddenly said “Damn it. I forgot your present.”
“You brought us something?” Liz asked surprised.
“Of course we did. I go and pick it up. It just takes some minutes”
“You don’t have to. We see you again before you leave, don’t we?”
“Really, I’m back in 20 minutes. If don’t give it to you today, I’ll forget it again. You know how I am.”
“Okay, if you’d like to and perhaps your father is back ‘till then”
“I hope so. I’m here to visit my parents, not only my mum.” Lindsay said and to Danny, “Danny, you’re fine with this?”
“Of course I am. I have some really nice company” He answered and smiled at Liz.
“Behave yourself, cowboy” She said and left the room. Danny wouldn’t have thought that he would be alone with Lindsay’s mum at the first day, but he wasn’t as nervous as before. And Danny thought Liz was thinking in a positive way about him. He had a special topic in mind, but wasn’t totally sure to mention it. Danny decided to wait and took another topic.
“So, how’s life here in Bozeman?” Danny asked and knew that this must seem to Liz like he didn’t have anything other to say.
“Well, we live a bit outside, not really in Bozeman, but Bozeman is a nice small town of about 35.000 people. Of course, it’s not New York, but it’s never boring here – hard to imagine, I know. And here in the suburb, 20 km away, it is just beautiful. All this nature and the helpful neighbours. Hard to imagine for you, right?”
“Yeah, it is. But I believe you. My own impression is really positive, although I’d never thought that.”
“You’re an honest man, Danny. I appreciate that” Liz said.
“I try my best. I don’t like lie. They always come out some time”
“That’s right. So you want to tell me about your family?” Liz asked.
“If you want me to, I will.” Danny said and started his story. Although he had promised to leave out the mafia stuff, Danny decided to tell almost everything. He wanted to be honest to Liz and hoped that she would still accept him as a possible son in law. And perhaps he could bring up the other topic after that.
“Wow, you had a pretty hard childhood”
“Yeah, that’s why I wanted to change my life. From the hospital directly to the police academy. I never regretted it. Especially not now that I got to know Lindsay because of my job.”
”I’m so happy Lindsay found you. You’re a really good man.”
“Thank you, Mrs Monroe.” Danny said and thought that this was the moment. “There’s something I’d like to talk about”
“I wonder what that could be, but go ahead, Danny”
“Okay. At first you have to know that I’m really in love with your daughter. She’s the best that could have ever happened to me. That’s why I’d like to ask you for the permission to propose to Lindsay”
Danny took a deep breath. He had done it and now there was no way back. But he was happy at the same time. It looked like Liz wasn’t that appalled about his question. It was possible that she would say ‘yes’.
“Oh, that’s cute. You really ask for my permission?” Liz smiled.
“I do, Mrs Monroe. I really do.”
“Well, I don’t know what my husband might say. I think he should be involved in this. But I’d really like to see you to being wife and husband. You’d be a great husband to my daughter.”
“Thank you and I do understand you. Your husband should decide as well. You’re right.” Danny agreed. “Please, don’t tell Lindsay about this. I want to surprise her.” Danny added.
“I won’t. I promise” She said “Can I get you anything else to drink, Danny?”
”No, thanks. But can you please tell me where I find the toilet?” Danny asked and Liz told he the way.
He followed Liz’ description and entered the bathroom. When he came back, he saw Lindsay who had just arrived.
“Hey, you’re back.” He said and kissed her.
“”Yeah, I heard you two had a great discussion”
“We did, indeed” Danny said and looked at Liz. She nodded and Danny knew she had made up something. She helped him out of the situation.
“We discussed some political stuff, you know? What would be different if JFK hadn’t been shot in 1963?”
“Really? Oh man. I leave you alone for about 20 minutes and you two start a complicated discussion like that”
“Well, we had fun with this. And we didn’t go at each other. Everything’s fine.” Danny said and smiled at Lindsay, although he hated to lie to her. But he had a damn good reason to do so and Lindsay would understand.
“I knew you could behave yourself, cowboy” Lindsay said with a smile. She sat down next to Danny and pulled out the present she had forgotten before.
“So here’s the special present” She said and gave it to her mum.
“Thank you, but don’t blame me. I’ll wait ‘till your father is back and unpack it then, okay?”
“It’s okay.” Lindsay agreed.
“That’s like Christmas. When my brother Louie and I were kids, we always had to wait until the whole family had been at home. Just then we had been allowed to go at the presents.” Danny told.
“Really? Didn’t think Christmas had been that harmonic in your family.” Lindsay said.
“It hadn’t, but we shouldn’t discuss that now” Danny said.
“Would you please excuse me? The kitchen is calling. I’ll prepare our dinner.”
“No problem, mum. Danny and I go for a walk. We’re back in about an hour. Is that okay?”
“That’s perfect.” Liz said.
Danny and Lindsay stood up and left the house. They walked towards the forest and Danny knew he had to tell Lindsay that he hadn’t left out the mafia stuff because Danny had sworn to himself to be honest no matter what the consequences might be. He knew that she wouldn’t leave him right away, but it could be possible that she’d get really angry. To Danny it was important that Lindsay knew what he had told her mother.
As they walked along a small path between the trees, Danny put is arm around her Lindsay’s waist.
“Honey, I have to talk to you” Danny began.
“Sweetie, what did you do?” Lindsay asked.
“Hey, it’s nothing really bad” Danny said. “Well, I was honest, really honest to your mum. She asked me to tell her about myself and I decided to tell almost everything, including the Tanglewood things. I had to, Lindsay. Please you have to understand. I couldn’t build up a relationship by lying to her.” Danny explained.
“Hey, it’s okay” She replied and patted his back. “You don’t have to blame yourself. I admirer your courage, sweetie.”
“Thank you, but I’m a bit scared what your dad will say.”
“Och, you don’t have to. You’ll see when we’re back. He will welcome you and all your fears are blown away. He isn’t as bad as you might think. Really” Lindsay explained.
“Can’t wait this to happen” Danny said.
“”Hey, it will be fine” Lindsay said and they walked arms around each other’s waist, farther through the forest.

An hour later, Lindsay and Danny returned t her parents’ house. Now, they could see a car standing in front of the garage. Lindsay’s father was back home.